English Language 1
Code 008LL
Credits 9
Learning outcomes
The course is made up of two parts: a thematic course given by the lecturers and a “lettorato” (language practice) taught by English speaking instructors (CELs). Both the course and the language practice aim at bringing the students to the B2 (independent user) level of proficiency in English, which, according to the CEFRL, implies that they can understand extended speech and lectures and follow even complex lines of argument; read and understand argumentative texts that deal with current affairs as well as literary texts; they can write clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects reporting, passing on information or supporting a particular point of view; they can interact with a degree of fluency, spontaneity and accuracy in the foreign language and present clear, detailed descriptions of a wide range of subjects and concepts, including the topics of the lecturers’ course, and support their opinions.