Electric and hybrid vehicles

Code 662II
Credits 12

Learning outcomes

The course consists of the following two modules: "On-board electric systems" and "Electric propulsion".

On-board electric Systems.
Purpose of the course is to give students a basic overview of the electric power systems which are found on board vehicles, either conventional (based on Internal-Combustion Engines), or with electric or hybrid propulsion.
The course will also be useful to learn electronic converters and electric drives structure and operation.

Electric Propulsion
Purpose of the course is to give students the ability to comprehend and analyse electric and hybrid vehicles, to evaluate their competitiveness, understand which architecture they may have, as well as how to operate them and manage their on-board energy. It includes description of Railway Electric Traction Systems, and basic knowledge on Naval electric Propulsion.

A complete description of both modules is available on http://esami.unipi.it. Select English, connect to Syllabi, search Teacher Ceraolo, then select Electric and Hybrid Vehicles for Vehicle Engineering.