General and Molecular Virology

Code 310FF
Credits 6

Learning outcomes

The teaching course aims to: 1. Describe the molecular and biological mechanisms of viral replication, persistence of viruses into cells, and the fate of the infected cell; 2. Analyze the cellular pathways of resistance to infection and elimination of the virus; 3. Describe routes of transmission and portal of entry of viruses into the host, the infectious process and the pathogenetic mechanisms causing disease; 4. Examine the host factors influencing resistance and susceptibility to infections and modulating the course of disease; 5. Illustrate principles and strategies of antiviral therapy and vaccination.
Following these basic notions, the course provides insights on molecular and pathogenetic mechanisms of medically important viruses and of viruses used in biotechnology, drug development and gene therapy. It will be then examined principles and approaches to design and construct viral vectors, and their usefulness, limitations, and applications in the molecular and personalized medicine.