Code 370EE
Credits 3

Learning outcomes

Botanic Gardens, holding important living plant collections, are scientific institutions especially suited for programmes of popularisation of scientific culture.
This course aims to provide the students with the theorical and practical bases for the design and implementation of scientific popularisation in Botanic Gardens, with emphasis on guided visits for school classes, organised groups and generic visitors.
The course is structured in a theorical part, including two 3-hrs front lessons – one in the campus, one in an external location – and two visits to Tuscan Botanic Gardens, and in a practical part: this consists in a 7-day stay in a Botanic Garden partner to the Department of Biology. During their stay, the students are committed to lead guided visits, to take care of interpretation signs, and to maintain exhibition layouts.
After the stay, students are required to write a report, following the enclosed guide lines, of their experience as botanic garden guides. The report will be evaluated by the examining commission.
The acquired competences can be employed in agencies specialised in museum services