
Code 537GG
Credits 6

Learning outcomes

1) providing in-depth knowledge on ecological principles, ecophysiological dynamics, technical aspects and agri-environmental (e.g., carbon and nutrient cycle) and socio-economic (e.g., profitability and animal health) performances of agroecological systems based on the diversification of productions at farm level, with particular reference to mixed farms, polycultural and agroforestry systems with different degrees of integration between crops, livestock and trees (agro-pastoral, sylvo-pastoral, agro-forestry and agro-sylvo-pastoral systems); 2) provide knowledge on regional, national and international regulations and promotions on mixed and agroforestry systems; 3) develop critical skills and specific knowledge for designing and evaluating mixed agricultural systems based on multi-criteria assessment of environmental, economic and social sustainability, resilience, and delivered ecosystem services, considering the effects of mixed systems on productivity of crops and livestock and on product quality and within the framework of the sustainable development goals and climate change mitigation/adaptation.