Statistics and demoghaphics

Code -
Credits 12

Learning outcomes

Statistics for social work: Aim of the course is introducing students to statistical literacy, i.e. the ability to correctly understand and use data and statistical information. Nowadays statistical thinking is as necessary for efficient citizenship as the ability to read and write. A knowledge of basic statistical methods is useful in all work activities that require expertise in processing, management, analysis and interpretation of data relating to economic phenomena, business and social, in both the public and private sectors.

The course supplies an introduction to the main methods and basic tools for a quantitative study of collective phenomena, with the double objective of
a) Developing interpretation ability and critical skills for evaluating statistical information (reading and understanding of articles on magazines and/or specialized publications),
b) Making students able to produce and analyse statistical data.

Demoghaphic Methods for Social Workers: The corse is devoted to introduce demographic issues and to make studente able tu use the basic tools of quantitative demography in social field of interest or in local development Sector.