Ecology Of Socio-Economic Systems

Code 314QQ
Credits 6

Learning outcomes

The course offers a theoretical-methodological pathway on the ecology of complex socio-economic systems: namely, economic models, work and welfare. The student who successfully completes the course will be able to show a basic knowledge of the ecological assumptions of how such systems work as well as some methodological tools for understanding and accompanying ecological transition processes.
Key topics will be:
- overcoming human-nature and mind-body dualism in the social sciences;
- overcoming reductionist, technocratic and economicist views in the analysis of ecological problems and strategies for ecological transition;
- developing an ecological perspective through some assumptions in economic sociology, social ecological economics, complexity science as well as from the pragamtic-systemic approaches in field research.
Students will follow a three-part path: (1) the first part regards the theoretical approaches for reconnecting society, the economy and the environment; (2) the second one is about the systemic action-research methods as a tool for inquiry and participatory social intervention on sustainability issues ; (3) the third part include some practical applications in which students can choose between some thematic focus, based on several heterodox approaches on economy, society and environment. E.g.:
- Sustainable welfare and eco-social policies;
- Labor transformations in the ecological transition;
- Possibilities and limits of the circular economy;
- Participation and conflicts in ecological transition;
- The role of mental constructs (emotions, norms and values) in economic relationships and human adaptation.