Microscopic observations of human tissues
Code 277EE
Credits 3
Learning outcomes
Biological specimen fixation. Embedding methods. Cryostatic sections. Staining basic techniques in histology. Rudiments of histochemistry: staining of the constituents of tissues: PAS and methacromatic methods, liposoluble and vital stains. Principles and main applications of enzyme histochemistry. Immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, immunocytochemistry. Monoclonal antibodies and their application in histology. In situ hybridization, in situ PCR: rudiments and primary application in morphological studies. Notes about histoautoradiographic techniques. The main types of light microscope: resolution power, measurement units in histology. Electron microscopy application of histochemistry and immunohistochemistry. Transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Application of histochemistry and immunohistochemistry to in vitro cultured cells and tissues. The laboratory for cell cultivation: instruments, use of cell culture in the morphological studies.
Laboratory: light microscopic observation and identification of histological samples of human tissues processed by histological and histochemical methods: surface epithelia, glandular epithelia, connective tissue, cartilage tissue, bone tissue, blood, nervous tissue, muscular tissue). Visit of electron microscopy laboratories and instruments description.
Laboratory: light microscopic observation and identification of histological samples of human tissues processed by histological and histochemical methods: surface epithelia, glandular epithelia, connective tissue, cartilage tissue, bone tissue, blood, nervous tissue, muscular tissue). Visit of electron microscopy laboratories and instruments description.