Promotion of psychosocial well-being in the helping professions

Code -
Credits 6

Learning outcomes

The course aims to provide students with the basic theoretical, methodological, and applicative knowledge of the Social Psychology of Well-being and Health Promotion, with particular reference to the contexts and communities of the helping professions. Following a "bio-psycho-social" perspective, particular attention will be devoted to an in-depth study of "salutogenic" theories and models, which have found ample space and application in the most recent scientific literature concerning the study of factors that contribute to the promotion and maintenance of psychological-social wellbeing in the helping professions. The course also aims to foster in students the ability to interpret personal and professional challenges in the field of professional interventions for the promotion of wellbeing that characterise the helping professions ("knowing how to be"), framing these phenomena and constructs from the point of view of the individual, of inter-personal and intergroup
relations, with a view to professional communities and organisations. The student will therefore be able to orientate himself/herself among the main psychological-social models and constructs of reference in the scientific literature and will have the opportunity to familiarise him/herself with appropriate intervention methods and tools ("know how"), concerning the promotion of wellbeing in helping contexts.