Group Psychology

Code -
Credits 6

Learning outcomes

The course is planned for the understanding of leading themes in the psychology of group, in the community.
For social groups and their constituent institutions, specific knowledge and analysis skills intended for the
design of interventions in the field of policies, social services and relational systems will be acquired. With
these aims, the reading of the interactive dynamics of individuals in groups, e.g., 'primary' (family), will also be
acquired in relation to conditions of recognition of the major and most frequent social problems. The student
will be able to extend the analysis of group dynamics also in (more "delimited") work, organisational and city
community contexts also under critical conditions linked to the dimension of Psychosocial Wellbeing. During
the course he/she will acquire skills on the research, study, and application of practical solutions through a
perspective of the most accredited small and large group management techniques. Focus will be given to
management processes that envisage team actions aimed at the empowerment of 'fragile' subjects in groups.