Sociology of work

Code -
Credits 6

Learning outcomes

Students who successfully complete the course will show a solid knowledge of the main assumptions and theoretical and research approaches within the discipline, as well as a discussion on some contents and specific objects. In particular, she/he should develop an adequate knowledge in terms of: - Principal theoretical and methodological assumptions in the study of economic, labour, and organisational processes
- Main approaches to the study of the transformations of work, its forms, and organisations, which have taken place from the second half of the 1900s to the present, with particular attention to the processes of neo-liberalisation, digitalisation and automation, the role of migrant labour and the feminisation of the labour market
- Articulation and interrelation of the main objects of study of the discipline: globalisation and transformation of production processes; labour policies; gender, care and socio-ecological reproduction; inequalities, poverty and exclusion; relationship between work environment and health; ecological transition; movements and conflicts.