Scheda programma d'esame
Academic year2018/19
PeriodSemester 1

Obiettivi di apprendimento
Learning outcomes

The course Political Participation and Social Movements will be taught in English by Prof. Massimiliano Andretta (23 hours)  and Dr. Grzegorz Piotrowski (20 hours).

Students will acquire the basic knowledge on the concepts, theories and research methods used in social movements and political participation literature. The class will give to the students detailed examples of empirical research on protest and non-conventional participation.


The course Political Participation and Social Movements will be taught in English by Prof. Massimiliano Andretta (23 hours)  and Dr. Grzegorz Piotrowski (20 hours).

Students will acquire the basic knowledge on the concepts, theories and research methods used in social movements and political participation literature. The class will give to the students detailed examples of empirical research on protest and non-conventional participation.

Modalità di verifica delle conoscenze

the assessment of the knowledge acquired by students will be done through an in-depth oral exam. For attending students only, the assessment will be done through an elaboration of a research paper on one of the issues of the class and a midterm oral or written examination 

Assessment criteria of knowledge

the assessment of the knowledge acquired by students will be done through an in-depth oral exam. For attending students only, the assessment will be done through an elaboration of a research paper on one of the issues of the class and a midterm oral or written examination 


At the end of the class, students will be able to elaborate a research project on political participation, by reconstructing the conceptual, theoretical and methodological tools necessary for its implementation.


At the end of the class, students will be able to elaborate a research project on political participation, by reconstructing the conceptual, theoretical and methodological tools necessary for its implemantation.

Modalità di verifica delle capacità

The assessment of the skills acquired by students will be done through an in-depth oral exam in each of the review sessions. For attending students only, the assessment will be done through an elaboration of a research paper on one of the issues of the class and a midterm oral or written examination . In the latter case, students will present their paper project during the class and will have a maximum of one year period to elaborate and implement the project.

Assessment criteria of skills

The assessment of the skills acquired by students will be done through an in-depth oral exam in each of the review sessions. For attending students only, the assessment will be done through an elaboration of a research paper on one of the issues of the class and a midterm oral or written examination . In the latter case, students will present their paper project during the class and will have a maximum of one year period to elaborate and implement the project.


students will acquire the necessary tools to develop and implement activities of data gathering and analysis in political participation, protest and social movements studies.






students will acquire the neccessary tools to develop and implement activities of data gathering and analysis in political participation, protest and social movements studies.


Modalità di verifica dei comportamenti

the assessment of such behaviours will be done through the oral examination taking place in each review session. For attending students only, the assessment will be done through an elaboration of a research paper on one of the issues of the class and a midterm oral or written examination .

Assessment criteria of behaviors

the assessment of such behaviours will be done through the oral examination taking place in each review session. For attending students only, the assessment will be done through an elaboration of a research paper on one of the issues of the class and a midterm oral or written examination .

Prerequisiti (conoscenze iniziali)

students should have maturated general knowledge and interest in the political systems, actors and organizations and, to be more precise, they should have attended a class on political science

Entry requirements: it is recommended that students have passed the exam “Political Science” and have a B2 English level.


students should have maturated general knowledge and interest in the political systems, actors and organizations and, to be more precise, they should have attended a class on political science

Entry requirements: it is recommended that students have passed the exam “Political Science” and have a B2 English level.

Indicazioni metodologiche

The course will be organized through taught classes with the help of conceptual slides, photos and videos. Classes will be given in English. In some classes researchers and experts will be invited to present their own research results. Office hours will be set for deepening and clarify the arguments of the classes


Teaching methods

The course will be organized through taught classes with the help of conceptual slides, photos and videos. Classes will be given in English. In some classes researchers and experts will be invited to present their own research results. Office hours will be set for deepening and clarify the arguments of the classes


Programma (contenuti dell'insegnamento)

The first part of the course covered by Dr Grzegorz Piotrowski is dedicated to social movements studies and to their several theoretical approach: Structural approaches, Historical Sociology, Sociological Intervention, Cultural approach, Historical and Contemporary Social Movements; Action Research, : Marxist theory;  Collective behaviour and collective action theory; Relative deprivation theory; Value added theory; Resource Mobilization; Frame Analysis, Theory; New Social Movements; and Virtual movements, clicktivism and hacktivism.

The second part of the course covered by Pro. Massimiliano Andretta, will introduce the basic concepts, theories and research methods elaborated in the political participation literature, with a specific focus on protest and social movements. We will analyse the concepts and theories of political participation, by distinguishing between the different actors of the political participation: political parties, movements, interest groups and association. Particularly, attention will be paid to the relations between those actors in the context of contemporary democracies. Moreover, we will analyse in details pieces of empirical research on social movements and protest, by emphasising the methods used in this research. 


The first part of the course covered by Dr Grzegorz Piotrowski is dedicated to social movements studies and to their several theoretical approach: Structural approaches, Historical Sociology, Sociological Intervention, Cultural approach, Historical and Contemporary Social Movements; Action Research, : Marxist theory;  Collective behaviour and collective action theory; Relative deprivation theory; Value added theory; Resource Mobilization; Frame Analysis, Theory; New Social Movements; and Virtual movements, clicktivism and hacktivism.

The second part of the course covered by Pro. Massimiliano Andretta, will introduce the basic concepts, theories and research methods elaborated in the political participation literature, with a specific focus on protest and social movements. We will analyse the concepts and theories of political participation, by distinguishing between the different actors of the political participation: political parties, movements, interest groups and association. Particularly, attention will be paid to the relations between those actors in the context of contemporary democracies. Moreover, we will analyse in details pieces of empirical research on social movements and protest, by emphasising the methods used in this research. 

Bibliografia e materiale didattico

Readings of the course and topics covered (20 hours) by Dr Grzegorz Piotrowski

 McAdam, D. (1986). Recruitment to high-risk activism: The case of freedom summer. American journal of sociology92(1), 64-90.

  Douglas McAdam, Conceptal origins, current problems, future directions, in: Douglas McAdam, John D. McCarthy, Mayer Y. Zald (ed.), Comparative perspectives on social movements. Political opportunities, mobilizing structures, and cultural framings (Cambridge studies in comparative politics), Cambridge 1999, pp. 23–40)

Tilly, C. (2007). Democracy. Cambridge University Press., Introduction pp. 1-24

Touraine, A. (1983). Solidarity: The analysis of a social movement: Poland, 1980-1981. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]; New York: Cambridge University Press; introduction

 Della Porta D. and Diani M. (2006), Social Movements: An Introduction. Palgrave: chapter 3, pp. 58-82

Williams, R. H. (2004). The cultural contexts of collective action: Constraints, opportunities, and the symbolic life of social movements. The Blackwell companion to social movements, 91-115.

  1. Schaefer Caniglia, J. Carmin, Caniglia, B., & Carmin, J. (2005). Scholarship on social movement organziations: Classic views and emerging trends. Mobilization: An International Quarterly10(2), 201-212.

Chase S. E., Chase, S. E. (2007). Multiple lenses, approaches, voices. Collecting and interpreting qualitative materials57(3), 651-679.

Della Porta D. and Diani M. (2006), Social Movements: An Introduction. Palgrave: chapter 1, pp. 1-23

Buechler S.M. (2008) The Strange Career of Strain and Breakdown Theories of Collective Action in: Snow, D. A., Soule, S. A., & Kriesi, H. (Eds.). The Blackwell companion to social movements. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 47-66

 McCarthy, J. D., & Zald, M. N. (1977). Resource mobilization and social movements: A partial theory. American journal of sociology82(6), 1212-1241.

Snow, D. A., & Benford, R. D. (1988). Ideology, frame resonance, and participant mobilization. International social movement research1(1), 197-217.

Snow, D., Soule, S., and Kriesi, H., Mapping the Terrain in: Snow, D. A., Soule, S. A., & Kriesi, H. (Eds.). (2008). The Blackwell companion to social movements. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 3-16

Rucht, D. (2008), Movement Allies, Adversaries and Third Parties in: Snow, D. A., Soule, S. A., & Kriesi, H. (Eds.). The Blackwell companion to social movements. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 197-216


Readings of the course  and topics covered by Prof. Massimiliano Andretta


Donatella della e Mario Diani, Social Movements: An Introduction, Blackwell, 2006

Massimiliano Andretta, Protest in Italy in times of crisis: a cross-government comparison, in “South European Society and Politics”, 2018, 23/1: 97-114.

Massimiliano Andretta e  Riccardo Guidi, Political consumerism and producerism in times of crisis. A social movement perspective? In “Partecipazione & Conflitto”, 10/1, 2017 246-274

Massimiliano Andretta, Transition Times in Memory, in Donatella della Porta, Massimiliano Andretta et al., Legacy and Memory in Movements: Justice and Democracy in Southern Europe, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018,  pp. 24-53.

Massimiliano Andretta and Elena Pavan, Mapping Protest on the Refugee Crisis: Insights from Online Protest Event Analysis, in Donatella della Porta (Ed.), Solidarity Mobilizations in the ‘Refugee Crisis’: Contentious Moves, London, Palgrave-McMillan, 2018.

Massimiliano Andretta e Donatella della Porta, Contentious precarious generation in anti-austerity movements in Spain and Italy, in “Revista OBETS”, 10/1, pp. 37-66.

Massimiliano Andretta e  Donatella della Porta, Dynamics of individual participation: surveying Italian protestors, in “Journal of Civil Society”, 10/4, pp. 373-392.

Gianni Piazza, Locally unwanted land use’ movements: the role of left-wing parties and groups in trans-territorial conflicts in Italy, in Modern Italy, 16:3, 2011, pp. 329-344.


Readings of the course and topics covered (20 hours) by Dr Grzegorz Piotrowski

 McAdam, D. (1986). Recruitment to high-risk activism: The case of freedom summer. American journal of sociology92(1), 64-90.

  Douglas McAdam, Conceptal origins, current problems, future directions, in: Douglas McAdam, John D. McCarthy, Mayer Y. Zald (ed.), Comparative perspectives on social movements. Political opportunities, mobilizing structures, and cultural framings (Cambridge studies in comparative politics), Cambridge 1999, pp. 23–40)

Tilly, C. (2007). Democracy. Cambridge University Press., Introduction pp. 1-24

Touraine, A. (1983). Solidarity: The analysis of a social movement: Poland, 1980-1981. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]; New York: Cambridge University Press; introduction

 Della Porta D. and Diani M. (2006), Social Movements: An Introduction. Palgrave: chapter 3, pp. 58-82

Williams, R. H. (2004). The cultural contexts of collective action: Constraints, opportunities, and the symbolic life of social movements. The Blackwell companion to social movements, 91-115.

  1. Schaefer Caniglia, J. Carmin, Caniglia, B., & Carmin, J. (2005). Scholarship on social movement organziations: Classic views and emerging trends. Mobilization: An International Quarterly10(2), 201-212.

Chase S. E., Chase, S. E. (2007). Multiple lenses, approaches, voices. Collecting and interpreting qualitative materials57(3), 651-679.

Della Porta D. and Diani M. (2006), Social Movements: An Introduction. Palgrave: chapter 1, pp. 1-23

Buechler S.M. (2008) The Strange Career of Strain and Breakdown Theories of Collective Action in: Snow, D. A., Soule, S. A., & Kriesi, H. (Eds.). The Blackwell companion to social movements. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 47-66

 McCarthy, J. D., & Zald, M. N. (1977). Resource mobilization and social movements: A partial theory. American journal of sociology82(6), 1212-1241.

Snow, D. A., & Benford, R. D. (1988). Ideology, frame resonance, and participant mobilization. International social movement research1(1), 197-217.

Snow, D., Soule, S., and Kriesi, H., Mapping the Terrain in: Snow, D. A., Soule, S. A., & Kriesi, H. (Eds.). (2008). The Blackwell companion to social movements. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 3-16

Rucht, D. (2008), Movement Allies, Adversaries and Third Parties in: Snow, D. A., Soule, S. A., & Kriesi, H. (Eds.). The Blackwell companion to social movements. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 197-216


Readings of the course  and topics covered by Prof. Massimiliano Andretta


Donatella della e Mario Diani, Social Movements: An Introduction, Blackwell, 2006

Massimiliano Andretta, Protest in Italy in times of crisis: a cross-government comparison, in “South European Society and Politics”, 2018, 23/1: 97-114.

Massimiliano Andretta e  Riccardo Guidi, Political consumerism and producerism in times of crisis. A social movement perspective? In “Partecipazione & Conflitto”, 10/1, 2017 246-274

Massimiliano Andretta, Transition Times in Memory, in Donatella della Porta, Massimiliano Andretta et al., Legacy and Memory in Movements: Justice and Democracy in Southern Europe, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018,  pp. 24-53.

Massimiliano Andretta and Elena Pavan, Mapping Protest on the Refugee Crisis: Insights from Online Protest Event Analysis, in Donatella della Porta (Ed.), Solidarity Mobilizations in the ‘Refugee Crisis’: Contentious Moves, London, Palgrave-McMillan, 2018.

Massimiliano Andretta e Donatella della Porta, Contentious precarious generation in anti-austerity movements in Spain and Italy, in “Revista OBETS”, 10/1, pp. 37-66.

Massimiliano Andretta e  Donatella della Porta, Dynamics of individual participation: surveying Italian protestors, in “Journal of Civil Society”, 10/4, pp. 373-392.

Gianni Piazza, Locally unwanted land use’ movements: the role of left-wing parties and groups in trans-territorial conflicts in Italy, in Modern Italy, 16:3, 2011, pp. 329-344.

Modalità d'esame

In-depth oral exam in each of the review sessions. For attending students only, the assement will be done through an elaboration of a research paper on one of the issues of the class and a midterm oral or written examination. In the latter case, students will present their paper project during the class and will have a maximun of one year period to elaborate and implement the project.

Assessment methods

In-depth oral exam in each of the review sessions. For attending students only, the assement will be done through an elaboration of a research paper on one of the issues of the class and a midterm oral or written examination. In the latter case, students will present their paper project during the class and will have a maximun of one year period to elaborate and implement the project.

Stage e tirocini

Activities alternative to Internship (Tirocinio) will be proposed to those students showing good skills in the topics of the course. Those activities will be conducted under the research projects of the Observatory on Italian Politics (OPI): 

Work placement

Activities alternative to Internship (Tirocinio) will be proposed to those students showing good skills in the topics of the course. Those activities will be conducted under the research projects of the Observatory on Politics and Instituions (OPI): 

Updated: 24/07/2018 13:07