Scheda programma d'esame
Academic year2019/20
PeriodSemester 2

Obiettivi di apprendimento
Learning outcomes

After completing the course the student will have a solid knowledge of the physics of high temperature dilute plasmas of interest for astrophysics, space physics, thermonuclear fusion studies and high-energy laser plasma interactions. The course is mostly theoretical. The course has an interdisciplinary perspective and is a needed prerequisite for all research activities in physical settings where plasmas are present from space to the laboratory.


After completing the course the student will have a solid knowledge of the physics of high temperature dilute plasmas of interest for astrophysics, space physics, thermonuclear fusion studies and high-energy laser plasma interactions. The course is mostly theoretical. The course has an interdisciplinary perspective and is a needed prerequisite for all research activities in physical settings where plasmas are present from space to the laboratory.

Modalità di verifica delle conoscenze

The assessment aims to ascertain the basic knowledge of kinetic plasma physics and, most importantly, the understanding of, and the ability to use the methods that have been developed for the study of a complex system like a plasma.

Assessment criteria of knowledge

The assessment aims to ascertain the basic knowledge of kinetic plasma physics and, most importantly, the understanding of, and the ability to use the methods that have been developed for the study of a complex system like a plasma.


  • Final oral exam

Further information:
The oral exam consists in a seminar on an agreed subject (the seminar is based on reading and understanding a research article) with free questions related to the seminar subject and covering the material of the course.


Being able at the end od the course to read  and understand a research article in plasma physics

Modalità di verifica delle capacità

Seminar on  a specific research article 



Modalità di verifica dei comportamenti


Prerequisiti (conoscenze iniziali)





Statistical mechanics

Electrmagnetism in vacuum and in media

Relativistic kinematics



Basic knowledge in differential equations and integral transforms

Prerequisiti per studi successivi

relevant to spacephysics astrophysics and appications to plasma propulsion and fusion energy

Indicazioni metodologiche


Learning activities:

  • attending lectures
  • participation in seminar

Attendance: Advised

Teaching methods

Delivery: face to face

Learning activities:

  • attending lectures
  • participation in seminar

Attendance: Advised

Teaching methods:

  • Lectures
Programma (contenuti dell'insegnamento)

Definition of high temperature dilute plasmas, derivation of Vlasov equation. Relationship with fluid plasma descriptions. Linear versus nonlinear plasma dynamics. Vlasov equilibria and plasma waves in a kinetic description; Landau damping. Waves in a magnetized plasma, the method of the characteristics. Low frequency, large scale limit of the kinetic plasma description. Plasma instabilities and anomalous transport properties of a plasma in regimes where thermodynamic equilibrium is absent even at a local level. Quasilinear theory and anomalous diffusion.



Definition of high temperature dilute plasmas, derivation of Vlasov equation. Relationship with fluid plasma descriptions. Linear versus nonlinear plasma dynamics. Vlasov equilibria and plasma waves in a kinetic description; Landau damping. Waves in a magnetized plasma, the method of the characteristics. Low frequency, large scale limit of the kinetic plasma description. Plasma instabilities and anomalous transport properties of a plasma in regimes where thermodynamic equilibrium is absent even at a local level. Quasilinear theory and anomalous diffusion.

Bibliografia e materiale didattico

Krall and Trivelpiece Principles of Plasma Physics or any standard textbook on kinetic plasma theory

Notes on specific subjects distributed by e-mail


Krall and Trivelpiece Principles of Plasma Physics or any standard textbook on kinetic plasma theory

Indicazioni per non frequentanti


Modalità d'esame
  • Final oral exam

The oral exam consists in a seminar on an agreed subject (the seminar is based on reading and understanding a research article) with free questions related to the seminar subject and covering the material of the course.

Stage e tirocini


Altri riferimenti web



Lecture schedule and examination dates decided together with participating students

Teacher freely available for clarifications and suggestions in his office 


Updated: 27/08/2019 17:23