Modules | Area | Type | Hours | Teacher(s) | |
Il Corso di Stereochimica dei Biopolimeri permetterà allo studente di comprendere il linguaggio, i metodi, i risultati della strutturistica di proteine, acidi nucleici, polisaccaridi
The student who successfully completes the course will be acquainted with the fundamental principles underlying some of the most used experimental techniques for understanding the structure of the main classes of natural biopolymers: polypetides polynucleotides and polysaccharides in solution (NB solid state techniques, including diffraction methods will not be covered). He/she will be able to critically read the most advanced articles of contemporary biomacromolecular structure: in particular for circular dichroism, fluorescence, nuclear magnetic resonance experiments.
Gli studenti verranno continuamente stimolati all’intervento critico durante le lezioni frontali, per verificare la comprensione degli argomenti trattati in tempo reale
The student must demonstrate a good understanding of the structural elements of biopolymers and of the experiments aiming at solving structures. The use of correct terminology will be assessed. The student must demonstrate to master the relation between a structural issue and the experiments which allow to investigate it.
Further information:
The final exam consists in an oral essay on a selected (set of) article(s): The student will be asked to present (typically with a powerpoint presentation) the subject: this will account for 50% of the final mark. The remaining 50% will depend on a discussion starting from the presentation and aiming at assessing the knowledge of the various topics of the course.
Al termine del corso lo studente sarà in grado di comprendere articoli di letteratura relativi alla struttura dei biopolimeri.
The successful student will be able to understand current literature papers on biopolymers structure.
Durante le lezioni si discuterà di casi presi dalla recente letteratura
Open discussion of literature cases during lectures.
Lo studente acquisirà un atteggiamento critico e consapevole nei confronti della letteratura di stereochimica biomolecolare.
Critical and competent attitude vs. specific literature: experimental design and data analysis
Durante le discussioni in aula e i ricevimenti si potrà valutare la maturazione degli strumenti critici
During open discussion in classes.
Conoscenza di struttura e reattività organica di base; fondamenti della stereochimica; interazioni non covalenti; principali concetti di termodinamica dell’equilibrio e di cinetica chimica. Principali concetti di biochimica.
Fundamental knowledge of stereochemistry of organic molecules including non covalent interactions, thermodynamics and kynetics. NMR: principles of multidimensional and multinuclear experiments; circular dichroism and more in general spectroscopy.
Il corso consiste in lezioni frontali alla lavagna e con l’uso di videoproiettore. La discussione e l’intervento degli studenti sono continuamente stimolati.
Delivery: face to face
Learning activities:
Attendance: Not mandatory
Teaching methods:
Metodi spettroscopici e computazionali per l’indagine stereochimica di biopolimeri
The course will introduce the fundamental principles of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), circular and linear dichroism, fluorescence. The main conformational variables characerizing polypetides polynucleotides and polysaccharides will be discussed. It will describe some specific features of the spectroscopy of natural as well as of modified (e.g with the introdcution of spectroscopic probes) biopolymers. The basic NMR experiments for protein resonance assignment and for conformational studies will be described stepwise, in order to understand the meaning of pulse sequences and the main results/drawbacks one should expect. Some techniques for labelling (isotopic, spectroscopic probes) will be presented.
John Cavanagh, Wayne J. Fairbrother, Arthur G. Palmer III, Mark Rance and Nicholas J. Skelton: Protein NMR Spectroscopy. 2007 Elsevier Inc. ISBN: 978-0-12-164491-8 Bengt Nordén, Alison Rodger, Tim Dafforn: Linear Dichroism and Circular Dichroism. RSC 2010. ISBN: 978-1-84755-902-9
Colloqui a partire dall'analisi critica di un articolo di letteratura concordato tra docente e studente.
Oral exam focused on the discussion of an article taken from recent literature.