Scheda programma d'esame
Academic year2019/20
PeriodSemester 1

Obiettivi di apprendimento
Learning outcomes

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The main objective of the course is to give a vision of the theory and practice of control systems engineering with particular focus on nuclear engineering field. The course is intended to provide a background on nuclear reactor dynamics.

For a more exhaustive list, consider the course programme.


Modalità di verifica delle conoscenze

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Assessment criteria of knowledge

The students will be involved by the teacher in the resolution of different practical exercises. MATLAB and SYMULINK codes will be used during the course.

Oral examination with a duration of about 1 hour. In some cases, a short list of written questions can be assigned to let the student take notes and then discuss with the teachers orally.


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The following main skills are provided by the course:

  • capability to solve typical engineering problems of linear control systems, with methods to check if a system is stable or not and, in the case, how it can be stabilized;
  • capability to understand the problems connected to the reactor dynamics;
  • capability to understand the effects of main intrinsic feedbacks in a typical nuclear reactor;
  • capability to understand the main automatic control systems of a Pressurized Water Reactor of second generation.
Modalità di verifica delle capacità

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Assessment criteria of skills

Oral/written examination, with assignment of typical problems. The duration of the exam is approximately 1 hour.


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Modalità di verifica dei comportamenti

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Assessment criteria of behaviors

The oral interview will ascertain the personal attitude of the student by proposing questions and problems related to control systems engineering and nuclear reactor dynamics.

Prerequisiti (conoscenze iniziali)

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It is required to have passed the exam of “Impianti Nucleari I”.

Indicazioni metodologiche

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Teaching methods

Front lessons, with the help of slides and movies. MATLAB and SYMULINK codes will be used during the course to solve practical exercises.

Programma (contenuti dell'insegnamento)

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It is divided in three main parts, described in the following.

Part 1 - Linear systems control: Models, controls, systems. Linearity hypothesis. Laplace transform. Transfer function for a linear system. Block diagrams. Block diagrams algebra. Inverse Laplace transform with simple and multiple poles. Pole signs and stability. Zero order, 1st order, 2nd order and dead time systems. Routh criterion for stability. Harmonic response function. Bode diagrams. Transfer function experimental evaluation. Feedback control. Sensitivity functions. Regime errors. Frequency analysis. Bode criterion for the stability. Frequency domain design. PID controllers.

Part 2 - Nuclear fission reactor dynamics and control: Nuclear reactor neutron kinetics (zero power reactor). Transient response of the zero power nuclear reactor. Controller and servomechanism: different functions, same devices. Static characteristic. Linear approximation of non-linear systems. Transfer function of a zero-power nuclear reactor for nearly-regime transients. Intrinsic feedback due to temperature effects in a nuclear reactor. Nuclear reactor transfer function with temperature feedbacks. Poison feedbacks. General characteristics of an external reactivity control system.

Part 3 - PWR automatic control systems and operation: “Turbine main-Reactor subordinate” control method and PWR Control Systems. Reactor coolant system temperature and rod control system. Steam dump control system: Steam pressure mode and Tavg mode. Pressurizer pressure control system. Pressurizer water level control system. Steam generator water level control system: feedwater flow control, bypass feedwater flow control, main feedwater pump speed control. Control of once-through forced circulation steam generator. Overview of the Electro Hydraulic Control (EHC) system: speed control unit and load control unit.


Bibliografia e materiale didattico

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Mainly, teaching material (slides presented during the lectures) that the teacher will make available to the students as PDF file through Google Classroom.  

For further details may be helpful the following textbooks:

A. Schultz, “Control of Nuclear Reactors and Power Plants”, second edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1961.

Yoshiaki Oka, Katsuo Suzuki, “Nuclear Reactor Kinetics and Plant Control”, ISBN: 978-4-431-54194-3 (Print)  978-4-431-54195-0 (Online), Springer.

Coppolani et al., “La chaudière des réacteurs à eau sous pression”, Collection Genie Atomique, ISBN: 2-86883-741-7

Indicazioni per non frequentanti

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Non-attending students info

The teaching material will be available on-line, normally before the lectures will be done. Further information and questions can be asked to the teacher by e-mail ( or fixing an appointment.

Modalità d'esame

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Assessment methods

Oral exam. In some cases, a short list of written questions can be assigned to let the student take notes and then discuss with the teachers orally at the beginning of the oral exam.

Altri riferimenti web

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Additional web pages

Google Classroom Web Page that will be communicated at the beginning of the course.

Anyway, a link to Google Classroom will be available in the Class Web Page.

Please, send an email to the teacher ( if you need support.


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Teacher e-mail:

Office telephone number of prof. Forgione Nicola: 0502218057

The teacher is available to receive students for solving their learning problems.

Updated: 30/09/2019 14:03