Scheda programma d'esame
Academic year2019/20
PeriodSemester 1

Obiettivi di apprendimento
Learning outcomes

The course has two main objectives. The first is to become familiar with such pragmatic notions and categories as deixis, speech acts, presuppositions, implicatures, so that they can be used as as tools for the analysis of English real texts and conversations; the other is to make students aware of the  cognitive nature and cultural specificities of some figures of speech and of their use in written texts. Enrichment of the vocabulary is also an objective of the Course.


The course has two main objectives. The first is to become familiar with such pragmatic notions and categories as deixis, speech acts, presuppositions, implicatures, so that they can be used as as tools for the analysis of English real texts and conversations; the other is to make students aware of the cognitive nature and cultural specificities of some figures of speech and of their use in written texts. Enrichment of the vocabulary is also an objective of the Course.

Modalità di verifica delle conoscenze

The course is made up of two parts: a thematic course given by the lecturers (prof. M. Bertuccelli and prof. G. Cappelli) and a "lettorato"  (language practice) taught by English speaking instructors (Dr. Hale,  and Dr. Smith). Both the Course and the lettorato aim at bringing the participants to the C1 (advanced) level of proficiency in English. To this end, students are expected to follow both as part of the course work. The thematic course will take place in the first term (September – December). The lettorato will cover the two terms (September - December and February – May). In order to complete the course and receive the 9 credits, all students are required to take a written assessment test focusing on the contents of the thematic course and a language proficiency test verifying the attainment of the C1 proficiency level in English. (More information on the lettorato classes is available on MOODLE-CLI). Internationally recognized certificates of language proficiency (e.g. CAE, IELTs, etc. – not older than two years) can be presented as proof of the required language proficiency in substitution of the lettorato test.

Prerequisiti (conoscenze iniziali)

In order to sit the exam on the course students must have passed the English language 1 and 2 exams.

The course will be given in the first semester and is aimed at a C1 level of   language proficiency. To this end, students are also expected to follow, as part of their individual job, two “lettorati” –one for the written (Dr. Steve Smith) and one for the oral skills practice ( Dr. Tracy Hale) (information on MOODLE-CLI). The two “lettorati” are active during the first and the second semester. After the two semesters, students must sit for a language test aimed at the C1 level. Passing the test is essential to get the credits and the final mark . The Lettorato report can be replaced by an international certificate.







In order to sit the exam on the course students must have passed the English language 1 and 2 exams.

The course will be given in the first semester and is aimed at a C1 level of   language proficiency. To this end, students are also expected to follow, as part of their individual job, two “lettorati” –one for the written (Dr. Steve Smith) and one for the oral skills practice ( Dr. Tracy Hale) (information on MOODLE-CLI). The two “lettorati” are active during the first and the second semester. After the two semesters, students must sit for a language test aimed at the C1 level. Passing the test is essential to get the credits and the final mark . The Lettorato report can be replaced by an international certificate.

Programma (contenuti dell'insegnamento)

TITLE OF THE COURSE:"Pragmatics and Figurative Language"

MODULE A: Pragmatics

Pragmatics is basically the study of how speakers use words and sentences to convey meaning above and beyond their literal expressions. This course surveys several core issues in pragmatics and English figurative language. The Pragmatics module will be focused on the following Topics: 1. semantics vs. pragmatics; 2. context and types of knowledge necessary to recover intended meaning (situational, general background knowledge, interpersonal), deixis; 3. entailment and presupposition; 4. speech acts; 5 inferences and the Cooperative principle;  6. intercultural pragmatics; 7. meaning and humour, 8. pragmatics and reading comprehension.

Module B:   Figurative Language

The Figurative Language module will explore the literal / non- literal meaning dimension of verbal communication, with special focus on the following topics: Metaphor,  Metonymy, Irony, Satire, Hyperbole. Theoretical approaches: Gricean Pragmatics , Relevance Theory, Cognitive Linguistics.


TITLE OF THE COURSE: Pragmatics and Figurative Language


Pragmatics is basically the study of how speakers use words and sentences to convey meaning above and beyond their literal expressions. This course surveys several core issues in pragmatics and English figurative language. The Pragmatics module will be particularly concerned with the distinction between semantic and pragmatic meaning. Topics: 1. semantics vs. pragmatics; 2.context and types of knowledge necessary to recover intended meaning (situational, general background knowledge, interpersonal), deixis; 3. entailment and presupposition; 4. speech acts; 5 inferences and the Cooperative principle; 6. intercultural pragmatics; 7. meaning and humour, 8. pragmatics and reading comprehension.

Module B:   Figurative Language

The Figurative Language module will explore the literal / non- literal meaning debate, with special focus on the following topics: Idioms, Metaphor, Hyperbole, Metonymy, Irony, Satire, Hyperbole. Theoretical approaches: Gricean Pragmatics , Relevance Theory, Cognitive Linguistics.

Bibliografia e materiale didattico

Module A:

Culpeper, J. and Haugh, M. (2014), Pragmatics and the English language, Palgrave Macmillan. 


Secondary readings

Cutting, J. (2015), Pragmatics. A resource book for students, 3rd Ed., London and NY : Routledge.

Kecskes, I. (2014), Intercultural Pragmatics, OUP

Peccei, J. (1999), Pragmatics, Routledge. 


Further reading materials will be indicated throughout the course. 


Module B:

R. Gibbs & H.L. Colston, 2012, Interpreting Figurative Meaning, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (chapters 1,2,3,4); or

B. Dancygier & E. Sweetser, 2014  Figurative Language, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (chapters. 1,2,3,4,5.)  

Z. Kovecses, 2010, Metaphor, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2nd ed., pp. 3-48.

R. J. Kreuz & R. M. Roberts , 1993, “On Satire and Parody: The Importance of Being Ironic”, in Metaphor and Symbolic Activity, Vol. 8, 2: 97-109.

M.McCarthy - R. Carter, 2004, “There’s millions of them”: hyperbole in everyday conversation, Journal of pragmatics 36, pp.149-184.

D. Wilson - D. Sperber, 2012,  "Explaining Irony" Chapter 6 of Meaning and Relevance, Cambridge UP, pp. 123-145.

 Kate Fox, Watching the English, Hodder and Stoughton 2014, pp. 33-129

*Further readings may be suggested during the Course. Some texts will be available online on this website.




Module A:

Culpeper, J. and Haugh, M. (2014), Pragmatics and the English language, Palgrave Macmillan.

Secondary readings

Cutting, J. (2015), Pragmatics. A resource book for students, 3rd Ed., London and NY : Routledge.

Kecskes, I. (2014), Intercultural Pragmatics, OUP

Peccei, J. (1999), Pragmatics, Routledge. 


Further reading materials will be indicated throughout the course. 


Module B:

R.Gibbs & H.L. Colston, 2012, Interpreting Figurative Meaning, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (chapters 1,2,3,4); or

B. Dancygier & E. Sweetser, 2014  Figurative Language, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (chapters. 1,2,3,4,5.) 

R. J. Kreuz & R. M. Roberts , 1993, “On Satire and Parody: The Importance of Being Ironic”, in Metaphor and Symbolic Activity, Vol. 8, 2: 97-109.

Z. Kovecses, 2010, Metaphor, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2nd ed., pp. 3-48.

M.McCarthy - R. Carter, 2004, “There’s millions of them”: hyperbole in everyday conversation, Journal of pragmatics 36, pp.149-184.

D. Wilson - D. Sperber, 2012,  "Explaining Irony" Chapter 6 of Meaning and Relevance, Cambridge UP, pp. 123-145.

 Kate Fox, Watching the English, Hodder and Stoughton 2014, pp. 33-129

*Further readings may be suggested during the Course. Some texts will be available online on this website.




Indicazioni per non frequentanti

Students who cannot attend the Course are kindly invited to contact the teachers. Updates concerning classes, materials and further activities can be found on the MOODLE page of the course.

Non-attending students info

Students who cannot attend the course are kindly invited to contact the Teachers.

Modalità d'esame

The exam is a written test (10 questions, in English) on the topics of the Course. Each annswer will get from 0 to 3 points  depending on  contents and language correctness.

Il punteggio  (su 100) conseguito nelle verifiche relative alle esercitazioni di lettorato contribuisce al voto finale del Corso come segue (proposta approvata dal Consiglio CLi del 24 maggio 2017):

punti da 60 a 70:

Il voto rimane quello conseguito nell'esame del docente

punti da 71 a 85:

Si aggiunge un punto al voto conseguito nell'esame del docente

Dpunti da 86 a 10:0

Si aggiungono due punti al voto conseguito nell'esame del docente.


Assessment methods

The exam is a written test (ten questions) on the topics of the course.


Language of the Course:  English.

The course will start on Sept. 24, 2019.


Language of the Course: ENGLISH

The course will start on Sept. 24, 2019.

Updated: 01/10/2019 16:03