Scheda programma d'esame
Academic year2019/20
PeriodSemester 1

Obiettivi di apprendimento
Learning outcomes

Al termine del corso lo studente avrà acquisito conoscenze in merito al nuovo sistema globale : dal capitalismo della produzione (fordismo) al capitalismo tecnologico-finanziario; lo studente sarà in grado di studiare le nuove politiche per lo sviluppo.


THe student who completes the course successfully will be able to demonstrate a solid knowledge of the present globalization system through the study of processes in economy which have changed and transformed our policies and plans regarding development and economic growth too. He/She will be able to achieve a new approach to economic geography and to critically identify new key actors and processes (capital,labour process and market,the role of a new State-company management). Understanding the "qualitative State" and the crisis of the keynesian -welfare State. He/She will also get the ability to identify the changing geography of foreign direct investments as a key mechanism of international economic integration or globalization itself,alongside trade (past time) and financial investments (present one).He/She will be able to look critically at traditional theories and patterns related to development too and to identify the change from multinational corporations to financial holdings

THe student who completes the course successfully will be able to demonstrate a solid knowledge of the present globalization system through the study of processes in economy which have changed and transformed our policies and plans regarding development and economic growth too. He/She will be able to achieve a new approach to economic geography and to critically identify new key actors and processes (capital,labour process and market,the role of a new State-company management). Understanding the "qualitative State" and the crisis of the keynesian -welfare State. He/She will also get the ability to identify the changing geography of foreign direct investments as a key mechanism of international economic integration or globalization itself,alongside trade (past time) and financial investments (present one).He/She will be able to look critically at traditional theories and patterns related to development too and to identify the change from multinational corporations to financial holdings

Modalità di verifica delle conoscenze

La verifica delle conoscenze avviene durante le lezioni (lezione partecipata sul "modello anglo-sassone"):il docente stimolerà la discussione durante la lezione ponendo dei quesiti. Inoltre,immediatamente dopo la lezione,durante il ricevimento,gli studenti avranno modo di interloquire con il docente su problematiche emerse durante la lezione stessa.

Assessment criteria of knowledge

During the oral final exam,the student must be able to demonstrate his/her knowledge of main topics of the course and be able to show a solid ability to explain critically processes and actors of present global order.


  • Final oral exam
  • Periodic Quizzes/multiple choice
  • Periodic written tests

During the oral final exam,the student must be able to demonstrate his/her knowledge of main topics of the course and be able to show a solid ability to explain critically processes and actors of present global order.


  • Final oral exam
  • Periodic Quizzes/multiple choice
  • Periodic written tests



Al termine del corso lo studente sarà in grado di poter individuare i nuovi elementi del sistema globale acquisendo una capacità di rielaborazione ed organizzazione dei contenuti.

Modalità di verifica delle capacità

Durante le lezioni verranno discusse alcune tematiche.


lo studente potrà acquisire sensibilità alle diverse problematiche territoriali scaturite dallo studio dello stesso sistema globale.

Modalità di verifica dei comportamenti

Durante le lezioni,ed il successivo ricevimento,saranno valutati il grado di gestione e di organizzazione dei contenuti acquisiti,attraverso ampia discussione.

Prerequisiti (conoscenze iniziali)

indispensabile la costante consultazione di un buon Atlante Geografico: lo studio del territorio muove anche da una buona conoscenza dello spazio geografico; riuscire ad orientarsi secondo termini e modalità geografiche (dai punti cardinali alle aree continentali ecc).

Conoscenze di storia economica .

Indicazioni metodologiche

Lezioni frontali "partecipate" con ausilio di lucidi e non di slides (per esperienza si dimostrano dispersivi).

Il ricevimento ha luogo al termine delle lezioni ed è occasione di confronto e di dibattito.  In alcuni casi può essere concordato un ulteriore ricevimento anche via email.

Uso della sola lingua inglese-


Teaching methods

Delivery: face to face

Learning activities:

  • attending lectures
  • preparation of oral/written report
  • participation in discussions
  • individual study

Attendance: Not mandatory

Teaching methods:

  • Lectures
  • Task-based learning/problem-based learning/inquiry-based learning

Delivery: face to face

Attendance: Not mandatory

Learning activities:

  • attending lectures
  • preparation of oral/written report
  • participation in discussions
  • individual study


Teaching methods:

  • Lectures
  • Task-based learning/problem-based learning/inquiry-based learning


Programma (contenuti dell'insegnamento)

Financial Globalization and development : transforming the industrial State. Towards a new sustainability and a metropolitan change.

Financial globalization: networks and power. Neoliberism and dumping;uneven development and inequality. Finance and institutions. Technology,surveillance and governmentality.                     Financial Gateways and a post industrial urban development.

The financialization of development. The new role of UN  and IFC.

Financing of economic growth and uneven development. Financing innovations.

Defining suburban crisis : poverty increase; income crisis; population loss.

Metropolitan change ; neighborhood change ;labor market restructuring.

Housing employment,ethicity and immigration in suburbs.

New economy and ethnoburbs.

Strategy policy design for sustainable transformations.

Pathways to sustainability. Co-optimizing economic development,the environment and employment.


Financial globalization and development.: transforming the industrial State. The course will be dedicated to the restructuring capitalism transition and its consequences,suggesting alternative ways towards growth and development itself. A new sustainability (a new economy) and a role of the environment (green economy). Financial globalization and metropolitan change: declining industrial sectors and suburban crisis (the case of USA). Neoliberism and dumping role. The financialization of development . Uneven development and wealth inequality. Economic growth and uneven development /the case of China. Financing of economic development . Financing innovations. Strategic policy design for sustainable transformations.

Financial globalization and development.: transforming the industrial State. The course will be dedicated to the restructuring capitalism transition and its consequences,suggesting alternative ways towards growth and development itself. A new sustainability (a new economy) and a role of the environment (green economy). Financial globalization and metropolitan change: declining industrial sectors and suburban crisis (the case of USA). Neoliberism and dumping role. The financialization of development . Uneven development and wealth inequality. Economic growth and uneven development /the case of China. Financing of economic development . Financing innovations. Strategic policy design for sustainable transformations. Globalization and migrations. A new urban development for a new glibal system. New tourism.

Bibliografia e materiale didattico

Manuale : MAC KINNON D. and CUMBERS A., Introduction to economic geography-Globalization,uneven development and place, London,Pearson-Prentice Hall ,2011.

Pasta G., Financial globalization and development (only some chapters mentioned during lectures),Pisa,Felici,2012.

TO SELECT 2 of following monographs:

Pasta G,New globalization,new migrations. The reverse migration to South Florida,Pisa,Felici,2010.

Pasta G,New immigration and urban settlements patterns. The case of Texas,Pisa,Felici,2010.

Pasta G,New globalization and the crisis of suburban mobility in USA,Pisa,Felici,2013.

Pasta G,Post-industrial urban development,Pisa,Felici,2014.

Pasta G,Towards a new urban development. New economy and ethnoburbs,Pisa,Felici,2015.

Pasta G,Globalization and illegal immigration- New labor market and temporary workers in USA,Pisa,Felici,2016



Pasta G.,Financial globalization and development,Pisa,Felici,2012-some chapters-; Ashford N.A and Hall R.P.,Technology,globalization and sustainable development,New Haven,Yale University Press,2011- some chapters-;Pasta G.,Globalization and illegal immigration,Pisa,Felici,2016;Pasta G.,Towards a new urban development,Pisa,Felici,2015; Pasta G.,New globalization and the crisis of suburban mobility in USA,Pisa,Felici,2013; Pasta G.,New globalization,new migrations-The reverse migration to South Florida,Pisa,Felici,2010; Pasta G.,New immigration and urban settlements patterns- The case of Texas,Pisa,Felici,2010; Recommended reading includes the following work: Mackinnon D. and Cumbers A.,Introduction to economic geography-Globalization,uneven development and place-,London,Pearson-Prentice Hall,2011.


Indicazioni per non frequentanti

Il docente prevede di concordare un programma alternativo per gli studenti non frequentanti: può essere fissato un ricevimento via email.-

Modalità d'esame

l'esame è composto da una prova orale in lingua inglese.

La prova orale consiste in un colloquio tra il candidato e il docente.

il colloquio avrà una durata media di mezz'ora.

La prova orale non è superata se il candidato mostra di non essere in grado di esprimersi in modo chiaro e di usare la terminologia corretta e se il candidato mostrerà ripetutamente una difficoltà nella capacità critica di rielaborazione dei contenuti.


Lectures will start on 10th of october and will end on the 12th of december .

Academic members of final exam commission : Giovanni Pasta,Valerio Pucci,Alessandro Polsi,Riccardo Mazzanti.






Lectures will start on the 10 th of October and will end on the 12th of December .

Academic members of final exam commission : Giovanni Pasta,Valerio Pucci,Alessandro Polsi,Riccardo Mazzanti .

Updated: 12/09/2019 18:43