Scheda programma d'esame
Academic year2019/20
PeriodSemester 2

Obiettivi di apprendimento
Learning outcomes

The students that successfully accomplish course goals, will recognize fungal agents treated in the program, and will select the the most targeted laboratory tests and procedures on specific cases of veterinary mycotic infections


The students that successfully accomplish course goals, will recognize fungal agents treated in the program, and will select the the most targeted laboratory tests and procedures on specific cases of veterinary mycotic infections

Modalità di verifica delle conoscenze

The evaluation of students’ knowledge will be assessed by oral exam


Assessment criteria of knowledge

The evaluation of students’ knowledge will be assessed by oral exam


The students will acquire all necessary skills and advices to develop a critical approach about the choice of the most suitable diagnostic procedures adapted to the different cases of mycotic diseases.

Furthermore, they will be able to critically evaluate infection sources, and will know the impact of mycotic diseases in both veterinary medicine and human health.


The students will acquire all necessary skills and advices to develop a critical approach about the choice of the most suitable diagnostic procedures adapted to the different cases of mycotic diseases.

Furthermore, they will be able to critically evaluate infection sources, and will know the impact of mycotic diseases in both veterinary medicine and human health.


Modalità di verifica delle capacità

The skills will be assessed by the teacher evaluating the accuracy of the practical activity of the student and the linguistic appropriateness during the final exam.


Assessment criteria of skills

The skills will be assessed by the teacher evaluating the accuracy of the practical activity of the student and the linguistic appropriateness during the final exam.



During both lectures and practical activities, the students will be trained to develop good interpersonal skills, and to receive feedback in order to keep the group work running effectively, improving them as a result in terms of correct fungal identification and diagnostic procedures.


During both lectures and practical activities, the students will be trained to develop good interpersonal skills, and to receive feedback in order to keep the group work running effectively, improving them as a result in terms of correct fungal identification and diagnostic procedures.

Modalità di verifica dei comportamenti

Behaviors will be assessed by ability to manage the lab activities

Assessment criteria of behaviors

Behaviors will be assessed by ability to manage the lab activities

Prerequisiti (conoscenze iniziali)


Parasitic diseases



Parasitic diseases

Indicazioni metodologiche

Lectures 20 hrs frontal lesson with slides projection

Practical training 12 hrs



  • Seminars: 0 h
  • Supervised self learning: 0 h
  • Laboratory and desk-based work - (groups of 10 students) 12h
  • Non clinical animal work - specificare eventuale suddivisione in gruppi 0 h
  • Clinical animal work intramural - 0 h
  • Clinical animal work extramural - 0 h



Teaching methods

Lectures 20 hrs frontal lesson with slides projection

Practical training 12 hrs



  • Seminars: 0 h
  • Supervised self learning: 0 h
  • Laboratory and desk-based work - (groups of 10 students) 12h
  • Non clinical animal work - specificare eventuale suddivisione in gruppi 0 h
  • Clinical animal work intramural - 0 h
  • Clinical animal work extramural - 0 h



Programma (contenuti dell'insegnamento)


 Lectures 24 hrs

12 hrs - Superficial mycoses of mammals

6 hrs - Deep mycoses of mammals

3 hrs -Avian mycoses

3 hrs - Unconventional animals mycoses



Practical training 12 hrs


4 hrs - Basic laboratory techniques in mycology

4 hrs - Diagnostic techniques for superficial mycoses

4 hrs - Diagnostic techniques for deep mycoses

4 hrs - Diagnostic techniques for mycoses of unconventional animal species

4hrs - Antimycotic testing techniques




 Lectures 24 hrs

12 hrs - Superficial mycoses of mammals

6 hrs - Deep mycoses of mammals

3 hrs -Avian mycoses

3 hrs - Unconventional animals mycoses



Practical training 12 hrs


4 hrs - Basic laboratory techniques in mycology

4 hrs - Diagnostic techniques for superficial mycoses

4 hrs - Diagnostic techniques for deep mycoses

4 hrs - Diagnostic techniques for mycoses of unconventional animal species

4hrs - Antimycotic testing techniques

Bibliografia e materiale didattico

Review articles and teaching material will be provided by the teacher


Review articles and teaching material will be provided by the teacher

Modalità d'esame

Oral exam (aiming to verify the problem solving ability, as well as practical and theorical knowledge in managing clinical mycologic specimens)

Assessment methods

Oral exam (aiming to verify the problem solving ability, as well as practical and theorical knowledge in managing clinical mycologic specimens)

Updated: 06/09/2019 09:34