- At the end of the course the student can acquire a critical knowledge of constitutional law.
- In particular, the student will first be able to acquire knowledge concerning the distinction between law in an objective and subjective sense and then acquire the foundations of constitutionalism.
- In addition, knowledge of the concepts of legal system and plurality of the legal systems, of the state, with its constitutive elements, of the form of state and form of government will be acquired.
- Furthermore, knowledge about constitutional history, fundamental principles and the form of Italian government will be acquired, also having regard to relations with the territorial autonomies and institutions of the European Union.
For the assessment of the knowledge will not be carried out the intermediate tests or in itinere but only a final exam at the end of the course, according to the procedures indicated in one of the following fields.
At the end of the course the student should be able to show that he has acquired the knowledge referred to in the first field.
The skills will be verified during the final examination through an assessment of the applicative capacity of the concepts learned during the teaching.
The student should be able to acquire sensitivity and mastery of the legal problems dealt with.
During the course, seminar activities may be organized, at the end of which a brief oral report concerning the topics covered may be requested.
Non è prevista come requisito alcuna conoscenza iniziale in ambito giuridico
No initial knowledge in the legal field is required as a requirement
The course is intended to provide critical knowledge of constitutional law.
In particular, the course, starting from an introduction to law, with the distinction between law in an objective and subjective sense (and with reference to subjective legal situations), will move to the definition of the area of interest of public law in general and of constitutional law in particular, examining the foundations of constitutionalism.
The legal system and the plurality of legal systems will therefore be defined; the formation and the concept of "State", with its constitutive elements (people, territory and sovereignty). Relations with other jurisdictions will be seen, in which special emphasis will be given to those with the European Union.
Then the forms of state and the forms of government will be studied, in a diachronic and synchronic perspective, even in a comparatistic logic.
This will allow us to proceed to examine the form of state and government in Italy, with particular reference to the essential phases of constitutional history.
At this point, the course will focus on the specific study of the Republican Constitution, starting from the fundamental principles.
Subsequently, the Italian state system will be examined, also with regard to relations with the territorial autonomies and with the institutions of the European Union. In short - The State and the other legal systems. The forms of state and government. The history of the Italian State and of the European path. The fundamental principles. The electoral body. The organization of the European Union. The Parliament. The Government. Auxiliary organs. Public Administration. The President of the Republic. Regions and local authorities.
Testi consigliati: R. ROMBOLI (a cura di), Manuale di diritto costituzionale italiano ed europeo, Giappichelli, Torino,ultima edizione, 2019, Volume II.
Si precisa che per la preparazione dell’esame è necessaria la conoscenza attenta e critica della Costituzione italiana, con particolare riferimento alle disposizioni cui ineriscono gli argomenti trattati nel corso.
Può rendersi altresì necessaria la conoscenza diretta di alcuni atti normativi ai quali rinviano i testi d’esame. Fra le raccolte di testi e documenti di diritto costituzionale impiegabili a tal fine, e che pertanto potranno essere utilizzate per la consultazione, si segnalano, ad esempio
Recommended texts: R. ROMBOLI (edited by), Manuale di diritto costituzionale italiano ed europeo, Giappichelli, Turin, latest edition, 2019, Volume II.
It is specified that for the preparation of the examination the careful and critical knowledge of the Italian Constitution is necessary, with particular reference to the provisions to which the topics dealt with in the course are inherent.
It may also be necessary to have direct knowledge of some normative acts to which the examination texts refer. Among the collections of texts and documents of constitutional law that can be used for this purpose, and which can therefore be used for consultation, we point out, for example
- M. AINIS, T. MARTINES (edited by),Piccolo codice costituzionale, Led, Milan, last edition;
- M. BASSANI, V. ITALIA AND OTHERS (edited by),Leggi fondamentali del diritto pubblico e costituzionale, Giuffrè, Milan, last edition.
Regulatory texts can also be retrieved online. However, it is advisable to always check carefully that this is the current version.
There are no changes for non-attending students
As for the operational modalities concerning the exam, an oral exam is scheduled.
It consists of an interview between the candidate and the teacher, or even between the candidate and other collaborators of the lecturer. The oral exam is not over if the candidate shows that he has not understood the basics and / or is unable to express himself clearly and use the correct terminology.