Scheda programma d'esame
Academic year2019/20
PeriodSemester 2

Learning outcomes

The course aims to provide practical skills and basic information to operate consciously as a graphic designer, in full autonomy, both technical and creative. The course is aimed in particular at acquiring the basic knowledge of the work of Graphic Designer and is characterized by a significant presence of practical exercises coupled with a more classical teaching methodology. Through the skills that she/he will acquire, the student will expand her/his possibilities to "understand" the objects that surround us and will first of all visualize and then shape his ideas.

The program will revolve around the general concepts of graphic design and design methodology and will follow a more detailed development on the main dynamics of the composition through the use of basic design programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator, which represent the whole fundamental to design and manage images, illustrations and communication tools: newspapers, leaflets, posters, etc.

Assessment criteria of knowledge

For the assessment of the knowledge will be carried out tests in itinere that will not however be evaluated.


At the end of the course the student will know how to use the main tools for graphic design, in particular:

Basic Design Vector with Adobe Illustrator (or InkSkape): Creation of images, trademarks and logos and their declination in the coordinated image.
Visual Design Raster with Adobe Photoshop (or Gimp): composition and treatment of the digital image aimed at different types of paper and interactive graphics products;
Desktop Publishing with Adobe InDesign (or Scribus): designing and creating layouts for editorial production (books, magazines, brochures, leaflets, etc.).
The student will also have acquired the theoretical knowledge necessary to operate consciously as a graphic designer in full creative autonomy.

Teaching methods

The lessons will be partly frontal, partly practical.

Lectures will be held with the help of slides.

Practical lessons include the use of the PC and software for graphic design.

Following this, exercises will be carried out guided by the teacher to immediately put into practice what was seen during the lessons and thus facilitate understanding and learning.

  • Introduction to the course.
  • Graphic design software: Adobe Illustrator
  • The graphic design software: Adobe In Design
  • Image management software: Adobe Photoshop
  • Editorial graphics, web graphics, corporate image
  • Principles of vision.
  • The psychology of visual perception.
  • Organization of space, the theory of the visual field, grids and geometries of the structure of the field.
  • Gestalt psychology.
  • The principles of graphic design:
  • The golden section
  • the rule of third parties and the grid system
  • white spaces
  • balance and rhythm
  • the emphasis
  • the atmosphere and the graphic consistency
  • Image formats (jpg, tiff, pdf, etc ...)
  • Color theory
  • Communicate with fonts:
  • The brand: the history of a brand, from the meta-project to the product
  • How to set up a project
  • Exercises

Teacher's slides

Progettazione grafica, Clemente Francavilla

Design, Giannini Marzi Viggiano, Giuti Editore

100 cose che ogni designer deve conoscere sulle persone, Weinschenk

Non-attending students info

The exam program is the same for non-attending students.

Assessment methods

The exam is by appointment to be taken via email with the teacher.

Students will have to put into practice what they learned during the course, creating the coordinated image of a company or an event or a product of their choice.

In particular, they will have to:
Create the brand (in vector graphics)
Based on the brand created, decline the other graphics products:
Mockup site (photoshop)
Foldable (illustrator)
Small layout (in Design)
Poster (Illustrator / in Design)

The files must be taken to the exam both in native format (PS, AI, InDD) with all the files
levels, which in PDF.

It is not required to deliver the project before the
discussion (it will be brought directly to the exam).

Students will be questioned about the project and about all the theoretical and practical topics covered il class.

Additional web pages

Detailed lessons on the lessons will be provided on the Moodle platform.

Updated: 06/03/2020 18:10