At the end of the course the student will have knowledge on
1) data collection methods
2) the use of secondary sources in data production
3) the use of R
At the end of the course student will be able to deal with traditional and modern data collection methods and will be able to present a simple policy paper using data from official surveys or other sources.
The knowledge will be assessed by
- Ability to select official data and relevant topic: drafting of a paper based on official data on a specific target, in accordance with teachers
- Ability to present a paper: presentation of the paper and discussion
- Knowledge of contents course: discussion of the students answers to three questions
The students will be able to
- search and analyse the official data sources (surveys, Censuses)
- produce a paper based on data
- present the results of the paper
- there will be small practical sessions to search and consult the data sources (search tools and methods for a given research topic, searching the Web and the main Eurostat databases)
- the student will present the results of the small projects and of the searching og the data sources
- the student can develop awareness of the problems of data collection using surveys and integrating administrative archives
- the student can develop the ability to work in group and to manage the responsibilities as a group leader
- during the activities and data searching the students will have to present short reports on the obtained results
- during the group activities the modalities of the definition of responsibilities, sharing of the workload and management of the project steps will be monitored and evaluated
- descriptive statistics and inference
- data processing abilities
The course is in English and it provides
- lectures with slides
- group activities in R Lab using personal Laptop of the students
- seminars of experts, web sites
- co-teachers: researchers from Italian National Statistical Institute will be involved
- downloadable materials from Moodle platform of the Dept of Economics and Management
- interactions with the Professors through meetings, email, elearning site
1) Data collection methods
Official statistics: meaning and implications; Data collection procedure. The general model GSBPM; Data collection solutions. Introduction to difference model based| model assisted; Reference population, Survey population, Survey frame, Field organization, Contact of reporting units., Questionnaires, Direct observation, Electronic data reporting, Administrative data, Big data. Data quality.
2) The use of secondary sources in data production
Definitions and nature of secondary data, framework for access to the data, quality, data linkage and matching, supporting statistical surveys with administrative data, administrative data in the production of statistical register, a register based statistical system.
3) R software
Data structure and functions; Data elaboration; Plot and indicators
Reference material will be provided during the course.
Individual written examination (3 questions)
Oral examination
Written report (max 10 pages)
Individual written examination (3 questions)