Scheda programma d'esame
Academic year2019/20
PeriodSemester 1 & 2

Obiettivi di apprendimento
Learning outcomes

Lo studente che completerà con successo il corso avrà una solida conoscenza della fisica dei dispositivi a semiconduttore; acquisirà la capacità di comprendere e gestire semplici circuiti elettronici; sarà in grado di progettare, simulare (utilizzando programmi di simulazione SPICE-like), realizzare e controllare circuiti elettronici sia analogici che digitali; sarà in grado di utilizzare software matematici per la modellizzazione e l'analisi dei dati raccolti nelle sessioni sperimentali; gestirà e comprendere alcuni esperimenti di fisica moderna.


The student who successfully completes the course will possess a solid knowledge of the physics of semiconductor devices; will have the ability to understand and manage simple electronic circuits; will be able to design, simulate, implement and tune both analog and digital electronic circuits by using simulation programs (SPICE-like); will be able to use mathematical softwares for modeling and analyzing the data collected in the experimental sessions; will manage and understand some modern physics experiments

The student who successfully completes the course will possess a solid knowledge of the physics of semiconductor devices; will have the ability to understand and manage simple electronic circuits; will be able to design, simulate, implement and tune both analog and digital electronic circuits by using simulation programs (SPICE-like); will be able to use mathematical softwares for modeling and analyzing the data collected in the experimental sessions; will manage and understand some modern physics experiments.

Modalità di verifica delle conoscenze

Lo studente sarà valutato secondo diversi criteri: a) la sua capacità di comprendere e gestire semplici circuiti elettronici, che saranno progettati, simulati, realizzati e controllati ogni settimana in laboratorio, secondo le schede guida di laboratorio; b) la sua capacità di scrivere il log-book di laboratorio; c) la sua capacità di riferire il lavoro svolto sia in forma scritta che orale, con una presentazione e  discussione pubblica; d) la sua capacità di completare i compiti assegnati; e) la sua capacità di dimostrare la propria conoscenza del materiale didattico in un esame finale.


     Esame orale finale
     Esame pratico finale di laboratorio
     Valutazione durante le sessioni ordinarie di laboratorio
     Log-book di laboratorio

Ulteriori informazioni:
La valutazione degli studenti viene effettuata tenendo conto delle diverse componenti:  70% rendimento in laboratorio; 20% log-book di laboratorio, homework e relazioni relative a particolari esperienze; 10% prova finale.

Assessment criteria of knowledge

The student will be assessed according to different criteria: a) his/her ability to understand and manage simple electronic circuits, by designing, simulating, implementing and tuning each week in laboratory, according to a guidance note; b) his/her ability to record a comprehensive and complete logbook of his/her work; c) his/her ability to report the work done both in written and/or oral form, in a public discussion; d) his/her ability to complete typical homework; e) his/her ability to demonstrate his/her knowledge of the course material in a final exam.


  • Final oral exam
  • Final laboratory practical demonstration
  • Continuous assessment
  • Laboratory report
  • Laboratory practical
  • Oral report

Further information:
Student assessment is carried out taking into account different components: 70% performance in the classroom; 20% laboratory logbook, including homework and special reports; 10% final exam.

The student will be assessed according to different criteria: a) his/her ability to understand and manage simple electronic circuits, by designing, simulating, implementing and tuning each week in laboratory, according to a guidance note; b) his/her ability to record a comprehensive and complete logbook of his/her work; c) his/her ability to report the work done both in written and/or oral form, in a public discussion; d) his/her ability to complete typical homework; e) his/her ability to demonstrate his/her knowledge of the course material in a final exam.


  • Final oral exam
  • Final laboratory practical demonstration
  • Continuous assessment
  • Laboratory report
  • Laboratory practical
  • Oral report


Further information:
Student assessment is carried out taking into account different components: 50% performance in the classroom; 20% laboratory logbook; 5% laboratory and oral report; 5% homework 20% final practical test and oral exam.

Indicazioni metodologiche

Modalita': in presenza

Attivita' didattiche: lezioni, laboratorio, stesura del logbook di laboratorio, preparazione di relazioni per alcune esperienza specifiche, preparazione di seminari su esperienze specifiche.

Frequenza obbligatoria

Teaching methods

Delivery: face to face

Learning activities:

  • attending lectures
  • preparation of oral/written report
  • participation in discussions
  • individual study
  • group work
  • Laboratory work
  • Bibliography search
  • Practical

Attendance: Mandatory

Teaching methods:

  • Lectures
  • laboratory

Delivery: face to face

Attendance: Mandatory

Learning activities:

  • attending lectures
  • preparation of oral/written report
  • participation in discussions
  • individual study
  • group work
  • Laboratory work
  • Bibliography search
  • Practical


Teaching methods:

  • Lectures
  • laboratory


Programma (contenuti dell'insegnamento)

Il corso introduce alla fisica dei dispositivi a semiconduttore, con l'obiettivo di apprendere le tecnologie alla base della strumentazione fisica utilizzata attualmente nei laboratori di ricerca e di misura. Le esperienze proposte fanno uso di diversi tipi di sensori e dell'elettronica analogica e digitale necessaria per il corretto condizionamento del segnale; vengono insegnate anche le prime nozioni per l'impiego di microcontrollori dedicati all'uso generale in un laboratorio di fisica.


The course introduces to the physics of semiconductor devices and to the related technologies underlying the instrumentation currently used in physics research laboratories. Lectures are both theoretical and laboratory-based, where different circuits are designed, simulated, implemented and tuned. The behavior of all circuits is verified akin to a typical physics experiment. The proposed laboratory experiences make use of different types of sensors and introduce to analog and digital electronic components, necessary for signal conditioning. The program includes basics of microcontrollers, their use in a physics lab as a general purpose instrument and the replication of some selected modern physics experiments.

The course introduces to the physics of semiconductor devices and to the related technologies underlying the instrumentation currently used in physics research laboratories. Lectures are both theoretical and laboratory-based, where different circuits are designed, simulated, implemented and tuned. The behavior of all circuits is verified akin to a typical physics experiment. The proposed laboratory experiences make use of different types of sensors and introduce to analog and digital electronic components, necessary for signal conditioning. The program includes basics of microcontrollers, their use in a physics lab as a general purpose instrument and the replication of some selected modern physics experiments.

Bibliografia e materiale didattico

Sono consigliati i testi di riferimento tipici per i corsi di laboratorio di elettronica,ad esempio “The art of electronics, P. Horowitz – W. Hill, Cambridge U.P.”, “Introduzione all’elettronica, AA.VV., Editrice ETS”.

Durante il corso saranno indicate diverse pubblicazioni su riviste scientifiche di settore, e altro materiale reperibile dai produttori e in altre universita'.


Recommended reading includes manual of electronics, like "The Art of Electronics" (by P. Horowitz and W. Hill, Cambridge U.P.) and "Introduzione all’elettronica" (AA.VV., ETS-Pisa) or similar textbooks; during the course many papers published in scientific journals and specialized publication in electronics will be indicated.

Recommended reading includes manual of electronics, like "The Art of Electronics" (by P. Horowitz and W. Hill, Cambridge U.P.) and "Introduzione all’elettronica" (AA.VV., ETS-Pisa) or similar textbooks; during the course many papers published in scientific journals and specialized publication in electronics will be indicated.

Updated: 02/09/2019 10:11