Scheda programma d'esame
Academic year2019/20
PeriodSemester 1 & 2

Learning outcomes

The student will be able to acquire knowledge of the tools and methodologies of linguistic and philological analysis concerning the main phenomena of the description of the Spanish language in its becoming. It will also learn to orientate itself among the main trends that have affected the reflection on the Spanish language and recognize, also in an interdisciplinary perspective, the factors that motivated and opposed it.


Assessment criteria of knowledge

The final exam will consist in the evaluation of a written assignment and an oral exam on the contents of the course.



The student will be able to recognize and analyze the main grammatical, syntactic, morphological, phonetic and lexical structures of the Spanish language.


Assessment criteria of skills

Lectures will be alternated with reading and practical exercises.



The student will be able to acquire and develop critical and reflective skills; strengthen the ability to select and structure information; acquire specific skills that integrate the hermenenetic text and skills aimed at enhancing written competence (analytical and argumentative reading and writing).


Assessment criteria of behaviors

The degree of accuracy, attention and participation in the activities carried out willbe assessed.


The course is aimed at students who have reached a level of linguistic knowledge that is located between B2 + and C1 and provides for the achievement of the C1 level. To this end, the student must integrate his / her study with the exercises provided by the University Interlinguistic Center for the level indicated above. The passing of the lectures is a necessary condition to be able to record the final grade. The CLI certificate can be replaced by the certification "DELE nivel C1 or C2" of the Instituto Cervantes, obtained no later than two years prior to the current academic year.

The vote reported in the course of the teacher and the one obtained in the verifications related to the exercises (expressed in cents) contribute to the final vote of Spanish Language III. The final mark is unique and the credits are assigned by the lecturer in a single solution upon completion of the two parts. The score (out of 100) obtained in the audits related to the exercises contributes to the final vote as follows (proposal approved by the CLi Council on 24 May 2017): Points to add to the teacher's vote: From 60 to 70: the vote remains the one obtained in the teacher's exam From 71 to 85: a point is added to the mark obtained in the teacher's examination From 86 to 100: two points are added to the grade obtained in the teacher's examination. Information on the readerships and related tests are available on the following URL page:    

Teaching methods

The lessons will take place in a frontal and seminar with the aid of tools and educational supports of various kinds.


History and identity of the Spanish language: internal and external phenomena

The course illustrates the main issues of the history of the Spanish language and somemethodologies of linguistic and philological analysis, wanting to offer theoretical and applicative tools for the description, interpretation and commentary of texts in Spanish in a diachronic perspective, from the beginning of its formation up to the threshold of contemporaneity. The analysis is based on the historical deepening of the phonological, morpho-syntactic and lexical structures of the Spanish language observed in adiachronic perspective. It also intends to limit some key moments of reflection on theSpanish language, implicit or programmatic, always in a diachronic perspective, without giving up stylistic observation, also necessary to account for the linguistic variation and the relations between written language and orality that the texts document, nor to the contributions that the translation has given to these different fields of observation.




1. Studies

Abad, Francisco, Historia general de la lengua española, Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, 2008.

Alatorre, Antonio, Los mil años de la lengua española, Mexico, Tezontle, 1995.

Bahner, Werner, La lingüística española de los Siglos XVI y XVII, Madrid, Ciencia Nueva, 1966.

Company Company, Concepción y Cuétara Priede, Javier, Manual de gramática histórica, México D. F.: UNAM, 2008. 

Coseriu, Eugenio, Sincronía, diacronía e historia, Madrid, Gredos, 1973.

Echenique Elizondo, M. T., Diacronía e historia de la lengua española, València, Tirant Lo Blanch, 2005.

Elvira, Javier, Lingüística histórica y cambio gramatical, Madrid, Síntesis, 2015.

Lapesa Rafael, Historia de la lengua española (una de las últimas ediciones: 1981 o anteriores)

Torrens Álvarez, María Jesús, Evolución e historia de la lengua española, Madrid, Arco/Libros, 2007.


2. A

Cano Aguilar, Rafael, Historia de la lengua española, Barcelona, Ariel, 2005.

Cano Aguilar, Rafael, El español a través de los tiempos, Madrid, Arco Libros, 1999.

Clavería, Gloria, Prat, Marta y Sánchez, Carlos, Curso de lengua española: diacronía. Bellaterra: UAB, 1999.

Coloma Lleal et alii, Historia de la lengua española, Universidad e Barcelona, Publicacions i edicions, 2005. ISBN 84-475-3082-5

D'Agostino, Alfonso, Storia della lingua spagnola, Milano, Led, 2001.

D'Agostino, Alfonso, Lo spagnolo antico, Milano, Led, 2001.

Menéndez Pidal, Ramón, Historia de la lengua española, 2 vols. Madrid: Fundación Ramón Menéndez Pidal y Real Academia Española, 2005.

Pastor, J. F. , Las Apologías de la lengua castellana, Madrid, 1929.

Penny, Ralph, Variación y cambio en español. Madrid: Gredos (2000/2004).

Penny, Ralph, Gramática histórica del español, 2a ed. actualizada. Barcelona: Ariel (2002/2006).


3. B

Terracini, Benvenuto, Modi e forme della libertà linguistica, Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2007

Terracini, Benvenuto, Conflictos de lenguas y de cultura, Buenos Aires, Ediciones Imán, 1950

Terracini, Benvenuto (y Maria Corti), Lingua libera e libertà linguistica: introduzione alla linguistica storica, Torino, Einaudi, 1970


4. Commentary of the text

Ariza, M., El comentario filológico de textos. Madrid: Arco Libros, 1998.

Cano Aguilar, Rafael, Introducción al análisis filológico, Madrid, Castalia, 2000. 

Frago Gracia, Juan Antonio, Textos y normas, Madrid, Gredos, 2002.

Pérez Cordón, C. y Ramírez Luengo, J., El español en sus textos. Manual de comentarios lingüísticos e historiográficos. Lugo, Axac, 2007.

Non-attending students info

The exam program for non-attending students is identical to the one for attending students.


Assessment methods

The exam consists of a two-hour written test that verifies the skills acquired throughthe theoretical description and the practical application of the linguistic and philological tools of textual analysis.

The students of the LING-TRA Master's Degree Program will have to carry out the Translating Laboratory (3 credits) which is an integral part of the Spanish language and translation course for both the curriculum "Translation" (Linguistics for Translation andLiterary Translation). The Laboratory is optional for students of the "Linguistics" curriculum. The objective of the Translation Laboratory I will be to guide students in the development of the skills and competences necessary to deal with literary translation.



Updated: 16/02/2020 13:43