Corso Integrato di Clinica Medica
Le conoscenze verranno verificate attraverso la prova d'esame.
Ai fini dell'attribuzione del voto finale, espresso in trentesimi, la commissione valuterà i seguenti aspetti:
Integrated Course of Medical Clinic
The clinical method.
The history and general physical examination of the main organs, systems and systems, identify and describe pathological changes.
Cost-benefit analysis in diagnostic tests.
Diagnostic evaluation: the diagnostic procedure of the main internal diseases.
The prognostic evaluation.
Fill in the medical record and draw up the main medical certificates, the death certificate and the reports of the causes of illness.
Interpretation of laboratory and instrumental data in clinical practice.
Blood pressure measurement.
The clinical evidence-based decision.
Disease monitoring parameters.
Anemias in internal medicine.
Myelo-proliferative syndromes in internal medicine.
Acute and chronic liver diseases and liver failure.
Heart failure and ischemic heart disease in internal medicine.
Shock in internal medicine.
Acute and chronic bronchopneumopathies in internal medicine. Pneumonia.
Abdominal pain syndromes: hepatic colic, kidney stones, and pancreatitis.
Hypo and endocrine hyperfunctions.
Consumer syndromes and abuse of voluptuous substances.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease. The gastro-duodenal ulcer. Constipation and diarrhea.
Painful thoracic syndromes.
Arterial hypertension: definition of the entity. Etiopathological diagnosis. Assessment of target organ conditions and cardiovascular risk factors. The prognosis. Arterial hypotension.
The main dysmetabolic syndromes.
Obesity and thinness.
Alterations of states of consciousness: coma and syncope.
The vascular complications of atherosclerosis.
Syndromes due to changes in coagulation and hemorrhagic syndromes.
Dehydration and hyperhydratadation.
Metabolic and respiratory acidosis and alkalosis.
Dietary indications in particular conditions (renal, hepatic insufficiency, diseases of the digestive system).
Edemigenous syndromes.
Electrolyte disturbances (Na, K, Ca).
Discussion of clinical cases (prototypes of frequently encountered clinical situations).
The strategy of the therapeutic decision.
Evidence-based pharmacological choice and individualization of therapy.
Drug interactions and iatrogenic pathologies.
Evaluation of therapeutic effects and drug tolerability.
Ischemic heart disease therapy in its main clinical manifestations.
Arterial hypertension therapy.
Antithrombotic therapy.
The therapy of the main dysmetabolic diseases.
Preventive and rehabilitative strategy of the main internal diseases.
Lifestyle changes and drug therapy of risk factors.
Antibiotic therapy.
Aging: demographic aspects in Italy and worldwide. Physiological aging of the various organs and systems. Fragility syndrome.
Multidimensional assessment and definition of the "needs" of the elderly: role of the general practitioner, caregiver and territorial structures
"Hospital-Territory" care continuity
Physical activity and aging; maintenance of the elderly's health.
Diagnostic and therapeutic hyatrogenesis.
The clinical-practical implications of the main sensory and cognitive deficits.
The main geriatric syndromes: Dementia, Delirium, Malnutrition, Sarcopenia, falls and fragility fractures, entreaties and immobilization syndrome, urinary incontinence.
Palliative therapy
Chronic pain therapy
The definition of "Gender medicine".
Main areas of application of gender medicine.
Drug therapy and gender medicine.
The knowledge will be verified through the exam.
For the purposes of assigning the final mark, expressed in thirtieths, the commission will evaluate the following aspects:
ability of the student to establish connections between the topics covered in different chapters of the program
autonomy in the identification of errors and their correction
ability to independently use their knowledge and understanding of the teaching content to face an in-depth discussion on critical aspects related to the topics covered
knowing how to present their conclusions clearly and logically.
Le conoscenze verranno verificate attraverso la prova d'esame.
Ai fini dell'attribuzione del voto finale, espresso in trentesimi, la commissione valuterà i seguenti aspetti:
The knowledge will be verified through the exam.
For the purposes of assigning the final mark, expressed in thirtieths, the commission will evaluate the following aspects:
Le capacità dello studente saranno valutate con l’aiuto di un caso clinico reale. Lo studente dovrà dimostrare di essere in grado di redigere un’anamnesi, eseguire un esame obiettivo, programmare gli opportuni esami diagnostici e discutere le conseguenti scelte terapeutiche.
Sarà svolto il tirocinio formativo nelle sei settimane prima dell’esame in modo che lo studente acquisisca le capacità cliniche previste dall’insegnamento.
Lo studente imparerà le principale norme che regolano il rapporto medico-paziente.
Lo studente imparerà a relazionarsi con i colleghi e con il personale infermieristico.
Durante il tirocinio saranno svolte delle riunioni periodiche durante le quali si discuteranno gli aspetti principali, i punti di forza e le criticità di ciascun studente nella relazione medico-paziente, e nelle altre relazioni professionali.
E’ necessario che lo studente conosca in modo dettagliato la semeiotica medica e abbia già acquisito le conoscenze relative alle principali specialità mediche nonché le conoscenze della farmacologia generale e specialistica.
Gli argomenti del Programma di Clinica Medica – Medicina Interna, rivolto a Studenti del VI anno di Medicina e Chirurgia, sono scelti con la finalità di approfondire tematiche particolarmente rilevanti nell’ambito della pratica clinica quotidiana.
La finalità del corso è quelle di preparare medici in grado di sapersi orientare in modo corretto di fronte alle più comuni patologie che caratterizzano la professione medica.
Si riconoscono alcune caratteristiche di base di metodo di approccio allo studio:
Argomenti caratterizzanti:
Condizioni determinanti, manifestazioni multi‐organo, essenzialità diagnostica, strategie terapeutiche e follow‐up delle grandi sindromi:
Approfondimenti nosografici:
Strategie diagnostiche di profilo internistico
Terapie condivise e opzioni preferenziali: suggerimenti dalla quotidianità clinica
The topics of the Medical Clinic - Internal Medicine Program, aimed at students of the sixth year of Medicine and Surgery, are chosen with the aim of investigating particularly relevant issues in the context of daily clinical practice.
The aim of the course is to prepare doctors who are able to orient themselves correctly in the face of the most common pathologies that characterize the medical profession.
Some basic characteristics of the study approach method are recognized:
Main topics:
Determinant conditions, multi-organ manifestations, diagnostic essentiality, therapeutic strategies and follow-up of large syndromes:
Nosographic insights:
Internalistic diagnostic strategies
Shared therapies and preferential options: suggestions from clinical everyday life
Testi Consigliati:
Recommended Texts:
La frequenza è obbligatoria
Attendance is mandatory
Discussione di un caso clinico
Discussion of a clinical case
I docenti ricevono su appuntamento preso via e-mail o per telefono con la segreteria (050 992409).
The teachers receive by appointment made by e-mail or by phone with the secretariat (050 992409)