Corso Integrato di Psichiatria e Psicologia Clinica
Al termine del corso:
The student who completes the course successfully will be able to demonstrate a solid knowledge of the main issues related to essential features of basic psychology and psychopathology. He or she will acquire knowledge of psychopathological mechanisms and of mental disorders. Lastly, he or she will be aware of present therapeutic strategies and treatment planning.
La verifica delle conoscenze sarà oggetto della valutazione svolta in sede di esame.
- The student will be assessed on his/her demonstrated ability to discuss the main course contents using the appropriate terminology. - During the oral exam the student must be able to demonstrate his/her knowledge of the course material and be able to discuss the reading matter thoughtfully and with propriety of expression. - The student's ability to explain correctly the main topics presented during the course at the board will be assessed. - In the written exam (only for the Psychology section) the student must demonstrate his/her knowledge of the course material.
Verifica delle nozioni di base durante l'esame orale
elenco di argomenti ritenuti utili:
conoscenza della lingua inglese
Delivery: face to face
Learning activities:
Attendance: Advised
Teaching methods:
Psicologia Clinica
1) Introduzione alla Psicopatologia e semeiotica delle funzioni mentali
2) Psicologia e psicofisiologia delle emozioni e dello stress
3) Psicologia e psicofisiologi clinica del pensiero e del comportamento
4) Psicologia e psicofisiologia clinica degli stati di coscienza
Nozioni sui sistemi vigenti di classificazione dei disturbi psichiatrici con particolare riferimento al Manuale Diagnostico Statistico dei Disturbi Mentali (DSM-5).
Nozioni di base di psicopatologia e semeiotica psichiatrica
Introduzione alla psichiatria.
Il colloquio
Psicopatologia generale
Disturbi di personalità
Disturbi dell’umore
Disturbi mentali in gravidanza ed in puerperio
Disturbi ossessivo compulsivi
Disturbi d’ansia
Disturbi somatoformi
Disturbi dissociativi
Schizofrenia e altri disturbi psicotici
Disturbo da uso di sostanze
Disturbi della condotta alimentare
Demenze ed altri disturbi mentali organici
Le urgenze in psichiatria
Il trattamento sanitario obbligatorio
Psichiatria nelle comunità
Le terapie in psichiatria
Familiarizzazione con terminologia psichiatrica in lingua inglese
Clinical Psychology
1) Introduction to psychopathology and semeiotics of mental functions
2) Psychology and psychophysiology of emotions and stress
3) Psychology and clinical psychophysiologists of thought and behavior
4) Psychology and clinical psychophysiology of states of consciousness
Notions on current systems of classification of psychiatric disorders with particular reference to the Statistical Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). Basics of psychopathology and psychiatric semeiotics Introduction to psychiatry. The interview General psychopathology Personality Disorders Mood disorders Mental disorders in pregnancy and in the puerperium Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Anxiety disorders Somatoform disorders Dissociative Disorders Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders Substance Use Disorder Eating disorders Dementia and other organic mental disorders Urgencies in psychiatry Mandatory health treatment Psychiatry in the communities Therapies in psychiatry Familiarization with psychiatric terminology in English
Psicologia Clinica:
1) appunti delle lezioni
2) diapositive delle lezioni
Testi consigliati:
Psicopatologia e Clinica Psichiatrica. Cassano GB, Tundo A., UTET, 2006.
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - DSM-5
Articoli, diapositive e materiale audiovisivo forniti dal docente.
Clinical Psychology: 1) lecture notes 2) lecture slides Psychiatry Recommended texts: Psychopathology and Psychiatric Clinic. Cassano GB, Tundo A., UTET, 2006. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - DSM-5 Articles, slides and audiovisual material provided by the teacher.
Gli studenti non frequentanti possono sostenere l'esame se opportunamente giustificati secondo i regolamenti di Ateneo
The exam consists of two oral tests carried out independently on the same day or on different days.
A Psychiatry test and a Clinical Psychology test. During each of the tests, the candidate will be examined on knowledge of psychiatry and psychopharmacology and clinical psychology respectively.
Both oral tests consist of:
An interview between the candidate and the teacher or other collaborators of the titular teacher.
The oral exam is not passed if:
the candidate does not correctly answer questions corresponding to the most basic part of the course).
the candidate shows that he is unable to express himself clearly and to use the correct terminology.
I docenti ricevono su appuntamento preso via e-mail o per telefono.