Acquisire informazioni sulla tecniche e metodiche della Parodontologia Clinica
Modulo di scienze tecniche mediche e applicate:
Acquisire informazioni sulla tecniche e metodiche della Parodontologia Clinica e conoscenze in merito agli strumenti per sviluttare paini di cura e trattamento.
To acquire fundamental knowledge in Clinical Periodontology
Module of medical and applied technical sciences:
Acquire information on the techniques and methods of Clinical Periodontology
and knowledge on the tools to develop care and treatment plans.
Esami orali di profitto alla fine del corso
Modulo di scienze tecniche mediche e applicate:
Esami orali di profitto alla fine del corso
Through oral exams at the end of the course
Module of medical and applied technical sciences:
Oral exams at the end of the course
Capacità di ragionamento clinico
Modulo di scienze tecniche mediche e applicate:
Sviluppo di capacità di ragionamento clinico e conseguente applicazione pratica con creazione di piani di cura personalizzati.
Clinical reasoning skills
Module of medical and applied technical sciences:
Development of clinical reasoning skills and consequent practical application with creation of personalized care plans.
Tramite domande durante i corsi
Modulo di scienze tecniche mediche e applicate:
Costante interazione tra docente e studenti durante la lezione e breve sezione dedicata in ogni di queste al chiarimento e ripasso delle nozioni di base della lezione precedente.
Through questions during lectures
Module of medical and applied technical sciences:
Constant interaction between teacher and students during the lesson and short
section dedicated in each of these to the clarification and review of the basics
of the previous lesson.
Capacità di ragionamento clinico
Modulo di scienze tecniche mediche e applicate:
Saranno acquisite opportune, accurate e precise nozioni teorco-pratiche per lo svolgimento di attività di raccolta e analisi di dati ananmestici e sperimentali e loro interpretazione al fine delle attività pratiche da svolgere nel lavoro quotidiano.
Clinical reasoning skills
Module of medical and applied technical sciences:
Appropriate, accurate and precise theoretical-practical notions will be acquired
for the performance of activities for the collection and analysis of anesthetic
and experimental data and their interpretation for the purpose of practical activities
to be carried out in daily work.
Tramite domande durante i corsi
Modulo di scienze tecniche mediche e applicate:
Tramite domande durante i corsi e breve sezione dedicata in ogni lezione al chiarimento e ripasso delle nozioni di base della lezione precedente.
Through questions during lectures
Module of medical and applied technical sciences:
Through questions during the courses and a short section dedicated in each lesson
to the clarification and review of the basics of the previous lesson.
Modulo di scienze tecniche mediche e applicate:
Module of medical and applied technical sciences:
Didattica frontale
Modulo di scienze tecniche mediche e applicate:
Formal Teaching
Module of medical and applied technical sciences:
Frontal lessons, with the aid of slides / videos.
Classroom / laboratory exercises.
Modulo di scienze tecniche mediche e applicate:
- Gum
- Periodontal ligament
- Root cement
- Alveolar bone
- Vascularization of the periodontium
- Innervation of the periodontium
- Incidence of periodontal diseases
- Structure of dental plaque
- Plaque formation
- Dental plaque as a biofilm
- Tartar and its clinical implications
- Unique features of periodontal inflammatory diseases
- Microbial role in periodontal disease
- Criteria for the definition of periodontal pathogens
- Periodontal pathogens
- Microbial complexes
- Key Stone Therapy
- Prerequisites for the initiation and progression of periodontal disease
- Clinically healthy gingiva
- Gingival inflammation
- Different types of lesions in gingivitis and periodontitis
- Host-parasite interaction
- Host defense processes
- Diabetes mellitus
- Puberty, pregnancy, menopause
- Tobacco smoke
- Classification criteria for gingival diseases
- Plaque-induced gingivitis
- Gingival disorders associated with endogenous hormones
- Gingival disorders associated with the use of drugs
- Gingival disorders associated with systemic diseases
- Gingival disorders associated with malnutrition
- Gingival disorders associated with inheritance
- Gingival disorders associated with ulcerative lesions
- Treatment of plaque-induced gingival pathologies
- Clinical aspects and general characteristics of chronic periodontitis
- Gingivitis as a risk of periodontitis
- Predisposition to chronic periodontitis
- Prevalence of chronic periodontitis
- Progression of chronic periodontitis
- Risk factors for chronic periodontitis
- Scientific basis for the treatment of chronic periodontitis
- Classification and clinical syndromes
- Epidemiology
- Etiology and pathogenesis
- Diagnosis
- Principles of therapeutic intervention
- Terminology
- Prevalence
- Clinical characteristics
- Diagnosis
- Histopathology
- Microbiology
- Guest response and predisposing factors
- Privacy
- Classification
- Prevalence
- Pathogenesis and histopathology
- Microbiology
- Diagnosis
- Privacy
- Complications
- Periodontal infectious processes of endodontic origin
- Iatrogenic radicular perforations
- Vertical root fractures
- External root resorption
- Induced plaque gingival pathology: gingival inflammation vs gingivitis
- Gingival disorders not induced by plaque
- Staging
- Grading
- Periodontal manifestations of systemic diseases
- Mucogingival conditions
- Occlusal trauma
- Prosthetic factors
- Tooth-related factors
- Peri-implant health
- Periimplant mucositis
- Periimplantitis
- Diagnosis of periodontal disease
- History of the periodontal patient
- Clinical examination of the periodontal patient: periodontal survey
- Radiographic examination of the periodontal patient: radiographic status
- Probing depth (PPD)
- Clinical attack level (CAL)
- Recession (REC)
- bleeding indexes (GI, FMBS, mBI)
- Engagement of furcations
- Dental mobility
- Full Mouth Plaque Score (FMPS)
- Plaque Indices (PI)
- motivation for oral hygiene
- Instructions for oral hygiene
- Dental brushing with manual toothbrush
- Dental brushing with electric toothbrush
- Interdental brushes
- Dental floss
-Rationale for chemical plaque control
- Agents for chemical plaque control
- Toothpastes
- Mouthwashes
- Chlorhexidine
- Evaluation of agents and chemicals
- Methods for non-surgical removal of debris from root surfaces
- Root scaling and polishing (root planing)
- Manual instrumentation: curette or scaler
- Mechanical instrumentation: sonic and ultrasonic scalers
- Polishing: pasta and airpolishing
- Effects of mechanical removal of debris on subgingival biofilms
- Scaling and smoothing of roots according to conventional quadrant scheme
- Total disinfection of the mouth (full-mouth-disinfection and full-mouth-scaling) in 24 hours
- Re-evaluation
- Rationale for antibiotic therapy
- Evaluation of antibiotics used in periodontal therapy
- Local antibiotic therapy
- Local antibiotic administration protocols
- Topic application
- Potassium fluoride
- Potassium Carbonate Fluoride
- Sodium fluoride
- Calcium hydroxide
- Basic paradigms for the prevention of periodontal disease
- Patients at risk of periodontitis due to the lack of periodontal supportive therapy
- Support periodontal therapy in patients with periodontitis
- Continuous risk assessment at multiple levels
- Objectives of periodontal support therapy
Parodontologia clinica e implantologia orale - Edizione 2017
Lindhe & Lang
Edi ermes
Modulo di scienze tecniche mediche e applicate:
Terapia Parodontale non chirurgica , Trombelli Ediz. Masson 2005
Igiene orale professinale, C. Guastamacchia e V. Ardizzone Ediz. Masson 2007
Odontostomatologia per l'Igienista Demtale, G.Farronato Ediz. Piccin 2007
L'Igienista Orale, Teoria e Pratica Professionale, v. Ardizzone e A. Abbinante Ediz. Edra 2013
La partica clinica dell'Igienista Dentale, G.M. Nardi e E. Wilkins Ediz. Piccin-nuova libreria 2011 o 2020
Clinical Periodontology & Implant Dentistry
Lindhe & Lang
Edi ermes
Module of medical and applied technical sciences:
Non-surgical Periodontal Therapy, Trombelli Ediz. Masson 2005
Oral hygiene professinal, C. Guastamacchia and V. Ardizzone Ediz. Masson 2007
Odontostomatology for the Demtal Hygienist, G.Farronato Ediz. Piccin 2007
The Oral Hygienist, Theory and Professional Practice, v. Ardizzone and A. Abbinante Ediz. Edra 2013
The clinical part of the Dental Hygienist, G.M. Nardi and E. Wilkins Ediz. Piccin-new bookcase 2011 or 2020
Esame Orale
Modulo di scienze tecniche mediche e applicate:
Esame orale
Oral Examinations
Module of medical and applied technical sciences:
Oral examinations
Modulo di scienze tecniche mediche e applicate:
orario di ricevimento : lunedi dalle 14:00 alle 16:00 presso Clinica Odontoiatrica Edif. 10 B P.T. Ospedale Santa Chiara, Pisa
Il ricevimento si effettuerà su appunatmento richiesto via e.mail a
Module of medical and applied technical sciences:
Office hours: Monday from 14:00 to 16:00 at the Edif. 10 B P.T. Santa Chiara Hospital, Pisa
The reception will take place by appointment requested by e-mail to: