Al termine del corso, lo studente avrà acquisito le basi per una una solida comprensione delle principali patologie di natura internistica che colpiscono l'organismo umano con particolare attenzione a quelle affezioni (cardiovascolari, polmonari, ematologiche, infettive e gastroenterologiche) che possono avere interazioni con le malattie odontostomatologiche.
Il modulo di Patologia Clinica fornirà la conoscenze delle basi patologiche e fisiopatologiche della diagnostica di laboratorio
The student who succesfully completes the course will be able to demonstrate a solid knowledge of the principles of internal medicine, with special attention to the diseases (cardiovascular, pulmonary, hematological, infectious and gastrointestinal diseases) which may involve oral cavity or interact with odontostomatological diseases.
The Clinical Pathology course will cover the principles of the laboratory diagnosis of human disease
Metodologia di verifica delle conoscenze: esame di profitto orale
Al termine del corso, lo studente sarà in grado di identificare sintomi e segni delle principali malattie cardiovascolari, polmonari, ematologiche, infettive e gastroenterologiche e la loro interazione con le malattie odontostomatologiche.
By the end of the course, students will be able to recognize signs and symptoms of the most common cardiovascular, pulmonary, hematological, infectious and gastrointestinaldisease, as well as their interaction with odontostomatological diseases
Le capacità acquisite saranno verificate durante l'esame finale.
Acquired skills will be verified during the final exam.
Students will acquire and/or develop an awareness to the complexity of the overall clinical conditions of the dentistry patient
I comportamenti acquisiti saranno verificati durante l'esame finale.
Acquired behaviours will be verified during the final exam.
Lo studente dovrà avere acquisito conoscenze relative all'anatomia, biochimica, fisiologia e patalogia generale umane.
Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology, General Pathology
Svolgimento di lezioni frontali con diapositive proiettate, discussione interattive di casi clinici e studio individuale degli argomenti trattati
Delivery: face to face
Learning activities:
Attendance: Mandatory
Teaching methods:
Programma di Medicina Interna
Programma di Patologia Clinica:
Introduzione alla Patologia Clinica: Concetto di biomarcatore, il processo di selezione di nuovi biomarcatori.
Caratteristiche analitiche di un metodo (accuratezza e precisione, errore analitico totale, coefficiente di variazione, riproducibilità intra e inter-saggio, profilo di imprecisione, il valore reale, specificità e sensibilità analitica).
Intervalli di riferimento e livelli decisionali, sensibilità e specificità di un test.
Linee guida sulla efficacia della richiesta in termini di migliore correlazione patogenetica e sulla interpretazione critica dei test di laboratorio nelle seguenti condizioni:
The course will provide the principles of pathogenesis, diagnosis and prevention of the most important infectious diseases in human caused by various microorganisms (bacteria, virus, fungi) with a particular focus on diseases that involve oral cavity.
Laboratory diagnostics of the following conditions and/or processes will be discussed in the Clinical Pathology module:
Internal Medicine program
Anemias: definition, classification, outline of therapy
The correct measurement of blood pressure
Arterial hypertension: definition, classification, complications
Heart failure
Hemorrhagic diseases
Diabetes Mellitus: classification, clinical signs, complications
Hypoglycaemic syndromes
Fever: pathophysiology, characteristics and clinical signs
Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome: classification, complications.
Kidney disease.
Pain and headache
Thyroid disease
Bone diseases: osteoporosis
COPD, asthma, pneumonia
Pulmonary embolism and venous thromboembolism
Obliterating arteriopathy of the lower limbs
Chest pain
Ischemic heart disease
Valvulopathies / infectious endocarditis
Cerebrovascular diseases
Clinical Pathology Program
Introduction to Clinical Pathology:
Biomarker concept, the process of selecting new biomarkers.
Analytical characteristics of a method (accuracy and precision, total analytical error, coefficient of variation, intra- and inter-assay reproducibility, imprecision profile, real value, specificity and analytical sensitivity).
Reference intervals and decision levels, sensitivity and specificity of a test.
Guidelines on the efficacy of the request in terms of better pathogenetic correlation and on the
critical interpretation of laboratory tests under the following conditions:
Haematopoietic function alterations: blood count examination, numerical parameters; leukocyte formula; cellular abnormalities, blood smear and morphology.
Anemias: classification surveys; diagnosis of anoemias due to deficiencies of normo-erythropoietic factors, hemolytic anemias and hemoglobinopathies: quantitative disorders (beta thalassemia) and qualitative disorders of the synthesis of hemoglobins (hemoglobin S).
Iron metabolism and parameters for its evaluation.
Hemostasis: evaluation of the vascular-platelet and coagulation phases; cellular model of the hemostatic process; targeted use of tests in monitoring the main pathologies of hemostasis:
- Test for the evaluation of platelet function: aggregation;
- Coagulation screening tests: PT (ISI index, INR), aPTT, TT.
Hemorrhagic diseases: von Willebrand disease, hemophilia A, hemophilia B.
Liver function disorders: indices of necrosis and cholestasis; jaundice; related metabolic tests.
Plasma proteins: appropriateness of the request for the measurement of the main serum proteins: Albumin; Acute phase proteins (C-reactive protein); Immunoglobulin.
Renal function disorders: evaluation of glomerular filtrations; clearance; tubular function evaluation; the laboratory in some kidney diseases.
Urinalysis: screening test and sediment; proteinurias.
Damage and heart failure markers: cardiac troponins and type B natriuretic peptides
Appunti e diapositive delle lezioni.
Per approfondimento: Harrison: Principi di Medicina Interna, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
Per il modulo di Patologia Clinica: Ciaccio M, Lippi G. Biochimica Clinica e Medicina di Laboratorio. EdiSES. Edizione 2
Lecture slides
Reference texts:
Harrison's Internal Medicine, Mc Graw Hill
M. Ciaccio, G. Lippi. Biochimica Clinica e Medicina di Laboratorio. EdiSES I ed.
interrogazione orale dello studente
oral question of the student