Al termine del corso lo studente avrà acquisito conoscenze in merito agli strumenti e alle metodologie per la comprensione della fisiologia dell'apparato genitale femminile e della gravidanza con particolare riferimento alle problematiche connesse all'habitus, al body mass index e alle abitudini alimentari
The purpose of the course is to teach the basic notions and fundamental aspects of Gynecology and Obstetrics expecially referall to body mass indexa and eating habits
Prova orale
Oral exam
Lo studente sarà in grado di presentare in una relazione orale sugli argomenti discussi
the student will be able to present an oral speech on the debated issue
the student will
The clinical method. Anamnesis and general physical examination of the main organs, systems and systems, identify and describe the pathological changes. Cost-benefit analysis in diagnostic tests. Diagnostic evaluation: the diagnostic procedure of the main internal diseases. The prognostic evaluation. Compile the medical record and draw up the main medical certificates, the death certificate and the reports of the causes of illness. Interpretation of laboratory and instrumental data in clinical practice. Blood pressure measurement. The evidence-based clinical decision. Disease monitoring parameters. Anemias in internal medicine. Myelo-proliferative syndromes in internal medicine. Acute and chronic liver diseases and liver failure. Heart failure and ischemic heart disease in internal medicine. The shock in internal medicine. Acute and chronic bronchopneumopathies in internal medicine. Pneumonia. Abdominal pain syndromes: hepatic colic, kidney stones, and pancreatitis. Endocrine hypo and hyperfunction. Consumption and drug abuse syndromes. Gastroesophageal reflux disease. Gastro-duodenal ulcer. Constipation and diarrhea. Thoracic pain syndromes. Arterial hypertension: definition of the entity. Eziopathological diagnosis. Assessment of target organ conditions and cardiovascular risk factors. The prognosis. Arterial hypotension. The main dysmetabolic syndromes. Obesity and thinness. Alterations of states of consciousness: coma and syncope. The vascular complications of atherosclerosis. Coagulation disorders and hemorrhagic syndromes. Dehydration and hyperhydration. Thromboembolism. Metabolic and respiratory acidosis and alkalosis. Dietary indications in particular conditions (renal and hepatic insufficiency, diseases of the digestive system). Edema syndromes. Electrolyte disturbances (Na, K, Ca). Discussion of clinical cases (prototypical of frequent clinical situations). The strategy of the therapeutic decision. The drug choice based on evidence and the individualization of therapy. Drug interactions and iatrogenic pathologies. Evaluation of the therapeutic effects and tolerability of drugs. Treatment of ischemic heart disease in its main clinical manifestations. The treatment of arterial hypertension. Antithrombotic therapy. The therapy of the main metabolic diseases. Preventive and rehabilitative strategy of the main internal diseases. Lifestyle modifications and drug therapy of risk factors. Antibiotic therapy. Aging: demographic aspects in Italy and in the world. Physiological aging of the various organs and systems. The fragility syndrome. Multidimensional assessment and definition of the "needs" of the elderly: role of the general practitioner, caregiver and local structures Continuity of care "Hospital-Territory" Physical activity and aging; maintaining the health of the elderly. Diagnostic and therapeutic Iatrogenesis. The clinical-practical implications of the main sensory and cognitive deficits. The main geriatric syndromes: Dementia, Delirium, Malnutrition, Sarcopenia, falls and fragility fractures, bed rest and immobilization syndrome, urinary incontinence. Palliative therapy Chronic pain therapy The definition of "Gender Medicine". Main areas of application of gender medicine. Pharmacological therapy and gender medicine.
Appunti presi a lezione.
Trattato di Ginecologia e Ostetricia ( Pescetto, Pecorari, Ragni).
Notes taken in class.
Treaty of Gynecology and obstetrics (Pescetto, Pecorari, Ragni)
Esame orale
Oral examination