By the end of the course:
Ongoing assessment to monitor academic progress will be carried out in the form of laboratory activities and meetings between the lecturers and a group of students developing the project
By the end of the course:
Fundamentals of:
For each lessson, a detailed bibliography is available on the Course Plan (in SCI Teams)
For each lessson, a detailed bibliography is available on the Course Plan (in SCI Teams)
Grading is based on:
There is the 70-30 weighting rule: 70 for PROJECT WORK (deliverables + group discussion), 30 for INDIVIDUAL discussion.
Both project work AND individual discussion should be almost 18/30 to grade.
Team project work requires to deliver (1) a report; (2) a presentation to be discussed (3) the code.
Deliverables are valuated on the following criteria and points:
L'insegnamento beneficia della partnership con 2 stakeholder industriali:
The course benefits the partecipation of 2 industrial stakeholders: