Scheda programma d'esame
Academic year2021/22
PeriodSemester 1

Programma non disponibile nella lingua selezionata
Learning outcomes

The student who completes the course successfully will be able to demonstrate a solid knowledge of the main issues related to the mechanical metallurgy, heat treatments of metals along the mechanical components chain, with particular attention to the steps that follow the semi-products production. He or she will acquire knowledge of systems and technologies of metal processing, and will be able to analyze and correlate their principles. Lastly, he or she will be aware of modern approaches of the major types of metallic materials (steel, aluminium, Ti alloys...)

Assessment criteria of knowledge

During the oral exam the student must be able to demonstrate his/her knowledge of the course material and be able to discuss the reading matter thoughtfully and with propriety of expression.


  • Final oral exam

Further information:
final oral exam 100%


The following main skills are provided by the course:

  • capability to identify different types of metal structures;
  • capability to guess quantitatively some basic phenomena, as correlation between mechanical properties and heat treatments;
  • understanding of the main damage mechanisms in steel and metallic alloy;
  • capability to design the right metallic materials for engineering applications;
Assessment criteria of skills

Oral examination, with assignment of typical problems.



The course is definitely a "changing mind" one. From the presented material the students are supposed to achieve those attitudes typical of "metallic culture", i.e., accountability, open and communicating attitude, transparency, questioning attitudes. 

Assessment criteria of behaviors

Basic knowledge about mechanical design, material science, mechanical test



Basic chemistry

basic Material Science

Mecxhanical design


No specific suggestion for courses to be attended in parallel.

Prerequisites for further study

No specific suggestion.

Teaching methods

Delivery: face to face

Learning activities:

  • attending lectures
  • preparation of oral/written report
  • individual study
  • group work
  • Laboratory work
  • Bibliography search

Attendance: Not mandatory

Teaching methods:

  • Lectures
  • Seminar
  • laboratory
  • project work

The course provides notions on the main metallic components, as well as the mechanical and technologic characteristics of metal alloys, their fracture processes and its causes (corrosion, temperature, fatigue stress...). The course also approaches the main issues related to technological processes, the theory of deformation and plasticity of metals and the principles and methods of failure risk analysis. The second part of the course focuses on the sheets steel for automotive and heavy plates for mechanical and energetic plant industry. Lastly, some issues related to the heat treatments of steel and aluminium alloys are presented and discussed


Recommended reading includes the following works: Mechanical Metallurgy by Dieter Phase Transormation in Metals and Alloys by Porter and Easterling Mechanics of sheet metal forming by Marciniak, Duncan and Hu

Non-attending students info

The teaching material, updated year by year by the teacher, is available on a usb support.

The teacher is available with continuity to receive students for solving their learning problems.

Assessment methods

The exam is made up of one oral test.

The oral test consists of an interview between the candidate and the lecturers. During the test the ability of the candidate to express him/herself in a clear manner using the correct terminology will be also assessed. The oral test will be passed if the score is at least 18/30.

Updated: 24/11/2021 12:33