Scheda programma d'esame
Academic year2021/22
PeriodSemester 2

Programma non disponibile nella lingua selezionata
Learning outcomes

Knowledge at the end of the course:

  • the main topics relating to food quality; 
  • the main methodologies for determining the main topics relating to food quality;
  • the chemistry of macro- and micro-food constituents and their major degradation processes;
  • the main analytical techniques employed in determining the main chemical and compositional characteristics of food.
  • the manual skills necessary to carry out some basic analytical determinations for the evaluation and control of food quality, through laboratory activities.
Assessment criteria of knowledge

Knowledge assessment will be carried out:

  • during lessons with questions aimed at assessing the degree of understanding of the issues analysed;
  • during laboratory activities, evaluating the practitcal application of the theoretical knowledge.

At the end of the course the student will acquire and / or develop:

  • The ability to correlate the chemistry of macro and microconstituents of foods with the main aspects determining food quality;
  • The ability to understand the issues related to the transformative and conservative processes of food.
  • The ability to carry out some basic analytical determinations for the evaluation and quality control of food.
Assessment criteria of skills

Skills assessment will be carried out:

  • During laboratory activities evaluating the degree of accuracy and precision 
  • During lessons and meetings, through questions aimed at assessing the ability to correlate the parts of the program and the notions acquired.



At the end of the course the student will acquire and / or develop:

  • The manualness required to carry out some basic analytical determinations for the evaluation and quality control of foods
  • Accuracy and precision in carrying out experimental data collection and analysis
  • The critical spirit to upgrade and improve its skills in food technology
  • The sensitivity to the problems inherent in the management, valorisation and protection of the quality of food
Assessment criteria of behaviors

Behaviour assessment will be performed:

  • During laboratory activities, evaluating the degree of accuracy and precision of work.
  • During lessons with questions assessing the student's reasoning skills in facing up to the problems posed by the teacher
  • Through brief reports on the topics considered in eventual seminars or out-of-school lessons

Prerequisites are knowledge about general chemistry, organic chemistry and biochemistry.

Teaching methods

Theoretical lessons are performed with the help of slides, while the practical ones are performed in a suitable didactic laboratory;

Laboratory exercises are carried out in groups of students;

The didactic material used is provided through the E-learning platform, useful also for interaction between teacher and students, which is also done through receptions and e-mail.

  • Quality of food
  • Chemical-physical and nutraceutical characteristics of food
  • Main nutrients and their nutritional value
  • Chemistry and analysis of food carbohydrates
  • Chemistry and analysis of food lipids
  • Chemistry and analysis of food proteins
  • Food color and its determination
  • Sensory analysis of food and its role in food technologies (main methods)
  • Main degradation processes of food components 
  • Main classes of food and their composition 

In addition to the didactic material provided directly by the teacher, the recommended reading includes the following books: 

  • T.P. Coultate - Food. The Chemistry of its Components. Royal Society of Chemistry. 2016
  • Belitz, H.-D., Grosch, W., Schieberle, P. Food Chemistry. Springer 2009.
Non-attending students info

Non-attending students can follow the lessons using the teaching material provided by the teacher on the CdS E-learning site and following the teacher's lecture register.

Assessment methods

Oral exam, of an average duration of 45 minutes and related to the whole course program, including the practical part carried out in the laboratory.

The oral test is over when the candidate proves to be able to correlate the chemistry of macro and micro constituents of foods with the quality and the major reactions occurring during the transformative and conservative processes of food.

The candidate must also be able to express himself in the correct and clear terminology.

Updated: 06/04/2022 15:21