Scopo del corso e' fornire agli studenti una conoscenza approfondinta del sistema nervoso (nelle sue componenti motoria, sensoriale e cognitiva) e una piena comprensione dei mecchanismi e dei sistemi di controllo ormonale.
The student who successfully completes the course will have acquired an in-depth knowledge of nervous system function, from sensory perception to motor output, cognition, memory and learning. In addition, a thorough understanding of hormonal control systems and their targets will be gained.
Gli studenti devono saper spiegare il funzionamento dei principali sistemi e processi discussi in classe, muovendosi agilmente tra diversi livelli di analisi (del sistema, della cellula, della molecola), utilizzando la corretta terminologia, in modo sintetico ed esaustivo.
La valutazione sommativa (che definisce il voto) avverra' nell'esame finale, che richiede l'espressione di queste conoscenze in forma orale
Students are expected to explain the functioning of the main mechanisms and processes discussed in the course, easily moving between levels of analysis (system - cellular - molecular), with synthesis and property of language
The acquisition of this knowledge is verified in the final oral exam
Lo studio della fisiologia comporta l'acquisizione delle seguenti capacita' specifiche
the undertaking on this pysiology class entails a variety of basic and complex skills, mainly:
Le abilita' acquisite verranno valutate nell'esame finale, proponendo quesiti che richiedano la descrizione, oppure la classificazione o ancora la spiegazione del funzionamento di uno o piu' sistemi/processi trattati nel corso, ovvero la loro integrazione funzionale
Skills will be assessed by asking students to discuss analytically the course material, i.e. describing, classifying and explaining the functioning of sample systems and processes, or their dynamic integraion
Lo studio della fisiologia promuovera' l'acquisizione delle seguenti competenze trasversali:
Physiology studies will foster the acquisition of the following LLL (life long learning) skills
Ai fini dell'attribuzione del voto finale, la commissione valuterà i seguenti aspetti:
LLL skills will be evalutated in the final exam, where the final mark will take into account
Anatomia umana
Biologia Cellulare
Fisiologia umana I
Human anatomy
Cell biology
Human physiology I
La modalita' di interazione con il docente e' la lezione. questa prevede una combinazione di attivita'
Delivery: face to face
Learning activities:
Sistema endocrino (modulo A - Prof. Faraguna)
Sistema nervoso (modulo A - Prof. Manzoni)
Sistema nervoso (modulo B - Prof. Binda)
A-Prof. Faraguna: The endocrine system;
A-Prof. Manzoni: The hyerarchical organization of motor control: reflexes, rhythmic and stereotyped motor patterns, distal/fine motor tasks; Higher and cognitive functions, including attention, motivation, emotion. Smooth and skeletal muscle function;
B-Prof. Binda: Functional organization of sensory systems, including vision, hearing, taste, olfaction and tactile perception; Plasticity; Learning and memory.
Endocrine system (module A - Prof. Faraguna)
• The mechanisms of action of hormones. • Hypothalamic hormones and adeno-pituitary hormones. • The endocrine glands controlled by the hypothalamus-pituitary axis. • Hormonal control of blood sugar and its disorders. • The homeostasis of calcium. • Hormonal control of growth. • Male and female sex hormones. • The sleep-wake cycle
Nervous system (module A - Prof. Manzoni)
• Morpho-functional organization of the central and peripheral nervous system. • General organization of motor control. • Skeletal muscle. • Spinal mechanisms of motor coordination: reflex action and role of interneurons. • Locomotion, posture control and vestibular system. • Organization of voluntary movement: cortical areas, cortico-spinal pathway. • Motor coordination systems: cerebellum, basal ganglia. • Anatomo-functional organization of the cerebral cortex. • Frontal and parietal lobe physiology • Instincts and emotions. • Higher nervous functions.
Nervous system (module B - Prof. Binda)
• Mechanisms for processing sensory information. The receptors. Determination of psychophysical measures in the various sensory modalities. • Physiology of vision: Physiological optics, phototransduction and adaptation to light and dark, the physiology of the retina. • Visual pathways - Organization of the associative visual cortices. • The mechanisms and circuits for the analysis of shape, depth and color. • The mechanisms and circuits for the analysis of visual movement. • The coding of sound, acoustic pathways and the physiology of hearing. • The physiology of taste and smell. • Physiology of somatovisceral sensitivity: tactile, thermal, proprioceptive and pain. • The mechanisms for LTD and LTP; the physiology of the hippocampus and of memory and learning. • Plasticity.
Principles of Neural Science, V ed. 2012, E. Kandel Physiology, R.M Berne M.N. Levy
Principles of Neural Science, V ed. 2012, E. Kandel Physiology, R.M Berne M.N. Levy
esame finale orale, comprendente una combinazione di domande e problemi da svolgere che accertano le diverse conoscenze, abilita' e competenze trasversali dichiarate negli obiettivi formativi
oral final exam, including a combination of questions aimed at testing all the expected learning outcomes, in terms of knowledge, specific skills and LLL skills