Al termine del corso lo studente è in grado di:
Students will be able to demonstrate a solid knowledge of the main compounds occurring in the must/grape and their evolution during the winemaking processes - Fermentation carried out by yeasts and by lactic acid bacteria - The chemical impact of the main additives used in wine making. The student who completes the course successfully will be also acquire knowledge of chemical and physical methods to be used for the characterization of a wine, in routine analysis and will be able to perform the most used analyses of must and wine.
Further information due to Covid-19 emergency:
1. The first part of the exam consists of an admission written test. After the written test, students with an overall grade higher than, or equal to, 5/10 may undergo an oral examination. Specific weights of the two parts of the exam: admission written exam 30% final oral exam 70%
Al termine del corso lo studente è in grado di:
At the end of the course the student is able to:
a) Identify and evaluate analytically the chemical-physical parameters that characterize the phenolic and technological maturity of grapes;
b) evaluate the analytical data that must be followed in the course of the fermentation process in order to control its smooth course;
c) check the analytical parameters related to the extraction of the compounds responsible for the colour, the structure of a wine;
d) modify the chemical-physical parameters that regulate the aging process of wine;
e) identify the corrective actions to be taken in the event of product alterations.
Durante le sessioni di laboratorio (in presenza o on-line, in funzione della situazione generata dall'emergenza Covid) gli studenti dovranno acquisire i dati necessari per poter valutare criticamente i dati ottenuti alla luce di quanto riportato in letteratura e/o trattato a lezione. Per la verifica delle capacità acquisite, saranno valutate le relazioni svolte individualmente dagli studenti per ognuna delle esercitazioni proposte.
During the laboratory sessions (in presence or on-line, depending on the situation generated by the emergency Covid) students will have to acquire the necessary data to critically evaluate the data obtained in the light of what is reported in the literature and/ or treated in class.
In order to assess the acquired skills, the reports carried out individually by the students for each of the laboratory session will be evaluated.
The student will be able to manage the analytical protocol necessary for the evaluation of the quality of the grapes suitable for winemaking and wines
The student will acquire knowledge and skills related to accuracy and precision in carrying out activities of collection and analysis of experimental data
The student will be able to manage the analytical protocol necessary for the evaluation of the wines during the aging process up to bottling
Punteggio previsto:
After each laboratory session (in presence or on-line, depending on the situation generated by the emergency Covid) will be critically discussed the results obtained to assess the degree of accuracy and accuracy of the activities carried out.
The relations sent by the students will be subject to evaluation, as reported in the exam modalities.
Laboratory sheets score:
Excellent (2 additional points on the final vote);
Good (1 additional points on the final vote);
Sufficient (0 additional points on the final vote)
Not sufficient (relations must be delivered again after review)
Propedeuticità richieste
Chimica generale e inorganica, Matematica e statistica, Chimica organica, Biochimica Agraria
Propaedeutic courses:
General chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Maths, Biochemistry
Delivery: face to face
Learning activities:
Attendance: Advised
Teaching methods:
The course provides notions on the main grape components: carbohydrates, organic acids, phenolic substances, aromatic substances, ashes. The course also approaches the main issues related to the use of sulfur dioxide as an additive, to the developments of alcoholic fermentation and malolactic fermentation. The final part of the course focuses on the colloidal phenomena and the ferric and copper "casse", on the wine evolution during aging and on the characteristics and importance of wine flaws in wine. In the laboratory: analysis on must and wines (must density, alcoholic degree, titratable and volatile acidity, reducing sugars, glucose and fructose concentrations, free and total SO2, total phenols and anthocyanins, unpolymerised anthocyanins, color indexes of wines, etc.).
In aggiunta al materiale fornito dal docente (files pdf delle presentazioni inerenti le lezioni), è consigliata la consultazione, guidata dallo stesso docente, dei seguenti testi:
Course materials provided to integrate students own notes available on Teams
P.Ribéreau-Gayon Y.Glories A.Maujean D.Dubourdieu. TRATTATO DI ENOLOGIA (I, II Vol.). Ed.
EDAGRICOLE. M.A. Amerine and C.S. Ough. Wine and must analysis. Ed.Wiley - Interscience Slides and other material proposed by the lecturer. Indications on monographies, articles, brochures and internet links, will be given when useful.
Gli studenti non frequentanti possono seguire lo svolgimento delle lezioni utilizzando il materiale didattico messo a disposizione dal docente del corso su Teams e consultando il registro delle lezioni del docente. Gli studenti non frequentanti prenderanno accordi con il docente per la parte relativa alle esercitazioni e per lo svolgimento di ricevimenti (a distanza o in presenza, in accordo con le regole che saranno previste per l'emergenza Covid). Le lezioni del corso sono state registrate per cui è possibile ascoltarle in un momento diverso dall'orario in cui sono state tenute.
Non-attending students can follow the course using the teaching material provided by the teacher on Teams and consulting the register of the lessons.
Non-attending students will contact the professor for the part related to the exercises and for the holding of receptions (distance or in presence, in accordance with the rules that will be provided for the emergency Covid).
Prova di ammissione scritta che consiste in un esercizio inerenti problematiche enologiche trattate durante il corso; se il risultato è maggiore o uguale di 5/10, lo studente è ammesso a sostenere la prova orale. La valutazione è integrata dal risultato dell'attività di laboratorio: le schede relative allo svolgimento con commento critico delle esperienze di laboratorio danno luogo a un'integrazione di punteggio da 0 a 2 punti, secondo il giudizio ottenuto (0= sufficiente; 1= buono; 2= ottimo). Si dà la possibilità̀ di preparare una tesina su un tema concordato con il docente. La tesina, in funzione del giudizio ricevuto, può determinare un incremento della valutazione finale da 0 a 2 punti (0= sufficiente; 1= buono; 2= ottimo). Per superare l'esame lo/la studente dovrà rispondere positivamente almeno a due quesiti su tre. L'attribuzione del voto verrà fatta sulla base della correttezza delle risposte, della capacità di collegare i diversi argomenti del programma del corso e dei corsi seguiti in precedenza e di applicare le nozioni teoriche alla gestione della vinificazione.
Per la preparazione dell'esame, gli argomenti discussi a lezione dovranno essere integrati dallo studio dei capitoli del "Tratto di Enologia" indicati in bibliografia. Sarà valutata positivamente la dimostrazione di aver consultato gli altri testi proposti.
Written admission test which consists of an exercise concerning oenological problems treated during the course; if the score is greater than or equal to 5/10, the student is admitted to the oral session. The evaluation is complemented by the result of the laboratory activity: the performance sheets with critical commentary of the laboratory experiences give rise to an integration of score from 0 to 2 points, according to the judgment obtained (0= sufficient; 1= good; 2= excellent). It gives the opportunity to prepare a thesis on a theme agreed with the teacher. The thesis, depending on the judgment received, can lead to an increase in the final evaluation from 0 to 2 points (0= sufficient; 1= good; 2= excellent). To pass the exam the/ the student will have to answer positively at least two questions out of three. The attribution of the grade will be made on the basis of the correctness of the answers, the ability to connect the different topics of the course program and the courses followed previously and to apply the theoretical notions to the management of winemaking.
For the preparation of the exam, the topics discussed in class will have to be supplemented by the study of the chapters of the "Handbook of Oenology" indicated in Bibliography.
Siti web di cui è consigliata la consultazione:
Websites recommended for consultation: