Il corso è organizzato in tre moduli distinti:
1. BIOCHIMICA (Dott.ssa Francesca Ronca)
3. BIOLOGIA MOLECOLARE (Dott.ssa Sara Palumbo)
Il Corso di Biochimica e Biologia consentirà allo studente di acquisire conoscenze sui concetti di base di biochimica, biologia molecolare e biochimica clinica. In particolare, i moduli di biochimica e biologia molecolare consentiranno di acquisire le infomazioni di base per la comprensione degli aspetti biochimico-clinici.
The course is organized in three distinct modules:
1. BIOCHEMISTRY (Dr. Francesca Ronca)
3. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (Dott.ssa Sara Palumbo)
The Biochemistry and Biology Course will allow the student to acquire knowledge on the basic concepts of biochemistry, molecular biology and clinical biochemistry. In particular, the biochemistry and molecular biology modules will allow you to acquire basic information for understanding the biochemical-clinical aspects.
Le conoscenze acquisite verranno verificate mediante un esame scritto.
The acquired knowledge will be verified through a written exam.
Programma di Biochimica Clinica e Biologia Molecolare Clinica:
Aspetti generali di biochimica clinica. Preanalitica del campione biologico.
Tecniche di laboratorio: spettrofotometriche, ottiche, di citometria a flusso, microbiologiche, elettroforetiche, immunoanalitiche, genetiche.
Bioregolatori: elettroliti e molecole volatili. Alterazione del bilancio idroelettrolitico, significato clinico e metodi di determinazione. Equilibrio acido-base nel sangue, disordini acido-base e metodi di valutazione (emogasanalisi).
Esame emocromocitometrico.
Studio della coagulazione e delle anemie. Carboidrati. Studio di ipo- ed iper- glicemie.
Proteine. Immunoglobuline. Enzimi e isoenzimi di interesse clinico.
Lipoproteine e lipidi. Studio di dislipidemie e disturbi aterosclerotici.
Programma di Biochimica
Programma di Biologia Molecolare
Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology Program:
General aspects of clinical biochemistry. Pre-analysis of the biological sample.
Laboratory techniques: spectrophotometric, optical, flow cytometry, microbiological, electrophoretic, immunoanalytical, genetic.
Bio-regulators: electrolytes and volatile molecules. Alteration of the hydroelectrolytic balance, clinical significance and methods of determination. Acid-base balance in the blood, acid-base disorders and assessment methods (blood gas analysis).
Blood count test.
Study of coagulation and anemias. Carbohydrates. Study of hypo and hyperglycemia.
Protein. Immunoglobulin. Enzymes and isoenzymes of clinical interest.
Lipoproteins and lipids. Study of dyslipidaemias and atherosclerotic disorders. Biochemistry program
• Amino acids: classification. Protein, postsynthetic, non-protein amino acids. The peptides. Oligopeptides and polypeptides. Primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary structure of proteins
• Protein folding. Enzymatic cofactors. Chaperoni and chaperonine. Collagen and elastin.
• The structure of the heme. Structure and function of myoglobin and hemoglobin. The binding of oxygen to myoglobin and hemoglobin and binding cooperativity. The Bohr effect. Fetal hemoglobin. Hemoglobinopathies.
• Introduction to metabolism. Enzymes as biological catalysts. Kinetics of enzymatic catalysis. Michaelis-Menten's equation. The factors influencing the reaction rate. Coenzymes.
• isozymes. Inhibition of enzymatic activity: competitive and non-competitive inhibitors. The regulation of enzymatic activity. Allosteric enzymes. Regulation of enzymes by covalent modification.
Carbohydrates. Monosaccharides. Main natural monosaccharides. Isomers and epimers. Disaccharides. Polysaccharides. purine and pyrimidine bases. Nucleosides and nucleotides. Catabolism and anabolism: complementarity. ATP, NADH, NADPH and FADH2. Vitamins B2 and B3. Hydrolysis energy rich compounds. Use and synthesis of ATP.
• Carbohydrate metabolism: entry of gucose into cells. Metabolic fate of G-6-P. Glycolysis. The stages of glycolysis. Aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis. Energy balance of glycolysis. Lactic dehydrogenase. The Cori cycle.
• Allosteric and hormonal regulation of glycolysis. Regulation of phosphofructokinase-1 and tandem enzyme. Catabolism of the other exiles.
• Glycogenolysis and glycogenosynthesis. Allosteric and hormonal regulation of glycogenolysis and glycogenosynthesis. Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and its regulation. Vitamin B1 and pantothenic acid. Catabolic role of the Krebs cycle.
• Catabolic role of the Krebs cycle. Regulation of the Krebs cycle. Anabolic role of the Krebs cycle and anaplerotic reactions.
• The respiratory chain: the components of the respiratory chain, sequence of components of the respiratory chain, oxidation of the substrates, conversion of energy during the electronic flow. Oxidative phosphorylation. Mechanism of oxidative phosphorylation. The electromotive force between the internal mitochondrial membrane. ATP synthase. Mechanism of ATP synthesis. Coupling of electronic transport with ATP synthesis. Decoupling and thermogenesis.
• Lipids. Main fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids and sphingolipids. Metabolic use of fatty acids. Activation of fatty acids. Carnitine. Carnitine function. Beta-oxidation of fatty acids.
• Ketone bodies, synthesis and use. Formation of oxygen radicals and detoxification mechanisms. 2085/5000 • The pentose phosphate pathway and NADPH: irreversible oxidative rations and reversible oxidative reactions. The use of the NADPH. Glucose-6- phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Gluconeogenesis. The substrates of gluconeogenesis. The exclusive reactions of gluconeogenesis. The regulation of gluconeogenesis.
• Lipogenesis. The synthesis of palmitic acid. Elongation and desaturation of palmitic acid. Essential fatty acids. Synthesis of arachidonic acid. Synthesis and characterization of eicosanoids. Cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase.
• Synthesis and degradation of triglycerides. Via the monoacylphosphate. The steroid ring. The five stages of the synthesis of cholesterol in humans. Regulation of cholesterol synthesis. Synthesis of cholesterol derivatives. Primary and secondary bile acids, enterohepatic circulation. Steroid hormones and vitamin D.
• Ethanol metabolism in humans. Constitutive system (ADH) and inducible (MEOS). Aldehyde dehydrogenase. Cellular toxicity of ethyl alcohol and acetaldehyde. Cyp 450 and detoxification. The role of folic acid in the catabolism of amino acids and nitrogen bases. Vitamin B 12. Biosynthesis of heme. Synthesis of porphybilinogen and protoporphyrins. Heme formation. The profiries. Hemoglobin catabolism: formation of bile pigments. Jaundices.
• Plasma lipoproteins: IDL and LDL. Receptors for the remnants of chylomicrons, IDL and LDL. LDL receptor regulation. HDL and apoproteins of HDL. Reverse transport of cholesterol. Cellular homeostasis of free cholesterol.
• Protein digestion. Transamination. Pyridoxal phosphate. Oxidative deamination. Glutamine synthetase and arginine synthetase. Glutamminasi. Glucose-alanine cycle. Metabolic fate of ammonia. Urea cycle and connection with the Krebs cycle. Regulation of the urea cycle. Synthesis of biogenic amines and thyroid hormones.
• Insulin, glucagon and adrenaline. Metabolic relationships between liver, muscle, adipose tissue and brain. The fasting nutrition cycle. Molecular Biology Program
• Structure and function of nucleic acids. Gene structure. The Human Genome Project: defining the details of the genome. The ENCODE project: functional analysis of the genome.
• Recombinant DNA technology. Types of vectors: plasmids, phages, cosmids, BAC and YAC. DNA and cDNA libraries. PCR. New generation sequencing systems.
• Structure and organization of the genome. Coding and intergenic sequences. Unique sequences, on average and highly repeated.
• Genetic variability and polymorphisms.
• Concept of risk alleles or disease susceptibility. Case-control association studies. Association studies on a genomic scale. Selection of candidate genes. Genotyping methods. PCR-RFLP, PCR-ARMS, PCR-HRM.
• Epigenetic inheritance. DNA methylation. Chromatin remodeling. Study of the methyloma.
• Introduction to pharmacogenetics. Gene therapy principles.
Modulo di Biochimica Clinica e Biologia Molecolare Clinica:
- presentazioni power point delle lezioni
- dispensa fornita dal docente
Modulo di Biochimica:
- presentazioni power point delle lezioni
-fotocopie integrative
Modulo di Biologia Molecolare:
- presentazioni power point delle lezioni
- reviews indicate dal docente
Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology Module:
- power point presentations of the lessons
- handout provided by the teacher
Biochemistry Module:
- power point presentations of the lessons
- additional photocopies
Molecular Biology Module:
- power point presentations of the lessons
- reviews indicated by the teacher
Esame di Biochimica Clinica e Biologia Molecolare Clinica: esame scritto composto da una domanda teorica preanalitica/analitica/postanalitica, l'interpretazione di un referto biochimico clinico e verifica della conoscienza dei valori di riferimento relativi a misurazioni analitiche su sangue venoso, arterioro e urine.
Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology Exam: written exam consisting of a theoretical pre-analytical / analytical / post-analytical question, the interpretation of a clinical biochemical report and verification of the knowledge of the reference values relating to analytical measurements on venous, inner and urine blood.
Registro delle lezioni Dott.ssa Sara Palumbo:
Registro delle lezioni Dott.ssa Francesca Ronca