View syllabus
Academic year2022/23
PeriodSemester 2

Learning outcomes
Assessment criteria of knowledge

Final oral exam with marks given in thirtieths and eventual laude.

Prerequisiti (conoscenze iniziali)

Conoscenza di base in botanica, ecologia, fisiologia vegetale e biochimica

Teaching methods

Delivery: face to face. Learning activities: attending lectures, participation in discussion, individual study, laboratory work, bibliography search, practical. Attendance: advised. Teaching methods: lectures and laboratory.

Programma (contenuti dell'insegnamento)

Cap. 1. Introduzione.

Patologia vegetale: la scienza; il concetto di malattia nelle piante; tipi di m.; storia della p.v. Come i patogeni sfidano la pianta: parassitismo e sviluppo della m. Il paradigna Pianta-Patobioma. L’approccio One Health. Il concetto di eustress. Il triangolo della m. I postulate di Koch.

 Cap. 2. I patogeni delle piante.

Funghi, oomycetes, batteri e virus. Stili di vita nell’interazione pianta/patogeno. Il ciclo della malattia. Patogeni mono- o policiclici. Epidemiologia. Vettori di patogeni.

 Cap. 3. Come la pianta si difende dai patogeni.

 Difese strutturali e biochimiche pre-esistenti o indotte. SAR e ISR. Trasmissione del segnale d’allarme.

 Cap. 4. Gestione delle malattie nei sistemi naturali.

Pratiche colturali; difesa biologica; resistenza dell’ospite. Patologia vegetale ed evoluzione.

 Cap. 5. Citizen science ed educazione ambientale

 Caso di studio: spettroscopia della vegetazione: uno strumento per individuare e monitorare la salute e il benessere delle piante. Concetti di base: proprietà ottiche della vegetazione, sensori ottici. Applicazioni alla patologia veg.: raccolta dati iperspettrali, sviluppo di indici, approcci multivariati per stimare caratteri fogliari morfologici, fisiologici e biochimici e classificare le firme spettrali. Applicazioni pratiche.

 Esercitazioni:  attività in laboratorio su casi di diagnosi convenzionale e molecolare


Chapter one. Introduction.
Plant pathology: the science; the concept of disease in plants; types of plant diseases; history of plant pathology. How pathogens challenge plants: parasitism and disease development. The Plant Pathobiome Paradigm. The One Health approach. The eustress concept. The disease triangle. Koch’s postulates.

Chapter two. Plant pathogens.
Fungi, oomycetes, bacteria and viruses. Lifestyles in plant-pathogen interaction. The disease cycle. Monocyclic and polycyclic pathogens. Epidemiology (disease in plant populations). Vectors of pathogens.

Chapter three. How plants defend themselves against pathogens.
Preexisting and induced structural defenses; preexisting and induced biochemical defenses. Systemic acquired resistance and induced systemic resistance. Transmission of the alarm signal to defense providers.

Chapter four. Disease management in natural systems.
Cultural practices. Biological control. Host resistance and evolutionary plant pathology.

Chapter five. Citizen science and enrivonmental education.

Study case: vegetation spectroscopy: a tool to detect and monitor plant health and wellbeing.
Basic concepts: vegetation optical properties, optical sensors, leaf-ecosystem scaling. Applications in plant pathology to early detect and monitor plant diseases and stress conditions: collection of hyperspectral data at leaf and canopy level, application and development of vegetation spectral indices; multivariate approaches to estimate plant morphological, physiological and biochemical leaf traits and classify spectral signatures. Practical overview.

Practical exercises: lab investigations on conventional and molecular diagnosis of plant pathogens.


All the slides shown during the lessons (pdf format) will be freely available within the e-learning system. Further bibliography, if required, will be indicated during the classwork.

Modalità d'esame

Esame orale finale

Updated: 29/07/2022 11:22