Il corso "Robot Programming Frameworks and IoT Platforms” fornirà agli studenti competenze teoriche e pratiche nel campo della programmazione robotica, piattaforme IoT e fornirà informazioni sulla progettazione software di robot e sistemi autonomi con approccio pratico. Attività specifiche saranno svolte con ROS (Robotic Operating System) e YARP (Yet another robot platform) che saranno implementati in ambiente simulato in attività hands-on e utilizzando schede di sviluppo SOM (System on Module) dedicate.
The course "Robot Programming Frameworks and IoT Platforms” will provide the students with theoretical and practical competences in the field of robot programming, IoT platforms and it will provide information on the software design of autonomous robots and systems with a hand-on approach. Specific activities will be performed with ROS (Robotic Operating System) and YARP (Yet another robot platform) that will be implemented in simulated environment in hands-on activity and using dedicated SOM (System on Module) development boards.
I criteri di valutazione della conoscenza del corso "Robot Programming Frameworks and IoT Platforms” consisteranno in una prova orale sui fondamenti teorici degli argomenti del corso e sulle competenze tecniche acquisite nelle attività pratiche.
The assessment criteria of knowledge of the course "Robot Programming Frameworks and IoT Platforms” will consist in an oral exam about theoretical foundations of the course topics and technical skills acquired in the hands-on activities.
Al termine del corso "Robot Programming Frameworks and IoT Platforms” lo studente:
At the end of the course "Robot Programming Frameworks and IoT Platforms” the student will:
Durante il corso "Robot Programming Frameworks and IoT Platforms” le competenze saranno valutate progressivamente attraverso la discussione e la valutazione degli esercizi di implementazione durante le attività pratiche.
During the "Robot Programming Frameworks and IoT Platforms” course, skills will be progressively evaluated by discussion and assessment of the implementation exercises during the hands-on activities.
Lo studente sarà in grado di:
The student will be able to:
Durante il corso "Robot Programming Frameworks and IoT Platforms”, la verifica dei comportamenti avverrà tramite l'interazione con i docenti che servirà per ispirare gli studenti e tradurre argomenti teorici in ricerca.
During the "Robot Programming Frameworks and IoT Platforms” course, criteria of behaviors will be assessed by discussion and interaction that will be used for inspiring the students and translate theoretical topics into research.
I prerequisiti sono conoscenze di base in design, elettronica e programmazione (linguaggi: C).
Pre-requisites are basic knowledges in electronics and programming (languages: C).
Il corso "Robot Programming Frameworks and IoT Platforms” sarà organizzato in lezioni, seminari e attività pratiche. Il confronto durante le lezioni e incontri con i docenti completeranno le metodologie didattiche. I materiali saranno accessibili tramite cartelle condivise con gli studenti.
The “Robot Programming Frameworks and IoT Platforms” course will be organized in classes, seminars and hands-on activities. Discussion during the lessons and planned in dedicated face-to-face meeting with the teachers will complete the teaching methods. Materials will be accessible from dedicated shared folders for the students.
1) Programmazione Robotica
Principali concetti di programmazione per la robotica e middleware robotici
2) Introduzione a C++
3) Introduzione a Python
4) Interfacce di comunicazione e IoT platforms
5) Introduzine al Robot Programming
6) Controllo robotico
1) Robot Programming
-Main concepts of robot programming and robot middleware
2) Introduction to C++
3) Introduction to Python
4) Communication interfaces and IoT platforms
5) Introduction to Robot Programming
6) Robot control
selection of scientific articles provided by the teacher, link to ROS, YARP and PARTICLE documentation, slides, etc.
oral exam focused on the assessment of basic theoretical knowledge and focused discussion on the implemented exercises in the projectual work (hands-on sessions).