Padroneggiare le patologie cardiovascolari e respiratorie, con nozioni di epidemiologia, eziologia, patogenesi, sintomatologia, diagnostica bioumorale e strumentale, cenni di terapia.
Mastering cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, with notions of epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, symptoms, biohumoral and instrumental diagnostics, hints of therapy.
Esame Orale
Oral examination
Appropriata espressione verbale e uso della corretta terminologia medico-scientifica. Capacità di costruire un discorso logico e mirato all'argomento da trattare, privilegiando la sintesi e la densità di informazione fornita.
Appropriate verbal expression and use of correct medical-scientific terminology. Ability to construct a logical discourse aimed at the topic to be treated, favoring the synthesis and density of information provided
Esame orale
Oral Examination
Presenza dall'inizio della sessione di esame. Risposta all'appello. Abbigliamento adeguato alla sede istituzionale in cui si svolge l'esame
Attendance from the beginning of the examination session. Response to the appeal. Clothing suitable for the institutional site where the exam takes place
Verifica visiva.
Visual verification
Conoscenze propedeutiche richieste:
Required preparatory knowledge: Cardiovascular physical semeiotics Electrocardiography Principles of non-invasive cardiovascular diagnostics Principles of invasive cardiovascular diagnostics
Superamento dell'esame di Patologia Sistematica IV in toto.
Passing the examination of Systematic Pathology IV in toto.
Frequenza alle lezioni e approfondimenti sui libri di testo e sulla bibliografia pertinente
Attendance to lectures and insights into textbooks and relevant bibliography
Programma del modulo di Malattie dell'apparato cardiovascolare:
Programma del modulo di Chirurgia Toracica:
1) Semeiotica chirurgica del torace
2) Enfisema bolloso – cisti aeree
3) Pneumotorace
4) Versamenti pleurici
5) Carcinoma Polmonare - Classificazione e Clinica
6) Carcinoma Polmonare – Diagnosi
7) Carcinoma Polmonare – Stadiazione
8) Mesotelioma
9) Traumi
10) Suppurazioni pleuro-polmonari
11) Tumori del Mediastino
12) Patologia Timica
Programma del modulo di Malattie dell'apparato respiratorio:
Richiami di anatomia e fisiologia polmonare
Richiami di fisiopatologia polmonare
Epidemiologia delle malattie respiratorie
Storia clinica mirata alla patologia polmonare; esame obietttivo del torace
Valutazione della funzione polmonare
Altre metodiche diagnosiche inclusi cenni di diagnostica per immagini del torace
Insufficienza respiratoria
Broncopneumopatia cronica ostruttiva
Riacutizzazione di broncopneumopatia cronica ostruttiva
Asma bronchiale
Polmoniti infettive
Tubercolosi polmonare
Malattie intersiziali polmonari
Il versamento pleurico
Embolia polmonare
Ipertensione polmonare
Sindrome da distress respiratorio acuto
Sindrome delle apnee ostruttive durnte il sonno
Il polmone nelle malattie neuromuscolari
Danni da fumo e tabagismo
Programma del modulo di Cardiochirurgia:
Program Diseases of the cardiovascular apparatus:
Classification of heart and vessel diseases and cardiovascular epidemiology The cardiac cycle and electro-mechanical correlations Cardiac arrest The most common cardiological emergencies: acute pulmonary edema; shock; arrhythmias; syncope; pulmonary embolism; cardiac tamponade; aortic dissection. - Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Rhythm disturbances 1: bradyarrhythmias and tachyarrhythmias Rhythm disturbances 2: Atrial fibrillation Heart failure - pathophysiology and clinic Valvulopathies 1: Rheumatic disease - Mitral valve disease - Pulmonary and tricuspid valve diseases and multiple valvulopathies Valvulopathies 2: Diseases of the aortic valve Arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease Pathophysiology, prevention and therapy notes of atherothrombosis Acute coronary syndromes Chronic ischemic heart disease Systemic arterial hypertension Pulmonary hypertension Myocardiopathies (idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, restrictive cardiomyopathies, arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, Tako-tsubo) and myocarditis Endocarditis Diseases of the pericardium and tumors of the heart Congenital heart disease - classification and pathophysiology Diseases of the aorta and peripheral arteriopathies (of the lower limbs, carotid, kidney) Arterial and venous thromboembolism
Program Thoracic surgery:
Program Pulmonary medicine:
basic principles of anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system
basic principles of respiratory pathophysiology
Epidemiology of the respiratory diseases
Medicl history, focused on respiratory diseases; phsical exam of the chest
Pulmonary function tests; other diagnostic techniques in respiratory medicine, including basic principles of imaging techniques
Respiratory failure
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Bronchial asthma
Infectious pneumonia
Pulmonary tubercolosis
Interstitial lung diseases
Pulmonary embolism
Pulmonary hypertension
Pleural effusions
Acute respiratroy distress syndrome
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
The lung in neuromuscolar diseases
Tobacco-related diseases
Program Cardiac surgery:
Testi raccomandati:
Testi raccomandati (modulo di Malattie dell'apparato respiratorio):
E.M. Clini e G. Pelaia:"Manuale di Pneumologia" EdiSES, Napoli 2017 (in italiano)
ERS Handbook of Respiratory Medicine (P. Palange and G. Rohde), ERS editions; for those interested in an English textbook (e.g. Erasmus students) (in inglese)
Recommended texts:
Dubin - Interpretation of the ECG - Monduzzi Editore Dioguardi-Sanna - Modern aspects of medical semeiotics - Universe Publishing Company Harrison - Principles of Internal Medicine - Zanichelli Guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology - American College of Cardiology (ACC), American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines
E.M. Clini e G. Pelaia:"Manuale di Pneumologia" EdiSES, Napoli 2017 (in Italian)
ERS Handbook of Respiratory Medicine (P. Palange and G. Rohde), ERS editions; for those interested in an English textbook (e.g. Erasmus students) (in English)
Non ci sono indicazioni specifiche per gli studenti non frequentanti in quanto la frequenza ai corsi è obbligatoria.
There are no specific indications for non-attending students, as attendance to the courses is mandatory.
Tirocini pratici in reparti cardiologici, cardiochirurgici e pneumologici
Practical internships in cardiology, cardiac surgery and pulmonary medicine wards