Modules | Area | Type | Hours | Teacher(s) | |
Tutti gli studenti acquisiranno le conoscenze di base nel campo della biologia cellulare e dell'istologia necessarie per poter affrontare tutti i corsi successivi.
All students will acquire the basic knowledge in the field of cell biology and histology necessary to be able to face all subsequent courses.
Non sono previste prove in itinere
only final tests
Conseguire le conoscenze di base nel campo della biologia cellulare per permettere a tutti gli studenti di avere solide basi in citologia e istologia necessarie per intraprendere un percorso da Biologo in qualsiasi campo della biologia.Gli studenti saranno inoltre in grado di riconoscere e analizzare le principali caratteristiche di un preparato istologico.
Obtain the basic knowledge in the field of cell biology to enable all students to have a solid foundation in cytology and histology necessary to undertake an accademic path in any field of biology. Students will also be able to recognize and analyze the main characteristics of a histological preparation.
Durante lo svolgimento dei laboratori gli studenti potranno prendere visione e ragionare circa le tecniche istologiche e modalità di praparazione e taglio dei tessuti. La loro attiva partecipazione e lo scambio diretto di osservazioni con il docente permetterà agli studenti di verificare il loro grado di apprendimento e capacità di traslare le competenze teoriche acquisite a lezioni in problemi pratici.
During the laboratory activities, students will be able to view and think about histological techniques and methods of preparing and cutting tissues. Their active participation and direct exchange of observations with the teacher will allow students to verify their degree of learning and ability to translate the theoretical skills acquired in lessons into practical problems.
Durante le sessioni di laboratorio saranno valutati il grado di accuratezza e precisione delle attività svolte
During the laboratory sessions the degree of accuracy and precision of the activities will be evaluated
Essendo un corso del primo anno le conoscenze iniziali sono molto diversificate. E' necessaria curiosità e capacità di utilizzare i principi del ragionamento scientifico.
eing a first year course the initial knowledge is very diversified. Curiosity and ability to use the principles of scientific reasoning are required.
Lezioni frontali, con ausilio di slides e filmati.
Per i laboratori gli studenti saranno divisi in gruppi
Il sito di elearning verrà usato per scambio di materiale didattico, comunicazioni docente-studenti, e formazione di gruppi di lavoro per i laboratori
interazione tra studente e docente potranno essere costanti tra lezioni frontali, ricevimenti, tutoraggio e comunicazione agli studenti dell'indirizzo email e di telefono (ufficio) del docente
Lectures, with the help of slides and videos.
For the workshops the students will be divided into groups
The e-learning site will be used for the exchange of teaching materials, teacher-student communications, and the formation of working groups for the workshops
interaction between student and teacher may be constant between lectures, receptions, tutoring and communication to students of the teacher's email and telephone (office) address
Presentation of the course, useful links, recommended textbooks, general lines of the study program.
History of Cell Biology.
Chemical components of living matter: Glucids, glycoproteins, proteoglycans, simple and complex lipids, micelles and liposomes. Protein structure.
DNA structure. The genetic code. From gene to protein: mRNA transcription, role and structure of tRNA, ribosomal rRNA, hints on protein translation. Levels of "acellular" organization: viruses and viroids.
General characteristics of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. The bacterial cell: general characteristics, the bacterial wall and Gram stain. Unicellular and multicellular eukaryotes. Notes on protozoa.
The plasma membrane: phospholipids, sphingolipids, cholesterol. Membrane proteins. Model proposed by Singer and Nicolson: discontinuous, fluid and asymmetrical membrane. Lipid rafts or "lipid raft".
The plasma membrane is selectively permeable. Osmosis. Structure and function of aquaporins. Facilitated diffusion. Example of Na + / glucose transporter simport. Channels regulated by voltage, ligands or mechanically. Mutation in the CFTR channel causes cystic fibrosis. Examples of neurotransmitter activated channel proteins.
The students were able to use stereo microscopes and conventional microscopes to view various types of specimens. Each student was able to observe directly: various eukaryotic cells, whole mount in situ hybridization preparations, histological preparations.
Active transport. Electrochemical gradient. The ATP. Membrane potential. The Na + / K + pump. The proton pump maintains the Acid pH in the lysosome. Diversifications of the apical, basal and lateral membranes, for example the intestinal cell.
Phagocytosis, endocytosis, receptor-mediated endocytosis, the clathrin basket. SNARE proteins for vesicular traffic.
Cell-cell junctions: classification and general characteristics. Occluding junctions: proteins involved (ZO1, claudin, occludin, Jam). Adherent junctions. The cadherins. Cadherins and isotypic cell adhesion. Cadherin and Mesenchymal Epithelial Transition.
Cell-cell anchoring junctions: spot desmosome. Structure of the desmosome. Hemidesmosomes. Focal Contacts. Focal contacts and cell motility. Collective cell migration. Communicating junctions or gap junctions: connections and connections. Gap junctions in the blastocyst.
The cytoskeleton. General characteristics and functions. Microfilaments: actin. Stages of Actin Filament Formation. Nucleation proteins. proteins that bind actin: thymosin, myosin etc. Dystrophin. Myosin and muscle contraction. Structure of myosin filaments. Tropomyosin and troponin. Mechanism of contraction.
Structure of microvilli. Stereocilia. The microtubules. Structure of the microtubule. Polymerization of the microtubule. Substances that inhibit polymerization of microtubules. MAP: microtubules associated proteins. TAU proteins and taupathies.
MTOC: MicroTubules Organizing Centers. Ciliary and flagellar movement Cilia. Structure of the eyelashes. Axonema. The dynine. Structure of flagella. Axonal transport. Kinesin and Dynein in axon vesicular transport.
The intermediate filaments. Classification. Type IV intermediate filaments: the neurofilaments. Intermediate filaments of type V: the laminae. The progeria. Assembly of the intermediate filaments. Stability of the intermediate filaments and mitosis.
The endoplasmic reticulum. Functions of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and protein synthesis. Signal sequence for addressing to the RER. Protein folding and endoplasmic reticulum stress. Post translational modifications occurring in the RER: glycosylation and disulfide bridge formation. RER for the storage of Ca ++. Golgi apparatus: description and functions. Compartmentalization of enzymes necessary for glycosylation. Sorting of the vesicles leaving the Golgi.
The main features and the use of the optical microscope, the basic histological techniques such as fixation, inclusion, preparation of histological sections, staining and mounting of the slides. The operating principle of microtome and cryostat highlighting differences and examples of use.
The Lysosomes. Acid hydrolases and the proton pump. Functions of the lysosome. Recognition of the vesicles that are directed from the Golgi to the lysosome. Peroxisomes general characteristics.
Functions of peroxisomes. Catalase. Free radicals. Mitochondria: general characteristics, structure. Different composition of the internal and external membranes. On the inner membrane there are protein complexes involved in cellular respiration (oxidative phosphorylation) for the production of ATP. Respiratory chain and ATP synthesis. Mitochondrial DNA and mitochondrial RNA. Replication of the mitochondrion. Mitochondrial diseases. The endosymbiotic theory.
Second exercise groups A and B.The students were able to examine histological preparations of various types of epithelia with different types of staining under an optical microscope. The practical observation was preceded by a quick introduction on the classification and main characteristics of the epithelia.
Energy metabolism of the cell. Cellular functions that require energy. Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm. Krebs cycle (outline). Energy efficiency of glucose degradation. Protein import into mitochondria. TIM and TOM complexes.
Other functions of the mitochondrion: accumulation of calcium ions, participation in the synthesis of steroid hormones (desmolase), gluconeogenesis, fatty acid oxidation (hints). Role of the mitochondrion in apoptosis. Antibiotics that impair mitochondrial ribosome functioning. The core: description. Number of nuclei and location of the nucleus vary depending on the cell type. Structure of the nuclear envelope. Nucleoplasmic reticulum. Structure of the nuclear pore complex.
Nucleus import model of proteins provided with nuclear localization signal. Specific characteristics of nuclear transport. The nucleoskeleton. The phosphorylation of nuclear lamine at the beginning of mitosis causes the fragmentation of the nuclear envelope. Genes and genomes (definitions). Structure of a eukaryotic gene. Structure and functions of histones. Chromatin strand structure organized into nucleosomes.
Second exercise group E and third exercise group A. The students were able to examine histological preparations of various types of connective tissue with different types of staining under an optical microscope. The practical observation was preceded by a quick introduction on the classification and main characteristics of connective tissues.
Euhromatin and heterochromatin. Structure of the chromosome. Chromosomal territories. FISH (principle of the technique). Structure of Chromosomes and Karyotype. Centromere, Cinetochore and Telomeres. Dolly's story as an example of replicative senescence due to telomere erosion.
How is DNA studied? Sanger DNA sequencing method (basic principle of the technique). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. The nucleolus: fibrillar and granular component. Synthesis of rRNAs. General notes on the cell cycle. Description of the phases of the cell cycle. Yeasts as a model for the study of the cell cycle.
The molecular machinery of the cell cycle: cyclins and cyclin dependent kinases. Cell cycle check points (outline). p53 the guardian of the genome (basic structure and function). Definition of oncogenes and tumor suppressors
Detailed analysis of the phases of the cell cycle. Phase G1. Phase S: DNA replication and centriole duplication. Phase G2. Mitosis. Prophase: condensation of chromatin, chromatids and cohesins. Metaphase: mitotic spindle, kinetochore, check point of the mitotic spindle. Anaphase, Telophase and cytodieresis.
Sexual and asexual reproduction: advantages and disadvantages. The stages of meiosis. In diplotene, crossing over takes place. Crossing over. Metaphase and telophase II.
Example of how to go from reading an article concerning a scientific discovery of a popular newspaper to reading a scientific article. Comparison of contents, messages and analysis of the data presented in the work (immunohistochemistry, assays on cell cultures)
Fourth exercise group A and B. The students were able to examine histological preparations of various types of muscle and nervous tissue under an optical microscope. The practical observation was preceded by a quick introduction on the classification and main characteristics of these tissues.
Embryonic derivation of body tissues. The three embryonic sheets. Basic concepts on pluripotent and multipotent stem cells, precursors and differentiated cells. Symmetrical and asymmetrical divisions. Cellular reprogramming concept.
Cell death: cytological characteristics of necrosis and apoptosis. Apoptosis as a physiological event during embryonic development and in adult life. The extrinsic pathway of apoptosis involves the mitochondrion. Autophagy hints. Introduction to histology. Basic concepts: tissue, organ system. Epithelial tissue: embryonic origin, characteristics and functions. Simple, multi-layered and transitional epitheliums. Polarity of the morphological and functional epithelial cell.
Fourth exercise group C and D. Examples of simple cylindrical epithelium (Ovary, stomach). Example of pseudostratified epithelium (trachea, epididymis). Microvilli, cilia and stereocilia. Keratinized multilayer epithelia. Cell types present in the epidermis.
Cell types present in the epidermis: keratinocytes, melanocytes, Merkel cells, Langherans cells. Glandular epithelial tissues: classification. Origin of exocrine and endocrine glands. Merocrine, apocrine and holocrine secretion. Merocrine secretion exocrine glands: serous, mucous and mixed. Unicellular and multicellular glands. Classification of exocrine glands based on morphology: tubular, acinar etc. Endocrine glands. Types of hormones.
Dense and loose connective tissues. Fibrous connective tissues with intertwined bundles, parallel bundles and crossed bundles. Reticular and elastic connective tissue.
Cartilage tissue. Hyaline cartilage. Articular cartilage. Metaphysial cartilage. Elastic cartilage. Fibrous cartilage. Classification of bone and bone tissue. Osteoblasts, osteocytes and osteoclasts. Lamellar bone tissue organization. Non-lamellar bone tissue: eg dentin.
The blood. Blood composition and leukocyte formula. How a blood smear is made and stained. Red blood cells, signs of erythropoiesis. Formation of the reticulocyte and expulsion of the nucleus.
Blood groups. Destruction of red blood cells. Thalassemia and sickle cell anemia (main features). White blood cells: origin, characteristics and function of neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils. B and T lymphocytes. The lymphatic system and lymph nodes.
Muscle tissue. Embryonic origin. Myotube formation. Muscle and connective fiber (endomysium, perimysium and epimysium). Characteristics of the skeletal striated muscle cell: sarcolemma, sarcoplasmic reticulum, T tubules, organization of contractile filaments. Neuro-muscular junction. Muscarinic receptors for acetylcholine. Satellite cells. Dystrophin.
Cardiac striated muscle tissue. Histological features: streaks, central core, intercalary discs. Cytological differences between myocyte and cardiomyocyte. Junctions present at the level of the intercalary disc. Conduction system of the heart. Innervation by the nervous system. Smooth muscle tissue. Examples of smooth muscles (muscles associated with the iris, bronchi, vessels and digestive system ...). Smooth muscle tissue. Characteristics of the smooth muscle cell, contraction, calcium-calmodulin system. Introduction of the nervous system. Embryonic origin.
The extracellular matrix. General notes and functions. the main components of the matrix: glycosaminogliani, proteoglycans and fibrous proteins. Hyaluronic acid and the CD44 receptor. Examples of proteoglycans: synthesis and degradation. Syndecane as a molecule that facilitates signal transduction mechanisms. The versican in the regeneration of the nervous system. Applications of matrix molecules in biomedicine and biotechnology.
The neuron. Dendrites and dendritic spines. Axonal transport. Types of neurons classified according to morphology and function. The glia: astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglia and ependymal cells. Coridean plexuses and encephalorachidian fluid. Myelination in the SNP: Schwann cells. Histological staining of a myelinated nerve. Gray matter and white matter organization in the brain and spinal cord. The reflex arc. Nerve impulse transmission: resting potential and action potential. Transmission in myelinated fibers. The chemical and electrical synapse.
Final thoughts on the course.
Alberts et al., Biologia molecolare della cellula. Sesta Edizione. Zanichelli
Dalle Donne, Citologia e Istologia. Edises.
Dalle Donne et al., Istologia ed elementi di anatomia microscopica. Edises.
Milo, Philips. I numeri della biologia. Zanichelli
Ross, Pawlina. Istologia. Casa editrice Ambrosiana.
Alberts et al., Biologia molecolare della cellula. Sesta Edizione. Zanichelli
Dalle Donne, Citologia e Istologia. Edises.
Dalle Donne et al., Istologia ed elementi di anatomia microscopica. Edises.
Milo, Philips. I numeri della biologia. Zanichelli
Ross, Pawlina. Istologia. Casa editrice Ambrosiana.
Gli studenti non frequentanti potranno trovare tutto il materiale didattico su iscrivendosi al corso su elearning.
Non-attending students will be able to find all the teaching material on enrolling in the course on elearning.
Gli esami saranno in forma scritta e orale.
Essendoci spesso sessioni troppo affollate che prevedono vari giorni consecutivi di esami il docente prevederà un breve pre-test scritto di un'ora ogni volta che saranno presenti più di 20 istritti ad appello.
Il pre-test sarà immediatamente corretto e si procederà agli esami orali di coloro che lo avranno superato. Chi non avesse superato il pre-test potrà ripresentarsi all'appello successivo.
The exams will be in written and oral form.
As there are often too crowded sessions that include several consecutive days of exams, the teacher will provide a short written pre-test of one hour each time more than 20 students will be present.
The pre-test will be corrected immediately and the oral exams of those who pass it will proceed. Those who have not passed the pre-test can return to the next exam.
commissione fissa d'esame
Ugo Borello
Noemi Barsotti
Michela Ori
Marco Onorati
Massimiliano Andreazzoli
Elisabetta Ferraro
Barbara Berarducci