Scheda programma d'esame
Academic year2023/24
PeriodSemester 1

Obiettivi di apprendimento
Learning outcomes

Corso Integrato di Patologia Sistematica III



  • Approccio al paziente nefropatico
  • La diagnostica nelle malattie renali
  • Le alterazioni dell'equilibro idroelettrolitico
  • Le alterazioni dell'equilibrio acido-base
  • Le malattie renali ereditarie
  • Le malattie renali cistiche
  • Le malattie Tubulo-interstiziali
  • Le Glomerulopatie primitive
  • Le malattie Glomerulari secondarie
  • La fisiopatologia della calcolosi renale
  • L'insufficienza renale acuta
  • La malattia renale cronica
  • Terapia medica dell’insufficienza renale cronica
  • L'uremia cronica
  • L'emodialisi
  • La dialisi peritoneale
  • Il trapianto di rene



  • Introduzione all’Urologia ed alla patologia funzionale del basso apparato urinario gender oriented
  • Ipertrofia prostatica benigna
  • Tumori della prostata
  • Prostatite e chronic pelvic pain syndromes
  • Tumori del testicolo
  • Tumori della vescica
  • Neoplasie delle alte vie escretrici urinarie
  • Tumori del rene
  • Uropatia ostruttiva
  • Colica Renale : Diagnosi e Trattamento chirurgico della calcolosi urinaria
  • Infezioni delle vie urinarie e genitali 
  • Tubercolosi dell’apparato uro-genitale e bilharziosi
  • Traumi dell’apparato uro-genitale
  • Neuro-urologia
  • Incontinenza urinaria
  • Andrologia chirurgica 




  • Meccanismo di azione degli ormoni e controllo della secrezione ormonale: feed-back.
  • Malattie ipotalamo-ipofisarie.
  • Ipopituitarismo e disordini dell’accrescimento.
  • Malattie della neuro ipofisi.
  • Sindromi ipertiroidee e ipotiroidee.
  • Tiroiditi acute e croniche.
  • Gozzo e patologia nodulare della tiroide.
  • Tumori della tiroide.
  • Malattie delle paratiroidi, osteopatie metaboliche e osteoporosi.
  • Ipersurrenalismo e iposurrenalismo.
  • Malattie della midollare del surrene.
  • Sindromi polighiandolari autoimmuni
  • Ipogonadismi maschili e femminili.
  • Disordini della spermatogenesi.
  • Irsutismo e stati intersessuali.
  • Neoplasie endocrine multiple.
  • Obesità e magrezza.


  • Classificazione e diagnosi del diabete mellito
  • Epidemiologia del diabete mellito
  • Diabete mellito tipo 1
  • Diabete mellito tipo 2
  • Diabete in gravidanza
  • Complicanze acute del diabete e sindromi ipoglicemiche
  • Complicanze microvascolari del diabete mellito 
  • Complicanze cardiovascolari del diabete mellito 
  • Terapia del diabete (e delle complicanze)
  • Dislipidemie
  • Sindrome metabolica

Systematic Pathology III Course

Core curriculum

Nephrology module

  • Clinical approach to the patient with kidney diseases
  • Principles of diagnostic methods in kidney diseases
  • Water and electrolytes imbalances
  • Acid-base system abnormalities
  • Inherited kidney diseases
  • Cystic kidney diseases
  • Tubulointerstitial diseases
  • Primary glomerulonephritis
  • Secondary glomerulonephritis
  • Pathophysiology of kidney stones
  • Acute kidney injury
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Medical therapy of chronic renal insufficiency
  • Chronic uraemia
  • Hemodialysis
  • Peritoneal dialysis
  • Kidney transplantation


Urology module

  • Introduction of the urology and the functional pathology of the lower urinary tract, gender oriented
  • Benign prostatic hypertrophy
  • Prostate cancer
  • Prostitis and chronic pelvic pain syndromes
  • Testicular cancer
  • Bladder cancer
  • Upper urinary tract cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Obstructive uropathy
  • Renal colic: diagnosis and surgical treatment ofurinary stones
  • Urinary tract and genitalia infections
  • Urogenital tuberculosis (ugtb) and bilharzia (schistosomiasis)
  • Urogenital system trauma
  • Neuro-urology
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Andrological surgery


Endocrinology and Metabolism Diseases module


  • Mechanism of hormones action and control of hormonal secretion: feed-back.
  • Hypothalamic-pituitary diseases
  • Hypopituitarism and growth disorders
  • Neuro-pituitary gland diseases
  • Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism syndromes
  • Acute and chronic thyroiditis
  • Goitre and thyroid nodular pathology
  • Thyroid cancers
  • Parathyroid diseases, metabolic osteopathy and osteoporosis
  • Hyperfunction and hypofunction of the adrenal gland
  • Diseases of the adrenal medulla
  • Polyglandular autoimmune syndromes
  • Male and female hypogonadism
  • Disorders of spermatogenesis
  • Hirsutism and intersex condition
  • Multiple endocrine neoplasia
  • Obesity and thinness


  • Classification and diagnosis of diabetes mellitus
  • Epidemiology of diabetes mellitus
  • Diabetes type 1
  • Diabetes type 2 
  • Diabetes in pregnancy 
  • Acute complications of diabetes and hypoglycaemia
  • Microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus
  • Cardiovascular complications of diabetes mellitus
  • Treatment of diabetes and its complications
  • Dyslipidemias
  • Metabolic syndrome
Modalità di verifica delle conoscenze

La verifica delle conoscenze sarà effettuata mediante valutazione orale.

Le domande e gli argomenti di discussione sono quelli del programma sopra descritto. Il colloquio d'esame  è orientato a  valutare le capacità critiche dello studente sulla base alle proprie conoscenze specifiche delle tematiche affrontate durante il corso di Patologia Sistematica III.

Assessment criteria of knowledge

Knowledge will be tested by oral assessment. The questions and discussion topics are those of the program described above.
The exam interview is aimed at evaluating the critical skills of the student
on the basis of their specific knowledge of the topics addressed
during the Systematic Pathology III course.


Lo studente dovrà dimostrare di aver appreso le nozioni discusse durante le lezioni del corso di Patologia Sistematica III, capacità di sintesi ed orientamento non solo sulle singole patologie ma anche in caso di simulazione di casi clinici, partendo da sintomatologia occasionale o generica, dovrà orientarsi con criteri induttivi e deduttivi sulla diagnosi definitiva. Dovrà essere ovviamente in grado di raffrontare le diverse situazioni in diagnosi differenziale anche con altre patologie similari, suggerendo possibili opzioni terapeutiche e/o comportamentali sul paziente.


The student will have to prove that they have learned the notions discussed during the systematic pathology III course, synthesis skills and orientation not only to each pathology but also in the simulation of clinical cases, starting from occasional symptoms or generic, the student will have to orient themselves with inductive and deductive criteria of the definitive diagnosis.

The student must be able to compare different situations in differential diagnosis also with other similar pathologies, suggesting the possible therapeutic and/or behavioural options on the patient.

Modalità di verifica delle capacità

Discussione interattiva con interrogazione frontale sugli argomenti inclusi nel programma

Assessment criteria of skills

Interactive discussion with frontal examination about the topics included in the program.


L'acquisizione di conoscenze relative al programma di Patologa Sistematica III consentirà di sviluppare l'adeguata sensibilità nei confronti di persone con patologie del sistema urinario e endocrinologico


the knowdeleges related to the arguments of Systematic Pathology III will make the student able to interact with people suffering from endocrinological disorders, and from kidney and urinary tract diseases 

Modalità di verifica dei comportamenti

Verifica dell'interesse e dell'attenzione durante le lezioni frontali

Verifica dell'interesse e dell'attenzione nella fase di discussione successiva ad ogni singola lezione frontale


Assessment criteria of behaviors

Check the interest and the attention during the frontal lessons

Check the interest and the attention in the discussion at the end of the every single lesson.

Prerequisiti (conoscenze iniziali)

Per poter seguire il corso in maniera proficua, è necessaria la conoscenza degli argomenti trattati nei corsi di Anatomia Umana, Fisiopatologia e Patologia Generale


in order to effectively attend to the course, il is needed the Knowledge of arguments studied in the courses of Human Anatomy, Physiology, and General Pathology


non richiesti specifici corequisiti


no specific co-requisite is needed

Prerequisiti per studi successivi

il corso di Patologia Sistematica III fornisce allo studente le basi per i successivi insegnamenti di clinica chirurgica e clinica medica.  

Prerequisites for further study

the course gives the cultural and scientific basis for the successive courses of Surgery and Internal Medicine 

Indicazioni metodologiche

Le lezioni, la cui frequenza è obbligatoria ai sensi del Regolamento didattico del Corso di Studio, si svolgono con metodologia frontale, durante le qauli il materiale didattico è presentato:

- in forma di serie di diapositive (i.i. presentazioni PPT)

- con ausilio di filmati

gran parte del materiale didattico viene messo a disposizione sulla pagina TEAMS del corso di Patologia Sistematica III. 

Oltre allo studio individuale viente incoraggiato lo studio di gruppo 


Teaching methods

the frequency of the lessons is mandatory. the lesson will be in the form of slide presentation or with movies. 

documents will be put in the webpage of the course (TEAMS platform)

besides individual study, group studying is encouraged 

Programma (contenuti dell'insegnamento)


Meccanismo di azione degli ormoni e controllo della secrezione ormonale: feed-back.

Malattie Ipotalamo-ipofisarie

  • Richiami di anatomia e fisiologia
  • Ipopituitarismo 
  • Acromegalia e gigantismo
  • Iperprolattinemie
  • Adenomi ipofisari non secernenti
  • Sindrome della sella vuota
  • Diabete insipido


Malattie della tiroide

  • Richiami di anatomia e fisiologia
  • Ipertiroidismo
  • Ipotiroidismo
  • Tiroiditi
  • Gozzo endemico e altre malattie da carenza iodica
  • Gozzo sporadico e familiare
  • Tumori maligni della tiroide


Malattie delle paratiroidi

  • Richiami di anatomia e fisiologia
  • Ipoparatiroidismo
  • Pseudoipoparatiroidismo
  • Iperparatiroidismo primitivo, secondario e terziario
  • Osteroporosi

Malattie del surrene

  • Richiami di anatomia e fisiologia
  • Ipercortisolismo: sindrome di Cushing ACTH-dipendente e ACTH-indipendente
  • Ipocorticosurrenalismo
  • Iperaldosteronismo primitivo e secondario
  • Iperplasia surrenalica congenita
  • Feocromocitoma

Ipertensioni endocrine.

Malattie delle gonadi femminili

  • Richiami di anatomia e fisiologia
  • Ipogonadismo femminile primitivo e centrale
  • Amenorrea da cause ormonali
  • Irsutismi, policistosi ovarica e altri stati iperandrogenici nella donna

Malattie delle gonadi maschili

  • Richiami di anatomia e fisiologia
  • Ipogonadismo maschile primitivo e centrale

Malattie dell’organo adiposo

  • Anatomia e fisiologia del tessuto adiposo
  • Epidemiologia dell’obesità
  • Classificazione
  • Eziologia
  • Clinica
  • Le sindromi lipodistrofiche

Sindromi poliendocrine autoimmuni (APS)

  • APS tipo I
  • APS tipo II (e sue varianti)

Sindromi da neoplasie endocrine multiple (MEN)

Obiettivi di apprendimento


Corso Integrato di Patologia Sistematica III



  • Approccio al paziente nefropatico
  • La diagnostica nelle malattie renali
  • Le alterazioni dell'equilibro idroelettrolitico
  • Le alterazioni dell'equilibrio acido-base
  • Le malattie renali ereditarie
  • Le malattie renali cistiche
  • Le malattie Tubulo-interstiziali
  • Le Glomerulopatie primitive
  • Le malattie Glomerulari secondarie
  • La fisiopatologia della calcolosi renale
  • L'insufficienza renale acuta
  • La malattia renale cronica
  • Terapia medica dell’insufficienza renale cronica
  • L'uremia cronica
  • L'emodialisi
  • La dialisi peritoneale
  • Il trapianto di rene



  • Introduzione all’Urologia ed alla patologia funzionale del basso apparato urinario gender oriented
    • Ipertrofia prostatica benigna
    • Tumori della prostata
    • Prostatite e chronic pelvic pain syndromes
    • Tumori del testicolo
    • Tumori della vescica
    • Neoplasie delle alte vie escretrici urinarie
    • Tumori del rene
    • Uropatia ostruttiva
    • Colica Renale : Diagnosi e Trattamento chirurgico della calcolosi urinaria
    • Infezioni delle vie urinarie e genitali 
    • Tubercolosi dell’apparato uro-genitale e bilharziosi
    • Traumi dell’apparato uro-genitale
    • Neuro-urologia
    • Incontinenza urinaria
    Andrologia chirurgica


  • Classificazione e diagnosi del diabete mellito
  • Epidemiologia del diabete mellito
  • Diabete mellito tipo 1
  • Diabete mellito tipo 2
  • Diabete in gravidanza
  • Complicanze acute del diabete e sindromi ipoglicemiche
  • Complicanze microvascolari del diabete mellito 
  • Complicanze cardiovascolari del diabete mellito 
  • Terapia del diabete (e delle complicanze)
  • Dislipidemie
  • Sindrome metabolica




  • Introduction to the endocrine and metabolic physiology: concept of hormone, feed-back and local and remote hormonal transport, receptors and second/intracellular messangers.
  • Pathophysiology of the endocrine and metabolic systems: function of each endocrine gland.
  • Hypothalamus and pituitary disease: functioning and non-functioning  pituitary adenoma, alterations of the neuro-pituitary gland (diabetes insipidus and SIADH), consequences of hyper and hypo-production of pituitary hormones both in children and adults.
  • Diagnostics, symptoms and therapy of the goiter (from simple goiter to multinodular toxic goiter), of acute and chronic thyroiditis, of hyper and hypothyroidism both congenital and acquired, of  thyroid cancers both differentiated and undifferentiated.
  • Diagnostics, symptoms and therapy of parathyroid diseases (from hyperplasia to adenomas and carcinomas), of  the hyper and hypo-functioning of parathyroid glands both congenital and acquired. Diagnostic and treatment of osteoporosis.
  • Diagnostics, symptoms and therapy of the adrenal gland diseases, both hyper and hypofunctions of the  cortical and medullary portions.
  • Congenital and acquired female hypogonadisms and alteration of menstrual cycle: Polycistic ovary syndrome.
  • Congenital and acquired male hypogonadism and alteration of male fertility.
  • Hypertricosis and hirsutism: causes and differential diagnosis. Intersex conditions and their causes.
  • Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 and 2: genetics, clinical manifestations and diagnosis
  • Endocrine paraneoplastic syndromes: causes and clinical manifestation of ectopic production of ACTH, PTHrP etc.
  • Pluriglandular autoimmune syndromes (PGA) types 1-4 and their causes.
  • Obesity, metaboolic ssyndrome. Tickness and lipodistrophy



  • Pathophysiology of metabolism: anabolic and catabolic processes
  • Alterations in glucose metabolism: diabetes mellitus and "prediabetes"
  • Type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus; secondary diabetes and monogenic diabetes.
  • Diabetes in pregnancy.
  • The chronic complications of diabetes: microangiopathy and cardiovascular disease.
  • Acute complications of diabetes and hypoglycaemic syndromes.
  • Treatment of diabetes ad its complications: addressing the complexity.
  • Alterations of lipid metabolism: dyslipidemia and their relationship with atherosclerosis.
  • Insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.


  • Prostatic pathology: acute and chronic prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate carcinoma. Disorders of the bladder emptying phase.
  • Urolithiasis: correlated process to the development and growth of the stones. The concept of urinary stasis.
  • Comorbidity. Renal colic: symptoms, diagnosis of the acute and chronic picture, medical and surgical treatment, monitoring of relapses.
  • Urinary incontinence: type of incontinence, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment.
  • Neurologic bladder: neurologic bladder and hyperactive bladder. Disease of bladder filling phase and differential diagnosis with other pathology of the urogenital system and not; treatment.
  • Urinary system trauma: Classification, diagnosis and symptoms. Therapeutic approach at the renal trauma. Clinical monitoring.
  • Urogenital tuberculosis (ugtb) and bilharzia (schistosomiasis): framing in the third millennium. Migratory phenomenon and disease recurrence; diagnosis and treatment.
  • Obstructive nephropaty. Malformations of the upper urinary tract. Diagnosis and treatment.
  • Andrological surgery: erectile disfunction, hydrocele, varicocele, spermatocele, transsexualism: symptoms, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment.
  • Kidney cancer: framing and classification, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, symptoms, prognosis and therapy. Classification of kidney cystic lesions and kidney complex cystic lesions.
  • Bladder neoplasia: ethiopatogenesis, classification, symptoms, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, prognosis, treatment. Urinary derivation.
  • Upper urinary tract neoplasia: ethiopatogenesis, classification, symptoms, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, prognosis, treatment. Urinary derivation.
  • Hematuria: micro and macro-hematuria: Meaning, ethiopathogenesis, classification, symptoms, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, prognosis, treatment.
  • Urinary tract infection: post kidney cause, simple and complicated infection, recurrent cystis.
  • Therapy of recurrent cystis during pregnancy and in postmenopausal age. Asymptomatic bacteriuria.
  • Testis cancer: ethiopathogenesis, classification, symptoms, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, prognosis, treatment.



  • Approach to the nephropathic patient: importance of history and physical examination; main elements of semeiotics.
  • Diagnosis of kidney diseases: interpretation of the urine test, of the renal function indices and of the main blood and urinary parameters. notes on diagnostic imaging methods for use in nephrology.
  • The alterations of the hydroelectrolytic balance: diagnosis and significance of hypernatremia or hyponatremia,  hypo and hyperkalaemia, and altered metabolism of calcium and phosphorus
  • The alterations of the acid-base balance: definition of the acid-base imbalances; diagnosis and treatment of metabolic acidosis
  • Hereditary kidney diseases: clinical aspect and diagnosis of non-cystic (Alport, Fanconi and Fabry syndromes, tubulopathies, glomerulopathies):
  • Cystic kidney diseases: hereditary diseases (polycystic kidney of the childhood, polycystic kidney of the adult); classification of acquired renal cysts (bosniak)
  • Tubulointerstitial diseases: description and diagnosis of acute and chronic forms of primary glomerulopathies: clinical description and histopathology of minimal lesion nephropathy; focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis; iga glomerulonephritis; membranous glomerulonephritis; membrano proliferative glomerulo nephritis; rapidly progressive glomerulo-nephritis: glomerular diseases in systemic disorders: diabetic nephropathy, multiple myeloma, sle, vasculitis
  • Pathophysiology of kidney stones: pathophysiology of kidney stones in the different forms based on their chemical composition; medical treatment of kidney stones
  • Acute renal injury: definition and classification; diagnosis and treatment of pre-renal, renal and post-renal forms
  • Chronic kidney disease: classification and description of the main pathophysiological changes.
  • medical therapy of chronic renal insufficiency: outline of pharmacological and dietetic-nutritional therapy
  • Chronic renal failure: description of main clinical, blood chemistry and metabolic-nutritional aspects
  • Hemodialysis: description and indications for treatment
  • Peritoneal dialysis: descriptions and indications for treatment
  • Kidney transplantation: description and knowledge of the indications and contra-indications for living and cadaveric kidney transplantation, possible complications and hints of pharmacological therapy


Bibliografia e materiale didattico

Testi consigliati 

  • HARRISON'S Principles of Internal Medicine,“Endocrinology and Metabolism”, 21st edition, 2022
  • WILLIAMS Textbook of Endocrinology, 14th edition, Elsevier, 2019.
  • Oxford Textbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes 3rd Edition, Oxford 2022
  •  GARIBOTTO G, PONTREMOLI R. Manuale di Nefrologia. II Edizione. Edizioni Minerva Medica, 2017.
  • RONCO  C. Nefrologia Medica. Piccin Nuova Libraria Ed., Padova. 2020 
  • COLLEGIO PROFESSORI ORDINARI DI UROLOGIA: “Manuale di urologia e Andrologia”. Pacini Editore, 2009.
  • F. LOMBARDO, A. LENZI   Manuale di Endocrinologia, Edises, 2017
  • HARRISON Principi di Medicina Interna 20° Edizione – Endocrinologia e Metabolismo – Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano, 2021



  • Textbook of Diabetes, 5th Edition, Richard I. G. Holt, Clive Cockram, Allan Flyvbjerg, Barry J. Goldstein (Editors) - Wiley-Blackwell, 2016
  • Essential Endocrinology and Diabetes, 7th Edition - Richard I. G. Holt, Neil A. Hanley (Editors) - Wiley-Blackwell, 2021 
  • International Textbook of Diabetes Mellitus, 2 Volume Set, 4th Edition - R. A. DeFronzo, E. Ferrannini, Paul Zimmet, George Alberti (Editors) - Wiley-Blackwell, 2015 
  • Cardiovascular Endocrinology & Metabolism. Theory and Practice of Cardiometabolic Medicine. – AJ Krentz, Chilton RJ (Editors) – Academic Press, ELSEVIER – London 2023

Suggested books:

  • Testi consigliati 

    • HARRISON'S Principles of Internal Medicine,“Endocrinology and Metabolism”, 21st edition, 2022
    • WILLIAMS Textbook of Endocrinology, 14th edition, Elsevier, 2019.
    • Oxford Textbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes 3rd Edition, Oxford 2022
    •  GARIBOTTO G, PONTREMOLI R. Manuale di Nefrologia. II Edizione. Edizioni Minerva Medica, 2017.
    • RONCO  C. Nefrologia Medica. Piccin Nuova Libraria Ed., Padova. 2020 
    • COLLEGIO PROFESSORI ORDINARI DI UROLOGIA: “Manuale di urologia e Andrologia”. Pacini Editore, 2009.
    • F. LOMBARDO, A. LENZI   Manuale di Endocrinologia, Edises, 2017
    • HARRISON Principi di Medicina Interna 20° Edizione – Endocrinologia e Metabolismo – Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano, 2021


  • Textbook of Diabetes, 5th Edition, Richard I. G. Holt, Clive Cockram, Allan Flyvbjerg, Barry J. Goldstein (Editors) - Wiley-Blackwell, 2016
  • Essential Endocrinology and Diabetes, 7th Edition - Richard I. G. Holt, Neil A. Hanley (Editors) - Wiley-Blackwell, 2021 
  • International Textbook of Diabetes Mellitus, 2 Volume Set, 4th Edition - R. A. DeFronzo, E. Ferrannini, Paul Zimmet, George Alberti (Editors) - Wiley-Blackwell, 2015 
  • Cardiovascular Endocrinology & Metabolism. Theory and Practice of Cardiometabolic Medicine. – AJ Krentz, Chilton RJ (Editors) – Academic Press, ELSEVIER – London 2023


Indicazioni per non frequentanti


Non ci sono indicazioni specifiche per gli student non frequentanti in quanto la frequenza ai corsi è obbligatoria.


Non-attending students info

There are no specific indications for non-attending students, as attendance to the courses is mandatory.

Modalità d'esame

Discussione interattiva con interrogazione frontale sugli argomenti inclusi nel programma

Assessment methods

Oral examination with interactive discussion of the program topics.

Stage e tirocini

non sono previste forme di stage, tirocini o collaborazioni con terzi durante lo svolgimento del corso. 

Work placement

No stage, practice or collaboration exist during the duration of the course


I docenti ricevono su appuntamento , tramite contatto via e-mail 

Prof. Vincenzo Panichi     

Prof Alessandro Zucchi    

Prof Piero Marchetti         

Prof Ferruccio Santini       


The professors receive the student by appointments that are taken by email:

Prof. Vincenzo Panichi

Prof. Piero Marchetti

Prof. Alessandro Zucchi

Prof. Ferruccio Santini

Updated: 17/12/2023 14:25