Modulo di Scienze e Tecniche Mediche Applicate
Lo studente potrà acquisire le conoscenze necessarie per attuare protocolli operativi mirati al raggiungimento ed al mentenimento della salute orale nei pazienti sottoposti a riabilitazione orale con particolare attenzione ai pazienti con compromissioni sistemiche
Module of Applied Medical Sciences and Techniques
the course provides the necessary knowledge to implement operational
protocols aimed at achieving and maintaining oral health in patients
undergoing oral rehabilitation and in patients with systemic impairment
Per la valutazione delle conoscenze saranno svolte delle prove in itinere utilizzando test e/o incontri tra il docente e il gruppo di studenti che sviluppa il progetto
Modulo di Scienze e Tecniche Mediche Applicate
esame orale di profitto alla fine del corso
Ongoing assessment to monitor academic progress will be carried out in the form of tests or meetings between the lecturer and a group of students developing the project
Module of Applied Medical Sciences and Techniques
Oral exam at the end of the course
Al termine del corso lo studente sarà in grado:
-di impostare un adeguato programma di mantenimento per i pazienti che hanno ricevuto riabilitazioni protesiche con o senza l'ausilio di impianti
-individuare i segni clinici specifici di patologie o complicanze a carico delle riabilitazioni protesiche
La verifica delle capacità avverrà con una presentazione in ppt su specifiche tematiche e attraverso la presentazione di casi clinici
Modulo di Scienze e Tecniche Mediche Applicate (Marco Miceli)
Module of Applied Medical Sciences and Techniques (Marco Miceli)
Communication: modalities and fundamental aspects - factors influencing communication - bases for effective communication
Communication skills for achieving concordance and effective motivation. fundamental aspects for achieving and maintaining therapeutic success.
Professional and home operating protocols in the geriatric patient, treatment plan in the smoker patient and in the patient who abuses alcohol
Operational protocols in patients with gingival changes induced by hormonal changes. Professional and home operating protocols during the gestational period. Therapeutic management in the patient with epilepsy. Home and professional protocols and clinical manifestations of the oral cavity in patients with DCA
Operational hygiene protocols in patients undergoing oral surgery, periodontal surgery and maxillofacial surgery. Home and professional operating protocols in the cancer patient
Home and professional operating protocols in the organ transplant patient and in the bone marrow transplant patient. Home and professional hygiene protocols in patients with cardiovascular diseases.
Modulo di Protesi e Gnatologia
Management of Temporomandibular Disorders and Occlusion, JP Okeson, Mosby, 2019
Fondamenti di Protesi Fissa, IV Edizione, HT Shillingburg, 2014
Prosthodontic Treatment for Edentulous Patients: Complete Dentures and Implant-Supported Prostheses
13th Edition - January 26, 2012, Authors: George A. Zarb, John Hobkirk, Steven Eckert, Rhonda Jacob
Modulo di Scienze e Tecniche Mediche Applicate
di V. Cortesi Ardizzone e A. Abbinante | 31 ott. 2013
Prosthesis and Gnathology module
Management of Temporomandibular Disorders and Occlusion, Okeson
Temporomandibular joint pathology; Publishing House: Utet, Medical Sciences. Authors: P.Cascone, C.Di Paolo
Functional occlusion; Elsevier publishing house; Author: P.E. Dawson
Current concepts on temporomandibular disorders. Berlin, Quintessence Publishing 2010. Author: Manfredini D (Ed).
Prosthetic dentistry. Fundamental elements Author: Enrico F. Gherlone
Publisher: Edi. Ermes Necklace: Dental hygiene necklace
Module of Applied Medical Sciences and Techniques
ORAL HYGIENIST: Theory and professional practice
by V. Cortesi Ardizzone and A. Abbinante | Oct 31 2013
Modulo di Protesi e Gnatologia
esame orale
Modulo di Scienze e Tecniche Mediche Applicate
esame orale
Prosthesis and Gnathology module
oral / written
Module of Applied Medical Sciences and Techniques
oral examination