Le basi fisiche dei sistemi di imaging radiologico e di medicina nucleare, informatica, sistemi informativi sanitari
The physical bases of radiological imaging and nuclear medicine systems, Computer science, Information systems
Esame orale
Oral Exam
Al termine del corso lo studente avrà una conoscenza dei principi fisici, dei materiali e del funzionamento deisistemi di imaging radiologico e di medicina nucleare oltre alla conoscenza dell'informatica di base, degli standard informatici in sanità, dei sistemi RIS e PACS, con capacità di estrazione ed elaborazione dei dati.
At the end of the course the student will have a knowledge of the physical principles, materials and functioning of the radiological imaging and nuclear medicine systems as well as the knowledge of basic computer science and of the RIS and PACS systems, with data extraction and processing capacity .
Descrizione dei sistemi di imaging; esercizi di estrazione ed elaborazione dei dati, soluzione di problemi su progettazione reti.
Description of imaging systems; data extraction and processing exercises, problem solving on network design.
Attenzione alla sicurezza del paziente
Attention to patient safety
Domande specifiche all'esame orale
Fisica della radiazione, fisica di base, matematica scolastica, elementi di infoirmatica.
Radiation physics, basic physics, basic mathematics
Frequenza a lezione, appunti, approfondimento personale
Introduction to biomedical imaging.
Basic concepts of image quality: contrast and spatial resolution. The X-ray tube: Physical principles of operation and its components.
Factors that influence the production of X-rays. The concepts of quantity, quality and exposure of an X-ray beam. Effective size of the focal spot and its variation in the plane of the image. Anodic effect (Heel). Filtering. Peculiarities of the mammography tube: filtering with anode in Molybdenum and Rhodium.
The geometric principles of projective radiology. The reinforcement screens, materials and construction features. The radiographic film and the concept of optical density, H&D curve
The compromise between dose and contrast in radiology. The role of diffuse radiation in projective radiology and the relative contrast reduction. The anti-diffusion grids: the physical principles and characteristics, the grid ratio and the Bucky factor. Digital radiology. Physical characteristics of CR systems and related construction technologies (photostimulable phosphors and laser reading systems). The CCDs.
Indirect conversion TFT-flat panel systems. Direct conversion digital radiological systems. The physical principles of image intensifiers, The components of image intensifiers, Fluoroscopy.
Computerized axial tomography: physical principles and technology. The synogram and notes on the filtered rear projection. Nuclear medicine imaging equipment: Scintillation detectors, the photomultiplier
The camera range and the collimators with parallel and pinhole holes. Principles of operation of the SPECT.
Health information systems. General concepts, electronic health records, RIS and PACS (functionality and architecture)
HL7 . The need for standardization and the birth of HL7. Characteristics of the standard and its evolution.
DICOM protocol. General philosophy, characteristics of the standard and various operational examples.
IHE extension. The need to coordinate standards and IHE initiative.
Big data and artificial intelligence. Characteristics of big data, potential related to artificial intelligence and new operational scenarios.
Remote communication (elearning, smart working) . Technical and practical aspects of distance learning and remote working. The experience of the University of Pisa.
Image processing. Digital images, Image viewing, Diagnostic image processing.
Computerized monitoring of radiation dose. principle of justification and principle of optimization, the Euratom directive 59/2013, dose descriptors (CTDI, DLP, integration of dose monitoring systems with company archiving systems, how dosimetric data is collected (Secondary capture, DICOM header , MPPS, RDSR)
Dose monitoring software. Radiation dose monitoring: Main functions of a dose monitoring software. Practical examples: Syncrodose, Dosewatch, Certegra.
IT security. Operational areas, passive security, logical security, identification, authentication, rules for choosing passwords, authorization, access management, cryptography (symmetric and asymmetric). Digital certificates, SSL/TLS,
GDPR and cybersecurity. Introduction to the GDPR, security and privacy aspects
Disponibile nel portale e-learning
BUSHBERG, The essential physics of Medical Imaging 2nd edition.
Available in the e-learning portal
BUSHBERG, The essential physics of Medical Imaging 2nd edition.
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Colloquio orale
Oral exam
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