Scheda programma d'esame
Academic year2023/24
PeriodSemester 1

Obiettivi di apprendimento
Learning outcomes

Apprendimento di elementi istituzionali della materia e della capacità di argomentare e risolvere casi concreti attraverso le categorie penalistiche e processualpenalistiche.

The main aim of this course is to get students acquainted with the basic concepts of criminal law and to give students the knowledge needed to analyze cases and legal questions related to criminal law and criminal procedure law.


The main aim of this course is to get students acquainted with the basic concepts of criminal law and to give students the knowledge needed to analyze cases and legal questions related to criminal law and criminal procedure law.

Prerequisiti (conoscenze iniziali)

Superamento degli esami di Diritto Pubblico e di Diritto Costituzionale.

Passing the public law and constitutional law exams.


Passing the public law and constitutional law exams.

Indicazioni metodologiche

Si consiglia l'attiva frequenza del corso.

Active attendance of the course is recommended.

Teaching methods

Active attendance of the course is recommended.

Programma (contenuti dell'insegnamento)

Modulo di Diritto Penale

La legge penale (principi costituzionali di riserva di legge, determinatezza/tassatività, irretroattività). Il concetto di reato: delitti e contravvenzioni. Il soggetto attivo del reato: in particolare, delega di funzioni e responsabilità amministrativa dell'ente dipendente da reato. Il fatto tipico ed i suoi elementi costitutivi (condotta, evento, nesso di causalità). L'antigiuridicità e le cause di giustificazione. La colpevolezza, con particolare riferimento agli elementi della responsabilità colposa. Le forme di maifestazione del reato (concorso di persone). 

Criminal Law Module

Criminal law (constitutional principle of legality: lex certa and lex scripta principles, non-retroactivity principle). The concept of crime: delitti and contravvenzioni. The offender: in particular, delegation of functions and administrative responsibility of the entity dependent on the crime. The notion of “actus reus” (“fatto tipico”; “Tatbestand”) and its constitutive elements (the active or omissive conduct, the wrongful result and the rules of causation). The unlawfulness of the act ("Rechtswidrigkeit”): Justification and excuse.
Subjective elements of the criminal offence (“mens rea”): culpability principle (“principio di colpevolezza”; “Schuldprinzip”), with particular reference to Negligence (“colpa”, “Fahrlässigkeit”). The different forms and manifestations of the criminal offence (complicity and joint criminal enterprise).

Modulo di di Diritto Processuale Penale

Principi generali, definizione di diritto processuale penale, rapporti con il diritto penale e struttura del codice di procedura penale. Caratteristiche del processo accusatorio e inquisitorio, sistema processuale italiano tendenzialmente accusatorio (ragioni e caratteri). Soggetti e parti processuali. Giudice. Pubblico Ministero. Polizia Giudiziaria. Persona offesa (caratteri anche alla luce delle direttive UE sulla "vittima"). Persona danneggiata. Parte civile. Responsabile civile. Civilmente obbligato per la pena pecuniaria. Enti esponenziali. Indagato/imputato. Difensore. Ente nel sistema del d.lgs. 231/2001 quale parte processuale. Ausiliari. Perito. Investigatore privato. Interprete e traduttore (disciplina come modificata in attuazione della direttiva UE 2014). Atti (dal punto di vista formale). Termini. Vizi processuali in generale. Inesistenza. Inutilizzabilità. Inamissibilità e decadenza. Nullità. Atti dal punto di vista soggettivo. Mezzi di prova e mezzi di ricerca della prova (caratteri, funzioni, differenze). Ispezioni, perquisizioni, sequestro probatorio, intercettazioni di comunicazioni e conversazioni. Art. 220 disp. att. c.p.p. (attività di ispezione e vigilanza). Art. 223 disp. att. c.p.p. Notizia di reato. Iscrizione della notizia di reato (art. 335 c.p.p.). Mezzi di prova: artt. 187 e 188, prova atipica ex art. 189 c.p.p. Prova testimoniale. Confronto. Esperimento giudiziale. Esame delle parti. Ricognizioni. Prova documentale. Perizia, consulenza tecnica e accertamenti tecnici irripetibili. Incidente probatorio. Investigazioni difensive. Misure precautelari e misure cautelari personali. Misure cautelari reali: sequestro conservativo e sequestro preventivo. Procedimento di archiviazione.

Criminal Procedure Law module

General principles, definition of criminal procedural law, relations with criminal law and structure of the criminal procedure code. Characteristics of the accusatory and inquisitorial process, the Italian procedural system that tends to be accusatory (reasons and characters). Subjects and parties to the proceedings. Judge. Public prosecutor. Judicial Police. Offended person (characters also in the light of the EU directives on "victim"). Injured person. Civil part. Civil liability. Civilly liable for the pecuniary penalty. Exponential company. Suspect / accused. Defender. Entity in the system of Legislative Decree 231/2001 as a procedural party. Auxiliaries. Expert. Private detective. Interpreter and translator (discipline as amended in implementation of the 2014 EU directive). Acts (from the formal point of view). Terms. Procedural defects in general. Inexistence. Unusable. Inadmissibility and forfeiture. Nullity. Proceedings from the subjective point of view. Means of proof and research means of proof (characters, functions, differences). Inspections, searches, evidential seizure, wiretapping of communications and conversations. Art. 220 disp. att. c.p.p. (inspection and surveillance). Art. 223 disp. att. c.p.p. Crime report. Registration of the crime report (art.335 of the criminal code). Means of evidence: arts. 187 and 188, atypical test pursuant to art. 189 c.p.p. Testimonial evidence. Comparison. Judicial experiment. Examination of the parties. Reconnaissance. Documentary evidence. Expertise, technical advice and unrepeatable technical assessments. Evidence accident. Defensive investigations. Pre-security measures and personal precautionary measures. Real precautionary measures: conservative seizure and preventive seizure. Archiving procedure.


Criminal Law Module

Criminal law (constitutional principle of legality: lex certa and lex scripta principles, non-retroactivity principle). The concept of crime: delitti and contravvenzioni. The offender: in particular, delegation of functions and administrative responsibility of the entity dependent on the crime. The notion of “actus reus” (“fatto tipico”; “Tatbestand”) and its constitutive elements (the active or omissive conduct, the wrongful result and the rules of causation). The unlawfulness of the act ("Rechtswidrigkeit”): Justification and excuse.
Subjective elements of the criminal offence (“mens rea”): culpability principle (“principio di colpevolezza”; “Schuldprinzip”), with particular reference to Negligence (“colpa”, “Fahrlässigkeit”). The different forms and manifestations of the criminal offence (complicity and joint criminal enterprise).

Criminal Procedure Law module

General principles, definition of criminal procedural law, relations with criminal law and structure of the criminal procedure code. Characteristics of the accusatory and inquisitorial process, the Italian procedural system that tends to be accusatory (reasons and characters). Subjects and parties to the proceedings. Judge. Public prosecutor. Judicial Police. Offended person (characters also in the light of the EU directives on "victim"). Injured person. Civil part. Civil liability. Civilly liable for the pecuniary penalty. Exponential company. Suspect / accused. Defender. Entity in the system of Legislative Decree 231/2001 as a procedural party. Auxiliaries. Expert. Private detective. Interpreter and translator (discipline as amended in implementation of the 2014 EU directive). Acts (from the formal point of view). Terms. Procedural defects in general. Inexistence. Unusable. Inadmissibility and forfeiture. Nullity. Proceedings from the subjective point of view. Means of proof and research means of proof (characters, functions, differences). Inspections, searches, evidential seizure, wiretapping of communications and conversations. Art. 220 disp. att. c.p.p. (inspection and surveillance). Art. 223 disp. att. c.p.p. Crime report. Registration of the crime report (art.335 of the criminal code). Means of evidence: arts. 187 and 188, atypical test pursuant to art. 189 c.p.p. Testimonial evidence. Comparison. Judicial experiment. Examination of the parties. Reconnaissance. Documentary evidence. Expertise, technical advice and unrepeatable technical assessments. Evidence accident. Defensive investigations. Pre-security measures and personal precautionary measures. Real precautionary measures: conservative seizure and preventive seizure. Archiving procedure.

Bibliografia e materiale didattico

Modulo di Diritto Penale (Criminal law Module)

Tullio Padovani, Diritto Penale, Milano 2023


Modulo di Diritto Processuale Penale (Criminale Procedure Law Module)

AA.VV., Compendio di procedura penale, a cura di G. Conso - V. Grevi - M. Bargis, IX ed., Padova, CEDAM, 2018.



Criminal law Module

Tullio Padovani, Diritto Penale, Milano 2023

Criminale Procedure Law Module

AA.VV., Compendio di procedura penale, a cura di G. Conso - V. Grevi - M. Bargis, IX ed., Padova, CEDAM, 2018.

Modalità d'esame

Esame orale finale.

Final oral exam.

Assessment methods

Final oral exam.

Updated: 17/11/2023 16:40