Modules | Area | Type | Hours | Teacher(s) | |
- L’evoluzione del concetto di Quaternario: dal “post-Pliocene” all’interpretazione attuale. Introduzione all'Antropocene
- Stratigrafia isotopica, stratigrafia paleomagnetica, geocronologia e paleoclimatologia nello studio del Quaternario.
- L’impatto delle glaciazioni nell’evoluzione degli ambienti quaternari.
- Variazioni climatiche e variazioni del livello del mare.
- Paleogeografia e bioeventi nel Bacino Mediterraneo dal Neogene all’Olocene.
- Il significato di “ospiti nordici” e “ospiti caldi” nel contesto dell’evoluzione delle faune marine quaternarie del Bacino Mediterraneo.
- Evoluzione delle associazioni faunistiche a mammiferi continentali nel Quaternario italiano.
- Le faune insulari a mammiferi: concetti generali ed esempi nel Quaternario del Bacino Mediterraneo
Quaternary geochronology, isotopic stratigraphy, magnetic stratigraphy and biostratigraphy. The proxy data as archives for the reconstruction of the Quaternary climatic evolution. Cyclicity in climate and orbital control.
The glaciations: potential trigger mechanims of the glacial events during the Neogene and the Quaternary. The traditional concept of glacial and interglacial periods. MPR as transitional period among preglacial and glacial Pleistocene. Consequences of the glaciations over the environment evolution.
The Quaternary sea-level changes: their causes and relationships with tha climatic variability.
Paleogeography and bioevents in the Mediterranean Basin: from the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition to the Holocene. The meaning of “boreal guest” and “warm guest” in the Pleistocene malacofaunas. Biochronology of the Pliocene-Pleistocene: the large mammal Faunal Units and the contribution of micromammals. The insular mammal faunas. The large mammal extinctions at the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary
Dispense e pubblicazioni fornite dal Docente
Alcuni testi per eventuali approfondimenti:
Andersen B.G. et al. – 1994 – The Ice Age world. Scandinavian Univ. Press
Anderson D.E. et al – 2007 – Global environments through the Quaternary. OUP
Bowen D.Q. -1983 - Quaternary Geology, Pergamon Press.
Elias (ed.) - 2013– Encyclopedia of Quaternary Sciences (4 voll) Elsevier
Lowe J.J., Walker M.J.C. –2015 – Reconstructing Quaternary environments. Taylor & Francis
Mahaney W.C. (ed.) -1984 - Quatemary Dating Methods. Development. in Paleontology and Stratigraphy. n. 7. Elsevier.
Murray-Wallace C.V., Woodroffe C.D. - 2014 – Quaternary sea-level changes. Cambridge
Walker M. – 2005 – Quaternary dating methods. Wiley
Williams M. et al. – 1998 – Quaternary environments. Arnold Editor
Van der Gerr et al. – 2010 – Evolution of Island mammals. Wiley-Blackwell
Andersen B.G. et al. – 1994 – The Ice Age world. Scandinavian Univ. Press
Anderson D.E. et al – 2007 – Global environments through the Quaternary. OUP
Bowen D.Q. -1983 - Quaternary Geology, Pergamon Press.
Elias (ed.) - 2013– Encyclopedia of Quaternary Sciences (4 voll) Elsevier
Lowe J.J., Walker M.J.C. –2015 – Reconstructing Quaternary environments. Taylor & Francis
Mahaney W.C. (ed.) -1984 - Quatemary Dating Methods. Development. in Paleontology and Stratigraphy. n. 7. Elsevier.
Murray-Wallace C.V., Woodroffe C.D. - 2014 – Quaternary sea-level changes. Cambridge
Walker M. – 2005 – Quaternary dating methods. Wiley
Williams M. et al. – 1998 – Quaternary environments. Arnold Editor
Van der Gerr et al. – 2010 – Evolution of Island mammals. Wiley-Blackwell
Canale TEAMS per connessione da remoto
commissione di esame
RAGAINI (presidente), COLLARETA (membro), MERELLA (membro)
ZANCHETTA (presidente), BIANUCCI (membro), GARIBOLDI (member)
examination board
RAGAINI (president), COLLARETA (member), MERELLA (member)
ZANCHETTA (president), BIANUCCI (member), GARIBOLDI (member)