Scheda programma d'esame
Academic year2023/24
PeriodSemester 1 & 2

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the students will have acquired:

  • the knowledge about sedimentary rocks and they will be able to identify them by macroscopic observations.
  • the knowledge of the sedimentary processes and stratigraphy principles;
  • the tools to identify the depositional environments by the analysis of the sedimentary sequences and to represent them graphically;
  • the knowledge about rock deformation;
  • the skills for describing and classifying igneous and metamorphic rocks by observation of hand specimens;
  • the knowledge of igneous and metamorphic rock-forming processes;
  • the knowledge of the link between rock-forming processes and plate tectonics framework.
Assessment criteria of knowledge

The acquisition of knowledge will be monitored and assessed during the lab activities, by means of tests or meetings between the lecturer and group of students.


The student will be able to describe and classify igneous, metamorphc and sedimentary rocks. The student will also be able to link rocks to their genetic processes in the framework of plate tectonics.

Assessment criteria of skills

The acquisition of skills will be assessed during the lab activities.


The student will make practical experience in the description, classification and origin of rocks.

Assessment criteria of behaviors

The acquisition of behaviors will be assessed during the lab activities.


Fundamental of Geology, as taught in the Preparatory Year.

Teaching methods

Blended Learning: 6 ECTS credits of lectures online through MS Teams platform. 4 ECTS credits of lectures in presence. 2 ECTS credits of laboratory in presence.

Teaching materials available on MS Teams platform for dowload. Communication between teacher  and  students through MS Teams platform and in presence.


Introductory Geology – Exogenous (6 credits)

Earth materials: Sedimentary rocks

Rocks cycle and classification of sedimentary rock. Distribution of sedimentary rocks and their importance for society.Sedimentary rocks: Clastic, Biochemical, Biogenic, Organic, Chemical precipitates. Textural parameters. Methods of observation and identification of sedimentary rocks (hand lens, optical microscope).Sedimentray rocks: their use in society.

Sedimentary processes

Selective and mass sedimentary transport. Type of deposits. Ripples from unidirectional bidirectional and oscillatory currents and their classification. Mass wasting processes. Types of stratifications.


Sedimentary rocks and earth geological history:  principles of stratigraphy. Types of stratigraphic contacts. Unconformities. Lithostratigraphic Biostratigraphic and Cronostratigraphic units. Methods of stratigraphic dating. The field description of sedimentary rocks and stratigraphic sequences

Sedimentary environments

Actualism principle, Walter's Law and types of sedimentary sequences. Facies concept. Sedimentary depositional environments and their classification. Continental, coastal and marine  sedimentary environments.

Tectonic and geodynamics

Rocks deformation and main structures of brittle and ductile deformation. Fault and fold. Geodynamic environments of sedimentary rocks.


Introductory Geology - Endogenous (6 credits)



Time, space, and rates in Geology. Introducing the Blue Planet.

Earth's materials: elements, minerals, rocks

Description and classification of minerals - instruments, methods. Description and classification of rocks - instruments (hand lens, optical microscope), texture, mineralogy, chemical composition (chemical analyses, tables). Description and classification of igneous rocks - modal plots, chemical plots. Description and classification of metamorphic rocks. Earth materials as resources: an overview. 

Plate tectonics

Earth's internal structure. Lithosphere and plates. Earth internal motion and geodynamics, physiography and structure of plate margins. The plate margins - divergent, convergent, transcurrent - earthquakes and volcanoes.

Rock forming processes in the plate tectonic scenario

Processes at divergent/constructive plate boundaries - magma genesis, magma ascent, intrusion, volcanism, hydrothermal metamorphism. Processes at convergent plate boundaries - subduction zones - magma genesis, magma ascent and intrusion, regional metamorphism - contact metamorphism, arc volcanism. Processes at convergent plate boundaries - collision zones - post-collisional processes - metamorphism and crustal melting. Processes in intraplate settings - oceanic islands, intracontinental rifts.

Rocks in the lab and in the field

Field description of igneous rocks - granitic and mafic complexes - shallow level intrusions. Field description of igneous rocks - lava flows - pyroclastic rocks. Field description of metamorphic rocks. Classification of igneous rocks by process. Classification of metamorphic rocks by process.

Chronostratigraphy/isotopic dating

Geology as an historical science- isotope chronology.


Stephen J. Reynolds, Julia K. Johnson , Paul J. Morin, Charles M. Carter, Exploring Geology, 6th edition, 2022, McGraw-Hill Education.

 Brian J. Skinner, Barbara Murck, The blue planet: an introduction to earth system science, 3rd ed. 2011, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 

Chris King, Exploring Geoscience across the Globe, Published at: (open access, free download).

Brian J. Skinner, Stephen C. Porter, Jeffrey Park, The Dynamic Earth - An introduction to physical geology, 5th edition, 2004, John Wiley & Sons.


Assessment methods

The exam will consist of

  • a lab test for rock description during the first semester
  • a written test for Exogenous topics at the end of the first semester
  • a written test for Endogenous topics at the end of the first semester
  • a lab test for rock classification during the second semester
  • a written test for Exogenous topics at the end of the second semest
  • a written test for Endogenous topics at the end of the first semester
  • a final oral examination.


Presidente: Sergio Rocchi

membri: Giovanni sarti, Silvia Fornasaro

Presidente supplente:Giovanni Sarti



President: Sergio Rocchi. Members: Giovanni Sarti, Silvia Fornasaro
Substitute president: Adriano Ribolini. Substitute members: Francesca Meneghini, Pier paolo Giacomoni.

Updated: 07/03/2024 09:54