Scheda programma d'esame
Academic year2016/17
PeriodSemester 2

Learning outcomes
The students who complete the course successfully will be aware of the problems about teaching/learning the Greek language at school, will be able to show their knowledge of modern and traditional language-learning techniques, to plan the study of the ancient Greek language in a logical way and to know the basic process of how Greek works. Moreover, they will be able to propose topics of literary history in a high school class, to present the Greek texts, by analysing grammatical structures, writing style, and contents in order to understand different sides of the ancient Greek civilization.
Assessment criteria of knowledge
The student will be assessed on his/her demonstrated abilities to discuss the main course contents using the appropriate terminology. During the oral exam the student must be able to demonstrate his/her knowledge of the course material and be able to discuss the reading matter thoughfully and with propriety of expression. The student's ability to explain the main topics presented during the course at the board will be assessed. The student will be requested to interpret a text by the textual analyse and his knowledgeof of the author and the historical cultural context.


  • Final oral exam

Further information:
The evaluation concerns either the knowledge of the ancient Greek language ed of the problems of teaching-learning it al school or the ability to deal with a literary topic in a high scool class. No specified weighting is made

Teaching methods

Delivery: face to face

Learning activities:

  • attending lectures
  • preparation of oral/written report
  • individual study

Attendance: Advised

Teaching methods:

  • Lectures
  • Seminar
  • laboratory

Programma (contenuti dell'insegnamento)

L’Apologia di Platone: stile, patrimonio lessicale, sintassi

Il corso affronterà pagine con funzione canonica inserite nella didattica del nostro Liceo, l’Apologia di Platone, pagine del suo periodo giovanile che riflettono, con lo spessore della letteratura, la difesa pronunciata da Socrate in tribunale. Stile, patrimonio lessicale, sintassi convergono con grande risultato nella personale interpretazione di Socrate, intellettuale che nell’indagine sull’uomo scopre il motivo ultimo del suo agire, indicato dall’oracolo di Delfi. La generale cornice protrettica favorisce il rifiuto dell’eristica e dell’indagine sulla natura, che rende possibile un emergere pur embrionale dell’elenchos e della speranza nell’immortalità dell’anima. Rilievo non marginale ha il confronto con le ombre di Anassagora e Alcibiade su problemi religiosi e politici.

A part of the course is aimed to teaching how to teach ancient Greek language in a high school class. Particular attention is paid to issues often disregarded in traditional school practice - such as lexicon and syntax - in order to improve in linguistic unterstanding and learning. A second part of the course is dedicated to the reading of ancient Greek texts to supply useful models for practical purposes. The texts are analyzed in their different components by pointing out the grammatical structures, the specific features of the literary genre, the contents and the role played by their authors in the literary history of ancient Greece.
Bibliografia e materiale didattico

Platone                    Apologia

Aristofane                Nuvole

A. Taglia, Apologia di Socrate, in B. Centrone, A. Taglia, Eutifrone, Apologia di Socrate, Critone, Torino 2010, 101-144

P. Friedländer, Platon, I e II, Berlin-New York 1964, III ed., trad. it. Milano 2004, 151-162 e 567-583

G. Mastromarco, Aristofane, Bari 2006, 36-82

R. Pierini, R. Tosi, Capire il Greco, Bologna 2014, 217-232

The bibliography is indicated year by year becouse it is a specialized course and the topics change every year.
Work placement
Updated: 14/11/2016 17:27