Scheda programma d'esame
Academic year2017/18
PeriodSemester 1

Obiettivi di apprendimento
Learning outcomes

The student who completes the course successfully will be able to demonstrate a solid knowledge of:

- the main results of second language acquisition research 

- the main approaches, methods and techniques in language teaching

- the main issues relating to plurilingualism and intercultural communication

- the use of technology in language learning


The student who completes the course successfully will be able to demonstrate a solid knowledge of:

- the main results of second language acquisition research and of neuroscience studies on language learning.

- the main approaches, methods and techniques in language teaching.

- the main issues relating to plurilingualism and intercultural communication.

Modalità di verifica delle conoscenze

In-course tests. Final oral exam.

Assessment criteria of knowledge

In-course tests. Final oral exam.

Further information:
Students who attend the course will be examined on a reduced programme of which they will be notified during the lessons.

Indicazioni metodologiche

Teacher led lessons. Cooperative learning groups. Cooperative mobile learning.

Teaching methods

Learning activities:

  • attending lectures
  • participation in discussions
  • individual study
  • group work
  • ICT assisted study

Attendance: Advised

Teaching methods:

  • Lectures
  • Task-based learning/problem-based learning/inquiry-based learning
  • Cooperative mobile learning.
Programma (contenuti dell'insegnamento)

The course starts with an investigation of the learners’ needs, in order to determine part of the course contents, and covers the major outcomes of second language acquisition research with particular attention to their implications for second language teaching and assessment.

Attention will be dedicated above all to:

- language teaching research

- language teaching approaches, methods and techniques

- the effective use of technology in language learning/teaching

-  the relationship between language and culture

- plurilingualism and intercultural communication.


The course starts with an investigation of the learners’ needs, in order to determine part of the course contents, and covers the major outcomes of second language acquisition research with particular attention to their implications for second language teaching and assessment.

Attention will be dedicated above all to:

- language teaching research

- language teaching approaches, methods and techniques

- the effective use of technology in language learning/teaching

-  the relationship between language and culture

- plurilingualism and intercultural communication.

Bibliografia e materiale didattico

1) D. Coppola, Modelli monologici e dialogici: un'introduzione allo studio dei processi comunicativi e della comunicazione interculturale, "Scienza e Pace", Research Papers n.3, V, 2014 (on line, open access). 

2) D. Coppola, Parlare, comprendersi, interagire. Glottodidattica e formazione interculturale, Pisa 2009 (Sezione prima: 4 saggi a scelta; Sezione seconda: tutta), oppure, in alternativa, P.E.Balboni, D.Coste, M.Vedovelli, Il diritto al plurilinguismo, Milano 2014.

3) M. La Grassa, D. Troncarelli, Orientarsi in rete. Didattica delle lingue e tecnologie digitali, Becarelli, 2016 (in formato digitale), oppure, in alternativa, C. Cervini, A. Valdivieso (a cura di), Dispositivi formativi e modalità ibride per l'apprendimento linguistico, Bologna 2016. 

 3) Un testo a scelta tra i seguenti:

A. Ciliberti, Glottodidattica, Roma 2014.

M. D'Angelo, Nuove tecnologie per la didattica delle lingue e della traduzione, Roma 2012.

Favaro L., Menegale M. (a cura di), Tecnologie e autonomia nell’apprendimento linguistico, 2014, numero monografico della rivista EL.LE, n. 7, 2014 -

Ch. Hélot, M. Barni, R. Janssens, C. Bagna (a cura di), Linguistic Landscapes, Multilingualism and Social Change, Francoforte, Lang.

F. Gallina, Le parole degli stranieri. Il lessico dell'italiano parlato dagli stranieri, Guerra, 2015. 

P. Mehisto, D. Marsh, M,J. Frigols, Uncovering CLIL :content and language integrated learning in bilingual and multilingual education, Oxford 2008.

J. Richards,  T. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Foreign Language Teaching, Cambridge 2001.

Students who attend the course will be examined on a reduced programme of which they will be informed during classes.


1) D. Coppola, Parlare, comprendersi, interagire. Glottodidattica e formazione interculturale, Pisa 2009 (Sezione prima: 4 saggi a scelta; Sezione seconda: tutta).

2) C. Cervini, A. Valdivieso (a cura di), 2016. Dispositivi formativi e modalità ibride per l'apprendimento linguistico, Bologna 2014. (Prefazione, Postfazione + 6 articoli a scelta) 

 3) Un testo a scelta tra i seguenti:

P.E.Balboni, D.Coste, M.Vedovelli, Il diritto al plurilinguismo, Milano 2014.

P.E. Balboni, Fare educazione linguistica, UTET Università, Novara 2013

M. D'Angelo, Nuove tecnologie per la didattica delle lingue e della traduzione, Roma 2012.

Favaro L., Menegale M. (a cura di), Tecnologie e autonomia nell’apprendimento linguistico, 2014, numero monografico della rivista EL.LE, n. 7, 2014 -

Ch. Hélot, M. Barni, R. Janssens, C. Bagna (a cura di), Linguistic Landscapes, Multilingualism and Social Change, Francoforte, Lang.

P. Mehisto, D. Marsh, M,J. Frigols, Uncovering CLIL :content and language integrated learning in bilingual and multilingual education, Oxford 2008.

J. Richards,  T. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Foreign Language Teaching, Cambridge 2001.

Students who attend the course will be examined on a reduced programme of which they will be informed during classes.

Indicazioni per non frequentanti

Texts indicated in Bibliography concern only non attending students.

Students who attend the course will be examined on a reduced programme of which they will be informed during classes.

Modalità d'esame

Oral exam.

Assessment methods

Oral exam

Work placement



Orario delle lezioni: PRIMO SEMESTRE

martedì ore 16, aula Ricci 7

mercoledì ore 14,15, aula Ricci 7

giovedì ore 14,15, aula Ricci 10.

Le lezioni inizieranno martedì 3 ottobre alle ore 16, nell'aula 7 di Palazzo Ricci (Ricci 7).

Le eventuali lezioni di recupero ore, si terranno nelle stesse aule, salvo diversa indicazione della docente.

Updated: 26/09/2017 12:41