Modules | Area | Type | Hours | Teacher(s) | |
Il corso ha lo scopo di fornire le conoscenze di base sulla tossicità delle più importanti e/o frequenti sostanze tossiche che possono ritrovarsi negli alimenti di origine animale o che possano provocare intossicazioni in animali da produzione.
The Integrated class aims to provide knowledges on general principles of toxicology; basic rules of antidotes and decontamination; toxicology of the most dangerous toxicant that can be found in the environment; environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage; the protection of water and water pollution by nitrates from agricultural sources; the prevention or reduction of waste production and its harmfulness; pollution caused by animal production breedings.
The student who completes the course successfully will be able to demonstrate a solid knowledge of the main issues related to the environmental pollution. He/she will acquire knowledge concerning: general principles of toxicology; basic rules of antidotes and decontamination; toxicology of the most dangerous toxicant that can be found in the environment; environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage; the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources; the prevention or reduction of waste production and its harmfulness; the modernization of farms and on improving the efficiency of agricultural structures; the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources; laying down health rules concerning animal by-products not intended for human consumption; integrated pollution prevention and control.
Le modalità di verifica delle conoscenze sono prove finali scritte e/o orali sugli argomenti trattati nel corso delle lezioni frontali e delle esercitazioni.
Toxicology module
The student will be able to:
- carry out laboratory methods/sampling procedures/accurate measurements concerning toxics in animal matrices;
- evaluate the symptoms of the intoxicated animals, diagnosing the substance that has triggered the intoxication;
- argument the subjects dealt during lectures;
- link the toxicology with other disciplines and to know the toxicology in practical/professional way.
Environmental pollution module
The student will be able to:
- The student will be assessed on his/her demonstrated ability to discuss the main course contents using the appropriate terminology.
Lo studente sarà in grado di:
Toxicology module
The student will be able to:
Environmental legislation module
The student will be able to:
Le capacità individuali di ciascuno studente verranno valutate dai docenti per ciascun modulo tramite l’osservazione diretta durante le lezioni frontali e le attività pratiche. Il docente esprimerà una valutazione sulle capacità di ciascuno studente.
The individual abilities will be assessed by the professor for each module. The students will be observed during both lessons and practical trainings. The professor will assign a judgment for each student.
Lo studente dovrà saper lavorare in gruppo e comportarsi in maniera adeguata nei diversi ambiti secondo la normativa vigente sulla sicurezza. Ogni studente dovrà comportarsi in maniera adeguata a lezione ed essere puntuale. Lo studente dovrà avere la capacità di seguire il corso nei tempi rielaborando il contenuto delle lezioni.
The student will be able to work in team and in compliance with current rules concerning animal welfare and safety in the workplaces. The student will have to behave in an appropriate manner during lessons and to be on time. The student will have to show the ability to follow each module and to elaborate the topics explained during the lessons. The student will be able to work according to GLP.
L’acquisizione dei comportamenti sarà verificato tramite l’osservazione diretta dello studente da parte di ciascun docente dei moduli del corso integrato. Lo studente sarà valutato nello svolgimento delle attività pratiche relativamente alla correttezza delle attività svolte (ad esempio sapersi comportare dentro un laboratorio). Inoltre lo studente sarà valutato durante la didattica frontale nella sua interazione con il docente e con gli altri studenti durante la discussione attiva della lezione.
The acquisition of the behaviours will be evaluated by direct observation of each student by the professor for each module. The student will be evaluated during his/her interaction with the patient, the owner/breeder.
During each practical training session (toxicology module), the student will be evaluated for the ability to work in team and safely. Moreover, the student will be evaluated about his/her punctuality and the behavior in an academic environment. The student will be evaluated for the ability to follow the lectures, to elaborate their content in short time, and for his/her motivation and engagement during the lessons. Finally, the student will be evaluated during practical training concerning the ability to work in good safety practice according to the safety rules.
During the lessons and practical teachings the supervisor will express an evaluation on the acquired skills.
Per seguire in modo efficace il corso, lo studente deve avere sufficienti conoscenze sulla biochimica e fisiologia. Inoltre lo studente dovrebbe avere una conoscenza di base della lingua inglese.
In order to effectively attend the course, the student should have knowledges biochemistry and physiology. Moreover, the student should be proficient in English.
Nel presente corso integrato, le lezioni sono frontali (50 ore totali) con ausilio slide, foto e filmati. La didattica pratica, si svolge in laboratorio (16 ore/studente per 2 gruppi di studenti, totale ore 32) con l'ausilio di mezzi di materiale specifico, materiale cartaceo e PC.
Classroom lessons: 80h (50h toxicology module and 30h environmental legislation module)
During the lessons the aids used will be slides, photographs, videos.
Training session: (16h/each student, 2 groups for a total of 32h).
During the training session the aids used will be slides, photographs, videos and laboratory material.
The description and the accessory informations on the integrated course can be consulted on e-learning.
Each professor has a direct relationship with the students through the use of individual welcome, email, telephone.
Each professor will carried out ongoing tests and a final exam.
Delivery: face to face
Attendance: Not mandatory
Learning activities:
Teaching methods:
Introduzione del corso agli studenti. Spiegazione modalità d'esame. Introduzione alla tossicologia: che cosa è la tossicologia, campi di applicazione, nomenclatura (2h)
Tossicologia generale: vari tipi di tossicità, fattori che influenzano la tossicità, curva dose effetto, curva cumulativa, dose letale 50, indice terapeutico, margine di sicurezza (4h).
Tossicocinetica: principali parametri cinetici. VD, proteine plasmatiche, clearance, half life, barriere fisiologiche (4h).
Tossicocinetica: metabolismo di fase 1 e 2. Meccanismi di funzionamento, famiglie e sua importanza nella tossicologia (4h).
Tossicologia generale: come trattare un animale intossicato. Antidoti: definizione e varie classi (4h).
Residui: generalità, definizioni e classificazione. Neoformati, pervenuti, aggiunti. Estraibili e non estraibili (6h).
Tossicologia dei residui: Rischi tossicologici diretti ed indiretti. fenomeni tossici, effetti allergizzanti, immuno-depressivi, sulla flora intestinale, mutageni, cancerogeni, teratogeni. Antibiotico resistenza (8h).
Tossicologia dei residui: biodisponibilità e “relay toxicity” (2h).
Tossicologia dei residui: Valutazione e gestione del rischio. NOEL, ADI, MRL, WT. Esempi di calcolo (2h).
Antiparassitari nelle produzioni animali (2h).
POPs: diossine e PCB. Caratteristiche tossicologiche, meccanismo d'azione e calcolo della loro potenziale tossicità. TEF, TEQ (2h).
Antibiotici nelle produzione animali. Valutazione del dosaggio razionale attraverso parametri PK/PD (2h).
Sostanze per aumentare la massa muscolare in animali da produzione: Steroidi anabolizzanti, somatotropine, beta2 agonisti. Tossicità per il consumatore (2h).
Pesticidi: insetticidi. Organoclorurati, organofosforici/carbamati, piretrine e piretroidi, regolatori della crescita e nuove classi selettive per l'insetto (2h).
Pesticidi: rodenticici. Ad azione anticoagulante e vari (stricnina, scilla rossa, brometalina, colecalciferolo, alfacloralosia, fosfuro di zinco,.....) (2h).
Micotossine: Tricoteceni tipo b, zearalenone, patuilna, funimosine, ergot. Sinergismo tra micotossine. AOA contaminati da micotossine. strategie per evitare la crescita di micotossine (2h).
Micotossine generalità Aflatossine e Fuminosine (2h).
Esercitazioni: HPLC teoria per il suo funzionamento applicato alle analisi sui prodotti di OA. Preparazione di una curva di calibrazione a partire da una matrice di controllo. Metodo dello standard interno. Preparazione di campioni di origine animale contaminati naturalmente con il tossico. Analisi dei dati ottenuti i giorni precedenti e valutazione della contaminazione della matrice (16h/studente per 2 gruppi, totale 32h).
Introduction of the course to the students. Exam procedures. Introduction to toxicology: What toxicology is, application fields, nomenclature (2h).
General toxicology: Types of Toxicology, factors affecting toxicology, dose-effect curve, cumulative curve, LD 50, therapeutic index, safety margin (4h).
Toxicokinetics: main toxicokinetic parameters. Volume of distribution, plasma protein, clearance, half-life, physiological barriers (4h).
Toxicokinetics: phase I and II metabolism. Mechanisms of action, classification in families, its importance in toxicology (4h).
General toxicology: how to decontaminate an intoxicated animal. Antidotes: definitions and classes.
Residues: definition and classification. Neo-formed, achieved, added. Extractable/non extractable (6h).
Toxicology of residues: Toxicological risk: direct and non direct. Toxic phenomena, allergic effects, imunodepressant effects, effect on the intestinal flora, mutagen, cancerogen, teratogen, antibiotic resistance (8h).
Toxicology of residues: bioavailability and “relay toxicity” (2h).
Toxicology of residues: Risk evaluation and management. NOEL, ADI, MRL, WT. Example of calculation (2h).
Antiparassistic drugs in food producing animals (2h).
POPs: dioxins and PCB. Toxicological features, mechanism of actions and calculation of their potential toxicity. TEF, TEQ (2h).
Antibacterial drugs in food producing animals. Evaluation of the rational dosage regimen according to PK/PD parameters (2h).
Substances increasing the muscle mass in food producing animals: Anabolic steroids, GH, b2 agonists. Toxicity for the consumer (2h).
Pesticides: insecticides. Organochlorines, organophosphorics/carbamates, pyrethrin and pyrethroids, grow promoters and new classes of insecticides selective for insects 2h).
Pesticides: rodenticides. Anticoagulants and non anticoagulant (strycnine, scilla rossa, brometalin, colecalciferol, alfacloralosio, zinc phosphide,.....) (2h)
Mycotoxins general concept. Aflatoxins and Fuminosins (2h).
Mycotoxins: Trycothecens b-type, zearalenone, patuiln, funimosin, ergot. Synergism between mycotoxins. Food and feed contaminated by mycotoxins. Strategy and actions to avoid the mycotoxin grow (2h).
Practical work: HPLC Theory for its working principles. Set up a calibration curves from a control matrix. Internal standard method. Clean up of organic matric incurred with the toxic. Data analysis and evaluation of the contamination of the samples (16h/each student for a total of 32h).
Environmental legislation module (30h)
Environmental protection, rules on this topic (8h).
Prevention and compensation for environmental damages (2h).
Protection of water, rules on this topic; water pollution caused by nitrates (3h).
Rules on wastes in general, detrimental wastes and packaging wastes (3h).
Pollution caused by animal productions (4h).
By-products of animal origin (4h).
On-going tests (4h).
The course covers the general european and italian rules concerning the environmental pollution and also approaches the main issues related to the most toxic substances that can contaminate our environment. This teaching deals with substances potentially toxic for pets, food producing animals as well as human being. Particular emphasis to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage which should be implemented through the furtherance of the "polluter pays" principle, as indicated in the Treaty and in line with the principle of sustainable development based on the fundamental principle that an operator whose activity has caused the environmental damage or the imminent threat of such damage is to be held financially liable, in order to induce operators to adopt measures and develop practices to minimize the risks of environmental damage so that their exposure to financial liabilities is reduced.
Tossicologia Veterinaria (Mengozzi e Soldani). Edizione Idelson Nocchi.
Environmental legislation module: the slides showed durring the classroom sessions will be provided on e-learning and delivered on request.
Toxicology module: Tossicologia Veterinaria. Mengozzi G. Soldani G. Idelson Gnocchi Edition.
Informations for not course attendant students
The integrated course has not a mandatory attendance.
Recommended reading includes the following works Texts of European and Italian rules (Regulations, Directives, Laws, Legislative Decrees) Tossicologia Veterinaria. Mengozzi G. Soldani G. edizione Idelson Gnocchi.
Gli studenti non frequentanti sono pregati di
contattare il docente per ulteriori informazioni su
libri di testo, materiale didattico integrativo,
programma d'esame e calendario degli esami.
Le modalità degli esami sono identiche per
frequentanti e non frequentanti.
Non-attending students are requested to contact the
teacher for further information about the
textbooks, supplemental teaching material, exam
program and calendar of exams.
The modalities of exams are identical for attending
and non-attending students.
La prova d'esame sarà scritta a fine corso ed orale per gli appelli successivi e consisterà in un colloquio sulla stessa materia del modulo oggetto dell'esame tra il candidato e il docente o tra il candidato e collaboratori (compresi i cultori di materia) del docente titolare del corso.
L'esame non è superato se il candidato mostra di non essere stato in grado di esprimersi in modo chiaro, di usare la terminologia corretta e di non aver risposto correttamente alle domande proposte.
Both modules will be performed during the same date. The toxicology module will be assessed by an oral exam on the topic explained during the lessons. The environmental legislation module will be assessed by a written test (open question test or multiple choise test). During the timetable lessons, the environmental legislation module will also be assessed by two on-going tests. will be take into account for the formulation of the final exam mark.
The oral/written exam is failed when the student is not able to express himself/herself clearly, to use the right terminology, and to have not answered correctly to the questions asked.