Academic year 2020/2021


Course structure diagram w/credits

Track Produzioni Agroalimentari e Gestione degli Agroecosistemi

Year 1 (2020/2021)
212GGApidology and apiculture6 ECTS
325GGCrop protection6 ECTS
064GGPlant breeding6 ECTS
047ZWUE foreign language (B2 level)3 ECTS
Group Gruppo dei lavori guidati - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 1707ZApplications of precision agriculture3 ECTS
 1710ZCAD laboratory3 ECTS
 1708ZCareer labs3 ECTS
 1714ZEvaluation of the impact of livestock farms and wildlife animals on the landscape and on the environment3 ECTS
 1709ZImpact of forestry management on agroecosystems and landscape3 ECTS
 1715ZManagement and safety of urban trees3 ECTS
 460ZWProfessional competence of agronomist3 ECTS
 1712ZSafety at the workplace3 ECTS
 1711ZWater resource monitoring and management3 ECTS
 1713ZWeed flora agro-ecological assessment3 ECTS
Group Gruppo delle discipline a scelta libera - Choice of 12 ECTS from:
 459GGAdvanced food policy6 ECTS
 054GGBiological and integrated control6 ECTS
 015EECrop plant physiology6 ECTS
 222GGLow input and organic agricultural systems6 ECTS
 219GGOlive growing and viticulture 6 ECTS
 324GGPhytovirological and environmental certification6 ECTS
 475EEPrinciples of toxicology of officinal plants6 ECTS
Year 2 (2021/2022)
1932ZComputer ability 22 ECTS
049ZWFinal test16 ECTS
202GGFood storage and processing6 ECTS
392GGRural and environmental appraisal6 ECTS
1281ZStage9 ECTS
Group Discipline della fertilità e conservazione del suolo - per TUTTI E 3 I PERCORSI - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 390GGChemical ecology6 ECTS
 218GGSoil Microbiology and Soil Biological Fertility6 ECTS
 080GGUse and recycling of biomasses6 ECTS
Group Discipline della ingegneria agraria - per TUTTI E 3 I PERCORSI - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 216GGFarm mechanization in organic farming6 ECTS
 512GGTopography and farm buildings6 ECTS
Group Gruppo dei lavori guidati - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 1707ZApplications of precision agriculture3 ECTS
 1710ZCAD laboratory3 ECTS
 1708ZCareer labs3 ECTS
 1714ZEvaluation of the impact of livestock farms and wildlife animals on the landscape and on the environment3 ECTS
 1709ZImpact of forestry management on agroecosystems and landscape3 ECTS
 1715ZManagement and safety of urban trees3 ECTS
 460ZWProfessional competence of agronomist3 ECTS
 1712ZSafety at the workplace3 ECTS
 1711ZWater resource monitoring and management3 ECTS
 1713ZWeed flora agro-ecological assessment3 ECTS