Academic year 2023/2024


Course structure diagram w/credits

Track Biosicurezza e Qualità degli Alimenti

Year 1 (2023/2024)
102GGBioactive compunds and nutraceutics9 ECTS
299GGFood composition and analysis6 ECTS
003NNFood law6 ECTS
001GFFoods and physiology in human nutrition9 ECTS
083GGMicrobial food biotechnology9 ECTS
199GGMicrobiology, immunology and molecular virology 9 ECTS
300GGUnit operations in food9 ECTS
Group Attività consigliate per la libera scelta-6CFU - Choice of 6 ECTS from:
 378GGAnimal derived food and environmental impact6 ECTS
 501GGAnimal food quality6 ECTS
 271GGArtificial cultivation of food and medicinal plants6 ECTS
 480GGAuditing and certification system6 ECTS
 502GGFood composition and analysis6 ECTS
 503GGMicrobial food biotechnology6 ECTS
 049GGSustainable integrated aquaculture6 ECTS
 250GGToxicology6 ECTS
Year 2 (2024/2025)
1932ZComputer ability 22 ECTS
1527ZFinal test16 ECTS
 Foodborne zoonotic diseases6 ECTS
085GGFood safety6 ECTS
202GGFood storage and processing6 ECTS
200GGTechnologies of animal based food products6 ECTS
Group Attività consigliate per la libera scelta-3CFU - Choice of 3 ECTS from:
 1986ZAgro-Food Economics3 ECTS
Group Lingua straniera dell'UE - Choice of 3 ECTS from:
 1933ZUE foreign language (B2 level)3 ECTS
 2034ZUE foreign language (C1 level)3 ECTS
Group Tirocinio - Choice of 9 ECTS from:
 1528ZStage 11 ECTS
 1529ZStage 21 ECTS
 1531ZStage 31 ECTS
 1532ZStage 41 ECTS
 1533ZStage 51 ECTS
 1534ZStage 61 ECTS
 1535ZStage 71 ECTS
 1536ZStage 81 ECTS
 1537ZStage 91 ECTS