Modules | Area | Type | Hours | Teacher(s) | |
L’ attività di tirocinio è finalizzata alla conoscenza degli strumenti di indagine alimentare ed elaborazione diete per singoli individui sani o per collettività
The internship is aimed at learning about food investigation tools and diets elaboration for healthy individuals or for the community
esame orale
The internship is aimed at learning about food investigation tools and diets elaboration for healthy individuals or for the community
Lo studente deve essere in grado di:
The student must be able to:
collect the first level anthropometric data: age, weight, height
calculate and evaluate the Body Mass Index (BMI)
calculate the Basal Metabolism and the total daily energy requirement
use the methods of evaluating eating habits: recall-24h, frequency questionnaire, dietary history, food diary develop a dietary folder
develop personalized diet plans administer personalized diet plans
assess the patient's compliance by achieving the intermediate goals
achieved implement nutrition education intervention in healthy subjects
detect the dietary history of the patient with eating disorders
evaluate the Food Diary of the patient with eating disorders
elaborazione diete in gastroenterlogia, nefrologia, endocrinologia, cardiologia e pediatria
Diets and nutrition in gastroenterology, nephrology, endocrinology, cardiology and pediatrics
Conoscenze del primo anno di corso
Knowledge of the first year of the course
tirocinio presso ambulatori dietetici specialistici e visite in corsia
internership in hospital: ward and clinic